I have had medical issues lately, breast cancer and have had a lot of time at home during recovery. Thought sharing and debating online would be fun since I have the time. I have not been posting that long and am still confused about how the site works.
Hope your treatment went well. I’d be happy to answer any questions you have about DDO.
Do you see the quotation marks under “Text” with all the symbols up above, when editing/typing? You create a quotation box by clicking it.
And then you can copy and paste what you want to quote.
I think you would be surprised at the low level of knowledge a lot of woman have about their own reproductive system, also fetal development. I worked at my states Right to Life office and when we went out to do educational events, Womans Expos, conventions etc…I was shocked.
I know a lot of women aren’t as informed about their body as they should be. Especially young women when to comes to puberty. No fault of their own of course. Parents are probably too embarrassed to talk about it. So are you for sex education in school? Appropriate lessons for appropriate ages.
Getting pregnant is damage if an abortion happens. Most pro-choicers think their position is pro-life even if they say they are opposed to abortion, but still want it legal. I have talked to hundreds upon hundreds of women like myself who have gotten abortions. Rarely do I meet anyone that is happy they did it. Younger women are more defensive and take the “in your face” attitude. I have only been in two confrontations with a woman one at an abortion clinic, and one at a booth at our state fair.
Yeah it figures. It doesn’t surprise me.
I don’t ignore any arguments. Bring anything up, I will try to give an answer. I will say this. When I am out in the field doing something concerning abortion, I argue from a scientific view…not religious. Why? Because I respect peoples right to believe religiously what they want. If they are Christian, then I can show the scripture side of the issue. Other wise I have a lot of valid medical information to give out. If can send it your way if you would like to read it.
In the bible there’s something called bitter water. Do you know of it?
So she should be able (because she is the mother)….kill her unborn up until the natural gestational age of the unborn? If you tell a woman she has a time limit…then aren’t you taking her rights, her ownership away? So you make a scale as to what unborn deserves life and who doesn’t based on their health. Do you feel that way about kids who are mentally, physically handicapped after they are born?
If the fetus is viable outside womb a lot more grey areas pop up. As the data shows most women don’t want late term abortions.
Kids that get handicapped after they’re born? If they’re not in a prolonged coma a person shouldn’t have a right to end their life. Would you consider being in a coma handicapped?
Heres the thing, correct me if I am wrong. You say that abortions should be rarer…further along. Why? Is abortion wrong on some level? And if it’s wrong, why do you condone it? You said…”It’s up to the mother.” Then why should anyone have a say…? Kill unborn children at any time and for any reason. You tell her no…and you are imposing your morality on her. Right?
That’s my opinion which lines up with how most women feel. I’m not going to force a woman through pregnancy and cut it out of her after she’s been put to sleep. That’s dystopian. What will happen with all the kids in foster homes and mothers that didn’t want them?