Pedophile groomer speaks again. 🤦♂️
Also, some young people of today will be members of the government in the future when they are older.
Government thinks that you are too immature and uses that thinking to take away your choices from you.
You want to take away choice from young people because you think you know better, so do you agree that government should be able to take away your choice if government thinks that it knows better than you?
Is the comparison wrong, and why?
So taking away choices from young people is basic parenting?
No one ever claimed that there was no difference between parents and government, so you are refuting an argument no one ever made.
So, government telling adults what to do is wrong because adults are adults?
Then the parent(s) can do everything within their capacity to persuade the child so long as it does not involve coercion or violence.
don't see how societies power is an illusion,Though I would agree it is made of smaller groups,Perhaps country the largest group, then smaller factions within, smaller faction withing those factions, and so on.
I would agree there is some inconsistency in the terminology of consent, even for adults,But would argue this is why additional clarifiers are often made in arguments, such as informed consent, in medical for example.
I'd agree I see great value in one's right to themself,A society that uses people for the good of the many,Or some utilitarian goal,I find a bit dislikable,And admit such is even in American society, the military draft for example.
For younger individuals,They've yet to acquire the ability to make living wills,As opposed to older individuals,If an older individual failed to make preparations, then lost their mind, it can be difficult to know what they would have wanted.
How about instead of choosing an age, we use a responsibility level instead. When you move out of your mommy and daddies house, pay all your own bills and rent you can choose your sexuality. That includes paying for everything related to your sexuality choice.