locally 2007 high school kids 53% thought pot was harmful, 2017 32% however it doesn't seem to lead to more of them smoking it, which surprises me.
you like to see the line as a little fuzzy. How fun!
Size is relative to this or that. If you were the size of an atom, you would be you nor any known biological.If I were the size of an atom what would I be made out of?
What is your point, dude?
372 days later
I agree that smoking anything has detrimental health effects. There are other ways to consume marijuana that don't involve combustion. Edible products and vaporizing are two of them.
Weed I heard can strengthen brain connections in developed brains.
There are pros and cons to cannabis and it should be up to the individual to decide if it's right for them.
And now we know vaping can be even more dangerous than smoking.
49 days later
Aside from medicinal purposes, for the same reasons that someone would drink alcohol (which is far more destructive to brain cells).Why vape or smoke at all?
It's not up to you to decide what is reasonable for another person.None of that is reasonable reason to intake.
It's not up to you to decide what is reasonable for another person.
You don't appear clueless to anyone with a rational mind WP....make you appear clueless.
More evidence of you clueless-ness. Sad lack of moral and intellectual integrity. :--(But recreational it's a gateway drug to stuff like crack and heroine and whatnot.