A hypothesis on the nature of politics

Author: Bones


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Bones's avatar
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Bones's avatar
People engage in political discourse not to determine whether what they believe is right/wrong or better/worse, but to further their own political party and to essentially ridicule their opposition. 

If there were some way to determine that a large percent of Mexicans would vote Republican upon (illegally or not) immigrating to the US, I hypothesise that Republicans would suddenly become the party advocating for the rights of Mexicans to be here, whilst Democrats would argue along the "pro-wall" stance. 

Another perhaps more applicable example is the vaccine. We get a ghost of evidence for my theory when Kamala Harris alluded to the COVID vaccine as the "Trump Vaccine". I can almost guarantee that, if Trump were to remain president and he had pushed strongly vaccine mandates, the left would be the "anti-vaccine" (perhaps to a lesser extent) and the right would be the "pro-vaccine" party. I can almost hear the "my body my choice I'm not taking the Trump Vaccine" chants stirring on the streets.  

I think this polarisation can be observed in the fact that the left and right share not a single commonality. What are the chances of this? On not a single issue, whether it be age old (abortion), or current (Rittenhouse), there is literally no agreement that we can ever observe. Ordinarily, two individuals should be able to find some common ground, but never in politics. 

I hold that, though this is unprovable but nonetheless, I stand by it. 
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
For sure, there are very few political altruists.

Politics is about wealth and power.

And left and right is simply how we categorise ideology.

Though from opposing viewpoints, the extremes of the other are authoritarian.

Therefore Ultra left is ultra right and vice versa.

Social stability relies upon either a fair system of election, whereby the moderate core of society elects a temporary administration. Or tyranny whereby social stability is maintained through force and oppression.

Add a bit of fantasy religious indoctrination into the mix too, and hey presto!.......Time to hunt witches.
Intelligence_06's avatar
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Because there are many people that are simply not smart enough for politics(including some politicians, yes), and disagreeing with other people gives them a sense of belonging.
Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
People engage in political discourse not to determine whether what they believe is right/wrong or better/worse, but to further their own political party and to essentially ridicule their opposition. 
Yes, people do that. Nothing new. 

If there were some way to determine that a large percent of Mexicans would vote Republican upon (illegally or not) immigrating to the US, I hypothesise that Republicans would suddenly become the party advocating for the rights of Mexicans to be here, whilst Democrats would argue along the "pro-wall" stance. 
don’t second or third generation Mexicans become significantly more republican and “pro-wall”?
Anyway,  Republican politicians are often disingenuous about wanting stronger boarders.

Case in point: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CwDgt5rfKQI It gets interesting.

Another perhaps more applicable example is the vaccine. We get a ghost of evidence for my theory when Kamala Harris alluded to the COVID vaccine as the "Trump Vaccine".
I’m not entirely sure but wasn't it early when she was saying she wouldn’t trust Trump’s word alone on the vaccine? But yeah she definitely politicised it.

I can almost guarantee that, if Trump were to remain president and he had pushed strongly vaccine mandates, the left would be the "anti-vaccine" (perhaps to a lesser extent) and the right would be the "pro-vaccine" party. I can almost hear the "my body my choice I'm not taking the Trump Vaccine" chants stirring on the streets.  
Nah the left definitely has more trust in health professionals regardless who’s president. 

I think this polarisation can be observed in the fact that the left and right share not a single commonality. What are the chances of this? On not a single issue, whether it be age old (abortion), or current (Rittenhouse), there is literally no agreement that we can ever observe. Ordinarily, two individuals should be able to find some common ground, but never in politics. 
The commonsense ground on abortion should be safe, legal and rare. It should be a last resort if contraceptives and medication fail.

While commonsense ground on Rittenhouse should be that he shouldn’t have gone out larping. And yes, the rioters should not have been rioting.

Yet the Overton window moves further to the right.

I hold that, though this is unprovable but nonetheless, I stand by it. 
There’s nothing to prove. 

Kritikal's avatar
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1. People engage in discourse to further their own agenda
This is true, but only of public discourse, where convincing others is the primary objective. In private conversations, I believe people are much more willing to compromise. 

2. Mexican’s Voting
I think that @Bones is missing a major aspect of this by ignoring the difference between illegal and legal immigrants. Conservatives support legal immigration because there is a test which virtually guarantees immigrants support the constitution, while illegal immigrants tend to be less integrated into US culture and lean much further to the right.  
Both parties will always keep their current stances because no matter what, having a higher ration of legal immigration to illegal immigration will be good for republicans, and vice versa. 
I believe Republicans will probably continue to support lower immigration levels to further their own interests as well. Even if they are becoming more Conservative overtime, over 50% are still voting democrat. I think there is a natural alignment between conservative values and low immigration. Immigrants will naturally change the culture which conservatives try to conserve at high levels.

