Whether or not you think it's fair that the cost would be passed down to the average medical consumer, it'd happen regardless. Even the CBO stated as much.
If you want to do something about skyrocketing insulin prices, then support supply-side economics. Lower regulatory barriers so that more companies (heck, it could be a non-profit) can get into the market and mass-produce cheap insulin for varieties and products whose patents have expired. Break the triopoly. The more supply rises and the greater the number of suppliers, the harder it is to keep prices artificially high.
This article lays out some existing barriers: the FDA's reluctance to approve insulin biosimilars (none approved as recently as 2020), lack of legal interchangeability between biosimilar products, and "entry barriers and anticompetitive practices", (admittedly the fault of private companies). Support policies that would reform the FDA and curb efforts by the established giants to block new competitors. But price controls have a terrible historical track record.