Thinking to self,
Two twins, hands on a stove,
If the body is a wire,
Then they are both wired to the same experience (Mostly)
But . . .
The brain, identity develops differently,
By experiences, development,
And individual may build up a tolerance to pain,
Though one can argue the brain is material, thus their wires are different.
. . .
Siamese twins,
Whether attached at arms or head,
Does such question the concept of self?
Why ought it,
People have believed in souls, yet believed in possessions,
Such is at odds with my own perspective,
Being an Atheist,
I've seen people with Schizophrenia, Alzheimer's, Drug induced Psychosis,
Arguably they are symptoms of matter,
Drugs, or a lack of, return one more to normal,
One 'could still argue the soul.
. . .
But returning to why ought shared experience, question the nature of self,
Why ought it?
People sense many a phenomenon,
Albeit using their own senses, separate,
Albeit in separate locations,
A man with blurry vision, see's not what an eagle eyed fellow sees.
Two individuals on sperate sides of a wall, each side painted a different color,
Do not see the same wall color.
. . .
Still, information is sharable,
Though individuals give different scores out of 10,
On a pain scale, to the same stimuli,
Still a shared experience,
Though not so direct or clearly shared.
. . .
Still the brains of two brains sharing a body, are different,
And small differences,
Veer apart two people's sameness,
Small notices, thoughts,
Thus each a self, I'd argue.