It's simple RM. Liberals are like
"Derp poor people don't have money, so like a 5 year old I think the solution is handing them money and support the welfare state"
Where is conservatives study economics and realize a rising water raises all ships. It's a sentiment backed up by a lot of economic science, but liberals are just like "derp, give money to them"
You can always figure out what a liberal policy position is by asking 5 year olds how they would solve a problem. My son is 6. Here are his solutions for each of the following issues, notice their similarities to a democratic platform
How do we improve schools
"Just give them more money"
how do we stop gun violence
"just take away all guns"
how do we stop homelessness
"Give poor people free money"
You see the stupidity here and the emotional response. It's just low IQ thinking. While the conservative is in college actually taking classes in economics, the liberal is going for a gender studies degree and basing his economic policies on this immature attitude.
The only place my 6 year old disagreed with liberals is when I asked him, what he would do if a boy wanted to be a girl, where he just laughed hysterically instead of suggesting they get their dick cut off.