3. Vaccine
Generally I agree, however I do not believe that there is a world where the vaccine would be embraced quickly by the right. Republicans have a fear of big government, and anything that sounds like it could implement a totalitarian regime. Trump created the vaccine, and he continued to push it even after leaving office. I doubt the response would have been much different even if he had been in office from the Republican side. 
@Reece101 brings up a good point that the left trusts health professionals, however Fauci would have been FIRED if Trump stayed in office much longer, and the messaging may have been different. Still provaccine, but probably less vocal. I bet many of those who gave into the social pressure would have held off for longer. Remember, this is the bunch that is terrified of eating non-organic food and GMOs despite what the scientists say. 

4. Commonalities 
This is very true, even with very far out there things that everyone should be able to agree on. For example, take the two issues of pedophiles and women. Republicans have now accuse the left of being pro-pedophile, and have cited the fact some of them have adopted the term MAP (minor attracted person) to refer to pedophiles, and have made the assertion that this is the direction that the mainstream left is heading; drag babies to drag shows, indoctrinate their children into trans-gender ideology, and read their toddlers sex education books with graphic depictions of sex. Meanwhile, Leftists believe that Republican’s are trying to carry out an all out assault on women’s rights, and truly believe that within a couple of years the US could be indistinguishable from the handmaids tale... a book that Conservatives also claim is left-wing satanic propaganda. In fact, abortion advocates on the left say we already live in this world because women no longer have a constitutional right to an abortion, so they are cursed by pregnancy, and the patriarchy forces them out of the workforce and society as a whole .

All this, when we can probably all agree that pedophiles are bad and women deserve rights. Unfortunately, it has created a bit of a reverse self-fulfilling prophecy. Parents on the far left read their children wildly inappropriate books, and take them to drag shows. The only reason this happens is because parents feel politically motivated to go against bigotry and create what they see as an open-minded child, and this would not occur in the first place if we did not make unfounded accusations which would later come to pass. Let’s just hope that the same thing does not happen with women’s rights.
ebuc's avatar
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4. Commonalities 

Clean air, water, food, shelter  and source energy/power without destroying the ecological systems that sustain humanity.

The polarization begins with how to get to the above set of commonalities not to mention priorities.

In the end ---near humanities demise 2232---, the list above will become  more of priority, and it will be too late in its arrival of focus by all parties of politics.

Who are what can save humanity from its annihilation?

.......1} A  person{s}  or as in dictator { savior } enforcing a standard for prioritizing for the ignorant { slow thinking, misinformed, etc } humans?

.......2} along with a technology ex algorithm to verify the pathway of best optional solution to humanities being saved before the bell of death,

........3}  capitalisms black and white markets system finding huge profits in seeing humanity survive,

.........4} government{s} seeing a coming storm and agreeing to long term strategy to attack aggressively the coming dark storm of annihilation of humanity ---see M.A.Destruction decision to reduce threats of hydrogen bomb annihilation in late 80's - 90's by governments,

  .........5} other options?
Kritikal's avatar
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1. Fails because totalitiarianism is in and of itself an extistential risk. Bryan Caplan writes about this exstensively in the last chapter of Global Catastrophic Risks.
2. Probably fails as well. Poorly developed AI ranks under only deliberate misuse of nanotech, nuclear holocoaust, or that we are living in simulation and it gets shut down.
3. While capatalism sees a long term profit from survival, it is almost always more profitible in the short term to exploit. This is why a 'greed is good'  form of capatalism has largely evolved.
4. The risks seem self explanatory. 

As for the fifth option that may actually save us, I would suggest the status quo. Outcomes under current models do not lead to any mass extinction, and in fact by 2100 the highest estimates only show a maximum of around 83 million people being put at risk due to resource depletion. This however does not take into account many other factors. Many of theese deaths are in sub-saharran Africa, and are caused by poverty. This regions annual growth rate is around 4%, which is probably enough to save the vast majority of lives. 

There are also many efforts to curb climate change and ghg emmisions. The EV market is starting to emerge in to the mainstream public, alternative energy has made strides, and changes to make agriculture more efficient all have the potential to drastically slow down climate change. 

Here is a good summary of why we are not going to wipe our selves out due to climate anytime soon. 
ebuc's avatar
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ebuc's avatar
1. Fails because totalitiarianism is in and of itself an extistential risk. Bryan Caplan writes about this exstensively in the last chapter of Global Catastrophic Risks.

Seek out history of dictator who  unifies disparate groups, states nations, religions. Ex Tito, Mohammed etc   as they are not bound by a democracy of politics that cant get its act together in timely manner to address long term needs of humanity. Yes many are short term solutions Roosevelts  30's revival from 20's depression.

The dictator rules ---historical by force-- to unite the peoples, is just one option, that may or may not occur. Not best option for saving humanity, but may work for long, run, and no one knows.

2. Probably fails as well. Poorly developed AI ranks under only deliberate misuse of nanotech, nuclear holocoaust, or that we are living in simulation and it gets shut down.
AI fed in data that we have, to see best options available is, may be technological savior. No one knows.

3. While capatalism sees a long term profit from survival, it is almost always more profitible in the short term to exploit. This is why a 'greed is good'  form of capatalism has largely evolved.
Free market may or may not be long term survival strategy that works to prevent annihilation of humanity. May be part of solution. Nobody knows the future paths that may be taken or not.

