The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine provides improved immune response to the virus vs. natural Immunity
PRO Shall Only Argue That The mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine Provides Improved Immune Response To COVID-19 vs. Natural Immunity
CON Shall Only Argue That The mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine DOES NOT Provide Improved Immune Response To COVID-19 vs. Natural Immunity
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All terms shall first be defined from Merriam Webster's Medical Dictionary available here:
And if Merriam Webster's Medical Dictionary cannot provide a definition, then Merriam Webster's Online Dictionary available at will be used for all other words.
Specific definitions for debate:
COVID-19: SARS-Coronavirus-2019 and all variants.
Natural Immunity: immunity from COVID-19 that does NOT come from vaccines. Does NOT include "partially-vaccinated" individuals. Only those with no COVID mRNA vaccine of ANY kind.
mRNA COVID-19 Vaccine: the Pfizer/Bio-N-Tech COVID-19 mRNA vaccine that was approved for emergency use by the FDA
Improved: an immune response resulting in less chance of severe COVID-19 symptoms and lower chance of death
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1. Burden of Proof is shared.
2. No Ignoratio Elenchis.
3. No trolls.
4. Forfeiting one round = auto-loss.
5. Sources in comments or at bottom of round
- 10,000 characters
- One week for responses
- 3 rounds
- One week for voting
- 8 point system