You may have given me much to reflect on, based on a cursory glance of the info
--> @oromagiYou may have given me much to reflect on, based on a cursory glance of the info
So am I to believe that interracial organ transplants have many more complications than within-race transplants because of a socioeconomic concept?Do we prescribe BiDil to only black people because of a socioeconomic concept from the 16th century? Don’t kid yourselfLet’s just be honest with each other here: I know that you don’t care that white characters are being purposely replaced. You might even actively support it as many liberals do. But don’t try to spew out these liberal talking points that are entirely based on an egalitarian fever dream.It’s fine that you don’t care about these characters being replaced, but don’t try to cloak it in these arguments saying a clearly white character isn’t white. Don’t pretend to be naive and say this isn’t happening
--> @LemmingInterracial organ transplant.Powwwwwwwwwwww , what a topic.I'm going to think about that for the rest of the day now.Thats awsome.I don't th8nk I've thought about that before.I've thought about (Band-aids ) being racist but not inter organ trans.Again thanks.