4. The risks seem self explanatory. 
Lame reply.  Nobody knows the which paths forward as savior of humanity.

This however does not take into account many other factors. 

This is why AI is needed to handle all of the factors we have to enter massive amounts of data and see what options pop out. 

Here is a good summary of why we are not going to wipe our selves out due to climate anytime soon. 
That person is only addressing short term issues. They state clearly 20 year apocalypses  being fore told. Short sided similar to  Orange-Grey-Parrots comments in many threads.

Greenhouse effect > Global Warming > Erratic Climate Change is one possible primary driver of human annihilation, if you look at the data if such climate conditions to occur on extremes.

I never stated Erratic Climate Change was the doom of humanity. It alone may cause annilation, however, what is more likely is that it it is just one primary factor that will cause domino effect of human  acitivties that, may produce;

1} all-for-one-one-for-all mentality for a spiritual revolution to address humanities basic needs, to survie a coming dark storm over over-population of the systems we have in place to sustain ecological disaster,

2} dictator forced enlightenment of all-for-one and one-for-all path forward of sustainble ecological future of humanity ---past 2232----,

3} governance is going to occur, one way or another. There is no future with out an organized governance that all have the same set of goals,

4} other options

Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
1. People engage in discourse to further their own agenda
This is true, but only of public discourse, where convincing others is the primary objective. In private conversations, I believe people are much more willing to compromise. 
Trying to convince others can be the primary objective both publicly and privately. Compromising should be secondary. Approaching from a level-headed perspective tends to be preferable in both instances, if the goal is to pull people over. 

2. Mexican’s Voting
I think that @Bones is missing a major aspect of this by ignoring the difference between illegal and legal immigrants. Conservatives support legal immigration because there is a test which virtually guarantees immigrants support the constitution, while illegal immigrants tend to be less integrated into US culture and lean much further to the right.  
Both parties will always keep their current stances because no matter what, having a higher ration of legal immigration to illegal immigration will be good for republicans, and vice versa. 
I believe Republicans will probably continue to support lower immigration levels to further their own interests as well. Even if they are becoming more Conservative overtime, over 50% are still voting democrat. I think there is a natural alignment between conservative values and low immigration. Immigrants will naturally change the culture which conservatives try to conserve at high levels.
We need to distinguish between conservatives conserving and conservatives being reactionary. ‘How do Immigrants negatively change the culture?’ would be a good question to start off with. 

3. Vaccine
Generally I agree, however I do not believe that there is a world where the vaccine would be embraced quickly by the right. Republicans have a fear of big government, and anything that sounds like it could implement a totalitarian regime. Trump created the vaccine, and he continued to push it even after leaving office. I doubt the response would have been much different even if he had been in office from the Republican side. 
@Reece101 brings up a good point that the left trusts health professionals, however Fauci would have been FIRED if Trump stayed in office much longer, and the messaging may have been different. Still provaccine, but probably less vocal. I bet many of those who gave into the social pressure would have held off for longer. Remember, this is the bunch that is terrified of eating non-organic food and GMOs despite what the scientists say. 
I agree there’s a tingent on the left that’s irrationally apposed to big pharma and big farms in general.  It would be interesting to see if they’ve grown in number or shrunk in the last couple of years. They were sizeable a few decades ago I think, the anti-GMO crowd at least.

4. Commonalities 
This is very true, even with very far out there things that everyone should be able to agree on. For example, take the two issues of pedophiles and women. Republicans have now accuse the left of being pro-pedophile, and have cited the fact some of them have adopted the term MAP (minor attracted person) to refer to pedophiles, and have made the assertion that this is the direction that the mainstream left is heading; drag babies to drag shows, indoctrinate their children into trans-gender ideology, and read their toddlers sex education books with graphic depictions of sex. Meanwhile, Leftists believe that Republican’s are trying to carry out an all out assault on women’s rights, and truly believe that within a couple of years the US could be indistinguishable from the handmaids tale... a book that Conservatives also claim is left-wing satanic propaganda. In fact, abortion advocates on the left say we already live in this world because women no longer have a constitutional right to an abortion, so they are cursed by pregnancy, and the patriarchy forces them out of the workforce and society as a whole .
If only the left were as crazy as republicans… According to the GOP: They want girls to be homeschooled (without public sex education) so they don’t know what’s happening when their father’s raping them and they are forced to go to term with the baby 

Republicans have advocated for all those things with their positions.
Proper sex education prevents sexual abuse.

Yeah sexual drag shows are bad for kids.

All this, when we can probably all agree that pedophiles are bad and women deserve rights. Unfortunately, it has created a bit of a reverse self-fulfilling prophecy. Parents on the far left read their children wildly inappropriate books, and take them to drag shows. The only reason this happens is because parents feel politically motivated to go against bigotry and create what they see as an open-minded child, and this would not occur in the first place if we did not make unfounded accusations which would later come to pass. Let’s just hope that the same thing does not happen with women’s rights.
Which books are you referring to?
Drag shows are not inherently sexual. But the ones that are, are bad for kids.
Kritikal's avatar
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Kritikal's avatar
1. Totalitiarianism 

The key with totalitarianism in the past has been that it has later been replaced by other systems. Enabled by globalism and emerging tech, there is no guarantee  that this will not become permanent. This is not extistential because of extinction, but more because totalitarianism prevents development. 

