Yeah, and a few other nutters ---false narrative type--- helped those Republicans. Yeah they did something, they took over The House and lost senate. Yes we have to credit to democrats, where credit is due in both of those.
Most people are inherently conservative, and want to hold onto what that have and value, irrespective of how little it may be. There are a few primary problem.
1} lack of any true moral integrity that encourages and supports a true spiritual imperative, ---ex all-for-one and one-for-all type thinking---,
......this is partly because the word spirit has so many definitions, of which most are related to illogical aspects of religion....
2} education of the truth, facts and science to an already overpopulated humanity, for the operating systems we have in place,
.........of course humans cant get past the false narrative dilemma regarding our declining ecological environment----
3} greed that is inherent to 1 and 2 above. We all want a higher standard of living and generally more stuff, without enough consideration of the costs to ecological environment that sustains us. Ive been on three most inexpensive cruises knowing full well the ecological damage they do, ergo, my spiritual imperative went out the window because, my spirit wanted that experience, on three differrent occasions.
I understand the mindset of its all going to hell in a handbasket, why not help it along. It is a lack of hope ergo a lack of purpose in our lives to make a meaningful differrence.
Utopia via nukes and Trumpet?
Oblivion via nukes and Trumpet?