This makes him the second person to do so. Congratulations!
RationalMadman reaches 1800 Debate ELO
Just realized that the 1900-2000 Elo was monopolized by none other than Oromagi himself for a long period of time and during that period the 1800-1900 Elo block was blank.
Congratulations, RM!
Ty, it won't last long once my 2 defeats process but I am happy enough.
Personally, the debating here just involves knowing how three or four voters think. There are only 2 people, who are mods, that decide most outcomes.
That is silly but the truth.
This site is too dead for risking very edge topics and people suffer from pro-US bias in all debates where US interests are geopolitically debated.
You need to notice certain biases and play around them (including by avoiding certain debates and sides entirely)
I will coach anybody, just hit me up and be a bit humble.
that is very impressive rationalmadman. you have developed a lot over the years.
Congrats! And even if you fall, you always rise again.
90 days later
Ty, it won't last long once my 2 defeats process but I am happy enough.Personally, the debating here just involves knowing how three or four voters think. There are only 2 people, who are mods, that decide most outcomes.That is silly but the truth.This site is too dead for risking very edge topics and people suffer from pro-US bias in all debates where US interests are geopolitically debated.You need to notice certain biases and play around them (including by avoiding certain debates and sides entirely)I will coach anybody, just hit me up and be a bit humble.
I have never debated on forums. Did some of that in high school.
I don’t want to look like someone hitting on you. But I would love to debate and win some points with your help.
Why would I think you'd be hitting on me ;)
Please go to this thread and answer what I asked Benjamin:
at the very least say there you've signed up.