An existential risk is one that threatens the premature extinction of Earth-originating intelligent life or the permanent and drastic destruction of its potential for desirable future development (Bostrom, 2002).

4. Governments
I may have been slightly confused about this point, but I do not think that we can rely on cooperation from the government. Governments are far more likely to be the cause then the solution. 

5. Climate change
You are correct that in the long term climate could be an issue, but if it is not an issue by 2100 it will most likely be because we are able to control it. With enough warning time we should be able to prepare, and it is unlikely this would lead to premature extinction or anything of the sort. It is a risk, but it is very down low on the list. 

2.1 spiritual revolution
There have been spirutual revolutions in the past such as the great awakening, however these have never been universal or accepted by an entire population. I do not think human nature would allow this to occur, and cultural differences would most certainly prevent it. Furthermore, many people will resist to converting becasue of other spiritual beleifs, and the vast majority of the world is relgious. 

2.2 forced enlightenment 
This is possible, but there is an extreme risk as I have pointed out with totalitarianism.

2.3 governance
I disagre that all government has to work towards a common goal. Hegemony has already solved this. In a polar world one countries goals are prioritized by them and their allies, and these goals can not be stopped. Many argue that a multi-polor world is even more stable because competing interests tend to balance out, and compromises occur without either side explicitly working towards a common goal. 

As I point out, I think many of the potential solutions that people present have the possiblity to do far more harm than good. This is why I belive it is best to generally stick to the status quo. Regulatory agencies put a check on capatalism, current emerging tech has the potential to drastically reduce transportational and agricultural emmissions, and we are probably not heading towards a cataclysmic event. 
Lemming's avatar
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Well, there's Politics of a shared goal, the organization and accomplishment of that goal,
American Revolution,
Though people 'still often disagree on the exactitude of goals and methods,
Jockey for position, for individual profit, glory, or that their ends be accomplished.

Politics as conflict, disagreed goals and means in the wide speaking,
People pushing or holding their morality, ethics, in-group,
Conflict of Politics becomes war by what extent of means varying,
Personal morals and ethics violated for perceived greater goods, Lying to the would be murderer at the door, in search of their victim.

Though, I'd say myself different clumps can agree on some ideas,
The fact that they 'are different clumps, often causes the need to disagree upon even that which would be agreed,
As the agreed is not the object so to speak, but victory.

Kritikal's avatar
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Kritikal's avatar
1. Discourse
Trying to convince others can be the primary objective both publicly and privately. Compromising should be secondary. Approaching from a level-headed perspective tends to be preferable in both instances, if the goal is to pull people over. 
Trying to convice others always is the objective, the only question is who you are convincing. In private you are convincing the person you are talking to. In public you try to convice the observers. I agree that compromising is secondary, however the participants in a debate are more likely to comprimise in a private debate. This is because people try to destroy their opponents in public debates, or even just try to win rather than develop their own ideas. Both models of debate are good and necessary.

2. Mexican’s Voting
It is not so much that all immigration negatively impacts culture, and more that mass illegal immigration negatively impacts culture. This is because America has a very specific culture based on it's history, and this is why we value things like freedom of speech and the right to bear arms more than in many other countries. With a large influx of immigrants who are not yet familiar with this context, it can create pockets in America that are not integrated into the common culture. This is not the only way we move away from conservatism of course, and the greatest threat to it is probably left-wingers born within the country. 

I should not that I do not always agree with the general Conservative analysis of this issue, as in the long term the demographics is destiny argument does not hold up. If anything cultural/family values that are preserved within the immigrant population may do more to counter leftism in the long run. In fact, while a lot of immigrants do lean left politically they almost all lean right culturally.

3. Vaccine
I am not sure if it has grown or shrink, I know nationally that 70% of Americans are opposed. I do suspect this number has probably shrunk because of the "listen to the science" narrative put forth by the left in response to Covid. 

4. Commonalities
For sure, and I think the reason that these posistions are advocated by anyone is simply because of the urge to disagree. With the sex education example you brought up, Republicans have become opposed to it on the grounds that it is transing the kids, which is only true in the first place because the GOP accuses the left of being in favor of transing children which eventually actually lead to the defense of transing the kids. Ovbiously with this issue, there is the religious element, but even in the past kids recieved "the talk" which was primarily about abstinence.   

