say you came across someone else wearing socks inside out
would you be wearing each others socks?
why aren't corporations run by democratic principles ?why can't people vote for their managers and executives ?
Trans women are women.
Okay? I am male-presenting and that neither changes my identity nor bothers me.Also, I've seen some of your Twitch. You don't look nor sound like a woman.
I'm happy to debate you on this in a debate.In order to make this claim, you need a definition for the word, "women" that doesn't contain the word, "women" in it. Currently, the definition is, "Someone with XX chromosomes".
[3RU7AL] why aren't corporations run by democratic principles ?why can't people vote for their managers and executives ?[TheUnderdog] It lessens and maybe eliminates the incentive to start a business. What's the point of risking a lot of money and time and hard work only to create a business that can be collectivized by your employees?
Currently, the definition is, "Someone with XX chromosomes".
Trans women are women.
Free-market capitalism is inherently flawed.
Piracy is morally acceptable in some instances..
It's a cultural problem that has it's roots in government interference, but even if government interference stopped today conscious effort is required to recalibrate.
I can't. Despite that, If you don't want to define gender by chromosomes, find a different definition for gender. If your definition of a woman is, "a human without a penis", you would have to define a man as, "somebody with a penis". This means that trans men aren't men because they don't have penises.
Because the people who run them have actual knowledge on how to run a business and make a profit.
I much prefer a Republic.
The egg producer and the sperm producer.
What do you call them?
Surgical contrivances maketh the person these days then?
Trans women are women.
'Woman' is a gender identity.Any conditions for womanhood beyond identifying as a woman are, at best, pointless technicalities.
You seem to place rather more emphasis on it than that.
Where does gender identity come from?