Yes, Dark matter is stuff in space that has gravity. Together, dark energy and dark matter make up 95% of the universe.
If dark matter exists and is so prevalent, and it "has gravity" then it would appear to me, that, logically, gravity is just as prevalent as dark matter. Understand?
That only leaves a small 5% for all the matter and energy we know and understand. Energy like light, heat, and X-rays, together with matter like people, elephants, planet Earth, the sun, and all the galaxies only makes up 5% of the universe! That’s not very much.
Are'nt you making an assumption that dark matter is not fermionic matter? And all matter is a form of energyI that is just more contained instead of disspersive, as in case of EMRadiation?
I think ultra-micro and ultra-weak Gravity is a primary force phenomena, and determines if our finite Universe, is cyclic, or not. I.e. Gravity ultimately overrules Dark Energy's disspersion/dissaociation/expansion phenomena, maintains Universe as finite, coherent integrity, that, is a dynamically structural system of eternal transformation.
If 'heat death of Universe' scenarios still apply, then same goes with finite Universe becoming one ultra-large, ultra-flat --via its ultra-long frequency---photon, wherein we find that Gravity is always on the outside, as an ultra-micro, pulling inward{ attraction } ultra-high tension, that cannot not ever cease pulling inward on this finite, ultra-large, lowest frequency photon. Understand?
So we have Dark Energy pushing out and EMRadiation pushing out, and both of them exist, as a resultant of utra-micro- ultra-hign tension Gravity, eternally pulling them back around to re-transform back into fermionic matter and boson forces. >( ____flat_line_heat_death_of_Universe_____)<
Mass = Higgs boson and Gravity = ultimate transformation of finite Universe as fermionic matter and bosonic forces.
Naught is lost, nor created only transformed, by two primary and diametrically forces, utra-micro Gravity andultra-micro Dark Energy, that eternally cycle back around to each other, however, Gravity is always on the outer most surface pulling in, and Dark Energy is always on the inner most surface pushing back out.
Gravity is more effective than dark energy because of mass-attraction.
Higgs gives mass ergo Higgs is source of Mass. void........>(Gravity > Higgs > /\/\/\/ )< Dark Energy( /\/\/\ < Higgs Gravity)< void....