Bones's avatar
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Bones's avatar
While commonsense ground on Rittenhouse should be that he shouldn’t have gone out larping
You are actually conforming to the very archetype which I condemn in the post. The very fact that you say "shouldn't have gone out larping" is merely to proselytize your political agenda to others. The debate about Rittenhouse isn't whether he should have "gone out larping", it is "was Rittenhouse in the right when he fired at addressing protesters". The only reason this whole "larping" thing has come out is because those who believed Rittenhouse was wrong (a belief which I argue as one based on ridiculing their opposition and furthering their own position) have realised that they were terribly mistaken and thus, in an attempt to salvage dignity, argue that he is still in the wrong for "larping". You would never tell someone who gets viciously raped in front of their children that they "shouldn't have been larping", because the elephant in the room is the rapist. Yet in the world of politics, we go to such disgusting lengths to preserve the integrity of our ideology. 
Bones's avatar
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Bones's avatar
I think that @Bones is missing a major aspect of this by ignoring the difference between illegal and legal immigrants. Conservatives support legal immigration because there is a test which virtually guarantees immigrants support the constitution, while illegal immigrants tend to be less integrated into US culture and lean much further to the right.  
And I hold that, if it were discovered that a high percentage of Mexicans would vote and support the Republicans, the right would be the party of accepting immigrants, whilst the left would be opposed to it. 

I believe Republicans will probably continue to support lower immigration levels to further their own interests as well. Even if they are becoming more Conservative overtime, over 50% are still voting democrat.
The only reason they vote Democrat is because the Republicans come off as racist, and I believe this is actually a huge strategic blunder from the right. Mexicans actually share a lot of values that the right does from a social perspective (transgenderism, abortion etc) so if they didn't come of as so discriminatory,  they could actually get a large voter base from them. 

Kritikal's avatar
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Kritikal's avatar
Yes, I agree that Republicans would encourage higher levels of legal immigration. But the key here is that legal immigration entails integration into the conservative culture. I suppose Conservatives could come to support illegal immigrants as well, however I belive that these two groups are natural political adversaries simply by nature of the fact large number of illegal immigrants will always change the culture.

I agree with you that legal immigrants tend to share more values with Conservatives, but I think it is the nationalism that they do not like. Even legal immigrants likely have family who immigrated illegally. Furthermore, they tend to be of a lower income bracket and tend to support wellfare. This is certainly not always the case, and it could change in the future.
Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
Trying to convice others always is the objective, the only question is who you are convincing. In private you are convincing the person you are talking to. In public you try to convice the observers. I agree that compromising is secondary, however the participants in a debate are more likely to comprimise in a private debate. This is because people try to destroy their opponents in public debates, or even just try to win rather than develop their own ideas. Both models of debate are good and necessary.
Advertently destroying your opponent may be entertaining, but it’s harmful to public discourse wouldn’t you agree? Especially if you have a large influence.

2. Mexican’s Voting
It is not so much that all immigration negatively impacts culture, and more that mass illegal immigration negatively impacts culture. This is because America has a very specific culture based on it's history, and this is why we value things like freedom of speech and the right to bear arms more than in many other countries. With a large influx of immigrants who are not yet familiar with this context, it can create pockets in America that are not integrated into the common culture. This is not the only way we move away from conservatism of course, and the greatest threat to it is probably left-wingers born within the country. 
Many immigrant groups including Mexicans are socially conservative regardless if they’re illegal or not. But yes, they should go through proper channels. As for the left being the greatest threat cultural stability, how so? Republicans hold all the political power and they’re not afraid to play dirty, while all Democrats have are platitudes. Even though Democrats deport more illegals than Republicans.

I should not that I do not always agree with the general Conservative analysis of this issue, as in the long term the demographics is destiny argument does not hold up. If anything cultural/family values that are preserved within the immigrant population may do more to counter leftism in the long run. In fact, while a lot of immigrants do lean left politically they almost all lean right culturally.
I think cultural divides within America will stay similar regardless of skin pigmentation if things stay the same. 

3. Vaccine
I am not sure if it has grown or shrink, I know nationally that 70% of Americans are opposed. I do suspect this number has probably shrunk because of the "listen to the science" narrative put forth by the left in response to Covid. 
I agree.

4. Commonalities
For sure, and I think the reason that these posistions are advocated by anyone is simply because of the urge to disagree. With the sex education example you brought up, Republicans have become opposed to it on the grounds that it is transing the kids, which is only true in the first place because the GOP accuses the left of being in favor of transing children which eventually actually lead to the defense of transing the kids. Ovbiously with this issue, there is the religious element, but even in the past kids recieved "the talk" which was primarily about abstinence.  
Transgenderism and drag are two different categories. Transgenderism is about not being comfortable with the sex you were born with, while drag is an art form. 

Abstinence only sex education fails too. Teenagers are going to do it regardless. You might as well teach them safe practices of using contraceptives, etc as well. 
Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
You are actually conforming to the very archetype which I condemn in the post. The very fact that you say "shouldn't have gone out larping" is merely to proselytize your political agenda to others. The debate about Rittenhouse isn't whether he should have "gone out larping", it is "was Rittenhouse in the right when he fired at addressing protesters". The only reason this whole "larping" thing has come out is because those who believed Rittenhouse was wrong (a belief which I argue as one based on ridiculing their opposition and furthering their own position) have realised that they were terribly mistaken and thus, in an attempt to salvage dignity, argue that he is still in the wrong for "larping". You would never tell someone who gets viciously raped in front of their children that they "shouldn't have been larping", because the elephant in the room is the rapist. Yet in the world of politics, we go to such disgusting lengths to preserve the integrity of our ideology. 
The topic was common ground. No one would have been shot and killed if Rittenhouse stayed home that night and the rioters didn’t riot. 
Kritikal's avatar
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Kritikal's avatar
Obviously, you do not want to revert to ad hominem attacks, but publicly winning an argument (or “destroying” your opponent) is not harmful. Ideally, when you win an argument, it can convert more people to your side. It really depends on what is meant by destroying an opponent. If it simply means that you clearly won, or if it means you acted in poor conduct. 

