Morality is a code of behavior derived from values, to list off values and then say "despite morality" is like adding cinnamon despite taste.If your values are wellbeing and public health, then a morality is implied by that.If you mean to say the values you listed supersede all your other values or any value anyone else may hold... congratulations you are now at level 0 of the ethics tech tree. Everybody from Hitler to mother Theresa has values and pursues them.
Tell that to someone who thinks morals are an objective thing.
As for other values I don't know what considerations should be more important than human wellbeing and the public health (assuming we can even discover what makes us well and healthy)
And by the way you could hardly have found two humans that were worse for human wellbeing and the public health than Hitler and mother Theresa. That one is generally considered immoral and the other moral speaks volumes about moral opinions.