It is impossible to say the health concerns are false for all vaccines?
The side effects from all vaccine are less severe than the side effects for the diseases they protect you from.
In Christianity for example, the bible is just a set of inspired texts written by human, but there are most certainly other inspired texts and thoughts.
Do any of these prohibit vaccinations?
Which is a serious problem.
How else do you define the truth?
For example, there is proof that he intentionally lied about the efficacy of masks.
I would need evidence to believe he intentionally lied. Science changes as more stuff gets discovered.
Why should we deny treatment to anyone based on vaccine status?
Because I oppose socialized medicine/universal healthcare.
Doctors are not even allowed to do this for several reasons, including the hippocratic oath.
The hippocritic oath merely calls for doing no harm. If a sick person comes to you and you don’t help him, you don’t do harm to him, you merely don’t help him. Therefore it doesn’t violate the oath.
How is that socialism?
Because I have to pay for their treatment with my tax dollars if they are under government health insurance.