2. Mexican’s Voting
By nature, the left is the greatest threat to conservatism (cultural stability), because by definition a leftist is progressive. Which simply means they want to tear down the systems which they consider being oppressive. Leftists want change, right-wingers want to keep core systems in place. 
Republicans do not hold all the political power. First, political power does not simply refer to the government. Politics encompasses anything that is of interest to the public. This includes institutions such as schools, hospitals, or university. The right does not control a single one of these to my knowledge. Especially educational institutions which shape the future generations.
Specifically, looking at the government also shows great power in the hands of the left. Democrats control the Presidency, Senate, and House. Liberals have power that goes almost completely unchecked in liberal states like California and New York.
I agree that race has nothing to do with the levels of division in the country, as there will always be something new to create division over. Racial division in America is dead, and we have moved over to other identities included within the LGB+ group.

4. Commonalities
I agree that transgenderism and drag are two separate categories, but there are trans children and also children who go to drag shows.
Abstinence education works. The problem with other forms of education is that they just end up having sex in any ways which kind of negates the entire purpose. Sure, for the first few times, you will probably get lucky using ‘safe’ methods. But these methods only work around 95% of the time, so in the long run it only makes so much of a difference. But I agree with you that no education is bad because they need to know they should avoid sex in the first place, and otherwise they will end up just doing it with no second thought or any form of protection.
Bones's avatar
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Bones's avatar
The topic was common ground. No one would have been shot and killed if Rittenhouse stayed home that night and the rioters didn’t riot. 
Now you're just spewing bs. "The mother wouldn't have been raped if she just stayed home". You are prevaricating in order to preserve your ideology. 

ebuc's avatar
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This is not extistential because of extinction, but more because totalitarianism prevents development. 

Dictators dont need to wait for congress, ergo they can act much quicker than any governance { democracys is slow } of corporation { only if it sees profit }

You dont seem to the get the gist of a historical dictators unifying group, states nations, religions of people. We are talking about immediate changes in societal operations to prevent extinction of humanity from differrent factors: ecological { toxic sources and waste }, hydrogen bombs { the quick death path } and Climate Change is factor in the prior set.

Their all inter-connected and you seem clueless about what needs to be done. Your hung on politics.

I may have been slightly confused about this point, but I do not think that we can rely on cooperation from the government. Governments are far more likely to be the cause then the solution. 
Any options will include some form of governance, and that governance may be military if a dictatorship becomes the path forward, good or bad, works or not, in the short and long run survival from extinction.

You are correct that in the long term climate could be an issue, but if it is not an issue by 2100 it will most likely be because we are able to control it. With enough warning time we should be able to prepare, and it is unlikely this would lead to premature extinction or anything of the sort. It is a risk, but it is very down low on the list. 
You dont grasp factors involving global warming.  Many believe the initial damages are already on their way, because, of the parts per million of gases already in our enviroment. Unless there is massive carbon sequestering those gases are only continuing to be emitted on top of the over the top PPM already out there..

You appear clueless on these factors and info that is avialble for those who seek the truth.

There have been spirutual revolutions in the past such as the great awakening, however these have never been universal or accepted by an entire population
Were talking about extinction of humanity dude. Your not getting yet. This is greater that World War 1 ans 2 combined.  Your in small minded thinking.

This is possible, but there is an extreme risk as I have pointed out with totalitarianism.
For third time, historically it works in the short term and we are talking some near immediate darkening storms { dark age } here or coming soon. You dont yet see it and only want to deny what is coming.

I disagre that all government has to work towards a common goal.
Yes, ergo all-for-one and one-for-all.  Just more signs of how clueless you appear about the  enviromentally ecological mess { dark age } were headed into.

Regulatory agencies put a check on capatalism, current emerging tech has the potential to drastically reduce transportational and agricultural emmissions, and we are probably not heading towards a cataclysmic event. 
More clueless talk. See above regading some believing the damage has already been done ---PPM of gases already released---  and without massive sequestionatin of those gases ---and more still coming---,  the dark age storms are coming.

Two future-lie visionaries both mention being in a new dark age or entering it soon. Bucky Fuller and Carl Sagan in the last books make comments like that.

I think you and most repubulicans are way too narrow minded to have a clue of what is going to happen in the coming 50, 100, 150 and 200 years.

Commonalities are obvious and priority: clean air, clean water, clean food and clean shelter.

Overpopulation is number one in solutions to address these four commonalities and priorties. Read my lips/text.   Perverted virtual rapists need to keep their friggin noses out of pregnant womans bodily business, unless she consents to their noses being in her bodily business.

We have overpopulation and these nut case republicans religious, patriarchal based fundamentalist are opearting from their ass instead of rational, common sense mind/intellect/concepts. 

