Are you the future?
Now its been 10,00 years, the twinkling of starlight, maybe its only yesterday,
in the year 2525, if man { X y }is still alive, if woman { X x } can survive they may find
Part 1 old
Part 2 new
It is believed by some that, the y chromsome is just and aborted X chromosome, that, somehow aquired the SRY gene.
Fred Hoyle and some others believe various biologic composition and viruses come from extra-terrestrial sources ex comets.
...." Where Do Comets Come From?
..The Oort Cloud
...It is thought that most comets originate in a vast cloud of ice and dust
that surrounds the solar system. The Oort Cloud, as it is called,
extends several thousand times farther from the Sun than Pluto, the
outermost planet. A star passing near the solar system may have
disturbed the motions of some comets in the Oort Cloud, sending them
into the solar system. Results from the Stardust mission indicate that
some comet materials originated at very high temperatures, suggesting
they formed near the Sun and were later transported to colder regions."...
Left-handed amino-acids have been found in some metorites that have impacted Earth See Murchinson metorite.
....." For example, comet Hyakutake, which was easily visible to the naked eye
in March, 1996, was first discovered by a Japanese amateur astronomer
using binoculars. Astronomers were surprised to learn "Hyakutake
abundant ethane and methane, compounds never before confirmed
in comets"
On March 27, 1997, NASA announced that a year-long study using Hubble
and several Earth-based telescopes shows that the trace ices in the
nucleus of comet Hale-Bopp are somehow segregated from water-ice
And on April 21, 1997, astronomers on the Canary Islands reported that
Hale-Bopp has a third tail of a kind not seen before; it is composed of
sodium gas
Following so many new findings, comet theorists are completely
rethinking how comets are formed and what they contain. Perhaps in the
process they should consider biological causes for some of the
unexpected phenomena. For example,
on Earth, ethane comes from methane,
and methane is made from carbon dioxide by bacteria. This process could
happen on comets as well. ".....