A recent political advertisement in the state of Georgia has been widely criticized which alleges that Democratic policies are discriminating against white people. You can watch it here: https://twitter.com/_waleedshahid/status/1587645902730280961
The NAACP, an organization with an annual budget of around $25 million, has sent a letter to stations in Georgia demanding that the "misleading" ad be taken down: https://twitter.com/sahilkapur/status/1588182223471054848
I find this quite bizarre because I believe that every single claim in the advertisement is objectively true. As I see it, the advertisement made three major claims and I will analyze each one individually:
Claim #1:
Joe Biden tried to ration pandemic relief based on race
This one is just objectively true, and was proven in federal court. The Biden administration attempted to dole out relief funds to restaurants that were closed due to the pandemic based on race. White males were so far to the back of the line that there was a serious risk of the fund running out entirely before they were allowed to access it. Fortunately, the court stepped in and ruled that this discrimination was violating the law:
In addition, this decision was held up at the appeals court: https://www.forbes.com/sites/evangerstmann/2021/06/03/federal-appellate-court-rules-that-biden-administration-cant-deny-covid-relief-funds-to-white-restaurant-owners/?sh=4d3780d2d996
In addition, federal court slapped down an attempt to give money to nonwhite farmers, and only nonwhite farmers: " https://nypost.com/2021/06/12/judge-halts-bidens-4b-aid-program-for-farmers-of-color/ The judge in the case wrote:
"The “only consideration in determining whether a farmer or rancher’s loans should be completely forgiven is the person’s race or national origin,” Griesbach wrote. “Plaintiffs are completely excluded from participation in the program based on their race.”
“The obvious response to a government agency that claims it continues to discriminate against farmers because of their race or national origin is to direct it to stop: it is not to direct it to intentionally discriminate against others on the basis of their race and national origin,”
Verdict: This claim is objectively, indisputably true. The administration did attempt to ration COVID aid by race, with whites so far to the back of the line that they may not have gotten anything.
Claim #2: Kamala Harris said disaster aid should be rationed by race
This is by far the weakest claim in the ad, but I don't think it's misleading at all. Here is the clip so you can see for yourself: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/rM7oITGdjnY
Harris is specifically talking about hurricane, says that "communities of color" are most impacted (despite the hurricane in question hitting communities that were around 85-90% white) and stating that we need to be "giving resources based on equity."
Verdict: This is the weakest claim, but it still holds up as true
Claim #3: Medical treatment for COVID was rationed by race, with whites at the bottom
This is the most inflammatory claim and unfortunately, it is true that COVID treatments were rationed by race in certain jurisdictions.
Aaron Sibarium did some excellent reporting on this which you can read here: https://twitter.com/aaronsibarium/status/1479482941067743233 but in New York, minorities were automatically eligible to receive monoclonal antibodies, which were in short supply, "regardless of age or underlying conditions." In Minnesota, the "ethical framework" used to determine who could get this treatment prioritized black 18 year olds over white 64 year olds, even though the latter were clearly more at risk. In Utah (!) the formula which determined eligibility for the treatment gave more points for "Latinx ethnicity" than a history of "congestive heart failure."
In addition, when the vaccine was first being rolled out, the decision was made not to prioritize the elderly, who were actually dying, but frontline workers. Part of the rational, as I documented at the time here (https://www.debateart.com/forum/topics/5351-a-great-example-of-the-actual-purpose-of-identity-politics) was because the elderly (again, the people who were actually dying) were too white of a population to deserve access to the vaccine first.
In Vermont and Motana(!) white people were given access to the vaccine later than people of color were: https://www.latimes.com/science/story/2021-04-05/vermont-covid-19-vaccine-priority-minority-residents
Verdict: This claim is objectively true, although fortunately this did not happen everywhere. Nonetheless, discrimination against white people in accessing COVID treatments likely led to thousands if not tens of thousands of additional deaths in the white community.
I'm confused why this ad is getting any pushback at all since all of the claims made are factual. White Supremacy is a really weird system I suppose, when white people can be denied financial aid and lifesaving medical treatment and are shamed for complaining about it.