To fair, the formula I used to calculate end-date-of-humanity, orginally had the date of 2015. Obviously were still here. So that is when I tacked on the old indian saying of what we do now, should be considered for 7 generations out 210 years, ergo 2015 + 210 is about 2232.

ebuc's avatar
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Such is nature of democratic party and democracy in general. It is a slow process compared to dictator who decides what needs to be done and makes it happen.

Move aside or get run over by a tank. Again, i'm not advocating that this is the best path forward or that it will work as a saviour for humanities dark age storms brewing.

It is one path that forces a all-for-one and one-for-all, because the spiritual path has not led the way.  Most likely by the time the spiritual path is recognized as needed many years ago, it will be too late.

Commonalities will be come barbaric at some point, because humanity did not operate from mind/intellect/concepts to begin with. Too many republicans espousing false narratives and people dont know who to trust for truth.

Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
Obviously, you do not want to revert to ad hominem attacks, but publicly winning an argument (or “destroying” your opponent) is not harmful. Ideally, when you win an argument, it can convert more people to your side. It really depends on what is meant by destroying an opponent. If it simply means that you clearly won, or if it means you acted in poor conduct. 
To say you destroyed someone is almost explicitly poor conduct for a variety of reasons. It can create a false sense of security which can be ideologically harmful for yourself and/or audience. That’s what it ultimately achieves.

2. Mexican’s Voting
By nature, the left is the greatest threat to conservatism (cultural stability), because by definition a leftist is progressive. Which simply means they want to tear down the systems which they consider being oppressive. Leftists want change, right-wingers want to keep core systems in place. 
Republicans do not hold all the political power. First, political power does not simply refer to the government. Politics encompasses anything that is of interest to the public. This includes institutions such as schools, hospitals, or university. The right does not control a single one of these to my knowledge. Especially educational institutions which shape the future generations.
Specifically, looking at the government also shows great power in the hands of the left. Democrats control the Presidency, Senate, and House. Liberals have power that goes almost completely unchecked in liberal states like California and New York.
I agree that race has nothing to do with the levels of division in the country, as there will always be something new to create division over. Racial division in America is dead, and we have moved over to other identities included within the LGB+ group.
Conservatism you’re describing often functions as a 100 year old abandoned dam. Sooner or later it gives way. Sometimes infrastructure needs repair and updating. Most of the country is economically progressive. socially not so much. 

As for the ontology of politics I agree. Though current federal legislative power is what I was referring to. And the same can be said for red states.

Devision exists whether you point it out or not when it comes to said bigotry. Informing yourself is a good place to start.

4. Commonalities
I agree that transgenderism and drag are two separate categories, but there are trans children and also children who go to drag shows.
Abstinence education works. The problem with other forms of education is that they just end up having sex in any ways which kind of negates the entire purpose. Sure, for the first few times, you will probably get lucky using ‘safe’ methods. But these methods only work around 95% of the time, so in the long run it only makes so much of a difference. But I agree with you that no education is bad because they need to know they should avoid sex in the first place, and otherwise they will end up just doing it with no second thought or any form of protection.
Did you read the actual research? The parameters of the study were very limited. It pretty much showed that a portion of a 100-200 or so black kids ages between 11-13 from one school who were taught abstinence-only, won’t have multiple partners for two year. Abstinence-only intervention did not affect condom use. Seemed like the study is more focused on STI prevention than anything. Sex still occurred, it just lowered how promiscuous students were. Which I guess is a good thing if they’re not wearing protection. There needs to be more research.
Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
Now you're just spewing bs. "The mother wouldn't have been raped if she just stayed home". You are prevaricating in order to preserve your ideology. 
Why do you have to create such an analogy? You’re generalising two seperate scenarios that aren’t applicable to how people should behave. 
If a black kid shot white rioters, I would say that’s bad. If a white kid shot white rioters that’s bad. If a black kid shot black rioters that’s bad.
The same rough scenario (of Rittenhouse’s actions leading up to the riots) can be applied across the board. It doesn’t mean shit they’re criminals. You’re essentially advocating for extrajudicial justice in the form of taking another life. Where will that lead?
Bones's avatar
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Bones's avatar
Now you're just spewing bs. "The mother wouldn't have been raped if she just stayed home". You are prevaricating in order to preserve your ideology. 
Why do you have to create such an analogy? You’re generalising two seperate scenarios that aren’t applicable to how people should behave. 
You said he shouldn’t have gone out larping all whilst ignoring the fact that he was literally assaulted by a gang of weapon wielding thugs. I argue that this is the same as me saying she shouldn't have gone out larping when confronted with a rape victim. See how the issue is that, in both, I ignore the elephant in the room, that is, someone's rights being infringed? 

The same rough scenario (of Rittenhouse’s actions leading up to the riots) can be applied across the board. It doesn’t mean shit they’re criminals. You’re essentially advocating for extrajudicial justice in the form of taking another life. Where will that lead?
I'm advocating nothing of the sort - my argument is that politics is merely a congregation of people who illogically defend their side without considering the evidence, a proposition which you are proving. 

