There is still three major concerns: they would almost definitely receive federal money,
They would and should be banned from welfare and government assistance. The undocumented are going to have to homeschool their own kids, like a true American.
there is no guarantee that they will stay in solely blue counties
Why would they want to move to counties that hate their guts? The undocumented already stay in blue counties; a federal mandate that they stay in blue counties will only increase this effect.
and this will encourage even more illegal immigration
They are moving to blue counties, why do you care? Trump and DeSantis proposed this.
I think that would be very hard to prove in a court,
Lawyers have an easy time proving stuff; they went to law school for this.
but if on rare occasion you could figure that out, then sure.
So you support the death penalty for a female if they commit their own abortion and knew that it was a human being, but wanted them dead for convienience reasons. This is way more tyrannical than sterilizing and taking a kidney of the man who impregnated her.
But the key difference is one group is citizens and one isn't. There is an important distinction that allows different treatment by law.
The 9/11 terrorist attacks were American citizens. Citizenship status is irrelevant though; a murderer who is undocumented is just as bad as a native born citizen who is a murderer. If an undocumented immigrant gets raped by a native born citizen, if you support letting the native born citizen get away with it because the rape victim is undocumented, that’s evil; there is no other way to put it.
And the reason that I worry about terrorist attacks more than heart disease is this: I eat healthily and get exercise. I can do a lot of things in my power to prevent heart disease.
Many other people have that same mentality; there still is a 14% chance you die of heart disease. The odds of you dying from a terrorist attack are extremely small.
It is Authoritarian to worry about things that have an extremely small chance of killing you, whether those things are terrorist deaths, mass shootings, police killing black people, car accident deaths (so you can reduce speed limits).
Fear takes away people’s freedoms. So don’t worry about extremely rare events.