Bones's avatar
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Bones's avatar
It doesn’t mean shit they’re criminals. 
They literally committed first degree aggravated assault which is a felony and you're here whining about the fact that the victim chose to go out that night? 
Reece101's avatar
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You said he shouldn’t have gone out larping all whilst ignoring the fact that he was literally assaulted by a gang of weapon wielding thugs. I argue that this is the same as me saying she shouldn't have gone out larping when confronted with a rape victim. See how the issue is that, in both, I ignore the elephant in the room, that is, someone's rights being infringed? 
I also said the rioters shouldn’t have been rioting. Why did you totally ignore that? don’t tell me Rittenhouse had no idea of the danger he was getting into. Guess what, some of the rioters also had firearms. Rittenhouse was lucky things didn’t go down differently with all the confusion. Rittenhouse was the only one that killed people that night because muh property.

I'm advocating nothing of the sort - my argument is that politics is merely a congregation of people who illogically defend their side without considering the evidence, a proposition which you are proving. 
I agree. 

Kritikal's avatar
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1. I think we generally agree here. I am just saying the point in public debates is to proove that you are correct and convince others more than your opponenet. 

2. Mexican’s Voting 
I do not think the Conservatism that I am describing is dead in any sense. It is not that nothing can never change, but that our core systems and culture should be preserved rather than overhauled. This is a belief shared by the vast majority of Americans. 

Federal legislative power is exclusively controlled by the left currently. It is true that at the state level the GOP has power in red states. 

Division exists, but I think that very little or no racial division exists. There are quite frankly not enough racists in America to make this a serious problem, and people are starting to loose interest. I am sure that there is still a fair amount of alleged racism, but most of this is simply not racism. I think you would be hard pressed to find someone who openly admitted they hated black people, or any other race for that matter. I am not sure what bigotry you are reffering to. 

3.  Commonalities
I agree that there should be more research, but my point was more just that logically abstinence has to be taught because birth control is not very effective. 
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
If politicians want to keep their power then they have to keep the voter base energized and the way to do that at this point in time seems to be hate. They can't stand the idea of losing a cent, they can't stand the idea of losing any power, they can't stand the idea of the base being knowledgeable, we're nothing more than cattle to them. I mean even Bill Gates is pretty much willing to just say it out right and he's not even a politician he's just a rich guy using politicians to get what he wants. Americans aren't too stupid to vote they're too stupid to realize that the people they're voting for don't care anything about them. Politics was meant to be a service and now it's nothing but a career. And one only really rich people can afford to get involved in.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
There's no dispute that the question of who benefits from a political narrative tends to shape people's opinions, but this phenomenon is not equal on both sides. One example, FiveThirtyEight complied polling data over the past few years on how people thought the economy was doing. In November of 2016 the percentage of democrats who said things were going well was in the high 70's. Within one year that number dropped to the high 50's. For republicans, they started off in the teens. Within one year that number was over 90%.

There is no metric that's supports the shift even amongst democratic voters, but the republican shift is just downright ludacris and unquestionably disconnected from reality.

I think our culture explains this. Politics is a big part of the culture for rural and/or white America, and people here tend to view it almost as team sport and a source of personal identity. You just don't see it anywhere on the same scale on the left.

So sure, democrats probably would not be fighting as hard for voting rights of it wouldn't benefit the party, but most democrats actually do believe in democracy so it's not a conflict.

The Kamala Haris example is less valid. We all, democrats included, wanted a vaccine but at that time Trump was getting way too involved creating a legitimate fear that he would politicize the approval process. Kamala was reacting to his inappropriate involvement, not to the vaccine itself. When Trump stepped back and let the process play out all of this talk disappeared.

I don't get the "we don't agree on issues" point. If we agreed it wouldn't be an issue.

Reece101's avatar
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Reece101's avatar
1. I think we generally agree here. I am just saying the point in public debates is to proove that you are correct and convince others more than your opponenet. 
I think the audience and opponent should be treated with the same respect when trying to convince. Crowds are not as rational as individuals. Once you treat the audience as merely a statistic with claps and laughs as indicators, it’s over. 

2. Mexican’s Voting 
I do not think the Conservatism that I am describing is dead in any sense. It is not that nothing can never change, but that our core systems and culture should be preserved rather than overhauled. This is a belief shared by the vast majority of Americans. 
How will it be overhauled? 

Federal legislative power is exclusively controlled by the left currently.
Didn’t you say the left are defined as progressive? Just call them Democrats.

Division exists, but I think that very little or no racial division exists. There are quite frankly not enough racists in America to make this a serious problem, and people are starting to loose interest
Look at Trump’s 2015 campaign announcement speech. “I assume some are good people.” 
Just need to wait for the next guy.

I am sure that there is still a fair amount of alleged racism, but most of this is simply not racism. I think you would be hard pressed to find someone who openly admitted they hated black people, or any other race for that matter. I am not sure what bigotry you are reffering to. 

3.  Commonalities
I agree that there should be more research, but my point was more just that logically abstinence has to be taught because birth control is not very effective. 
Abstinence-only education doesn’t stop horny teenagers from having sex. It may help reduce promiscuity depending how it’s taught.
Birth control isn’t effective? how so?