I would suggest that pretending not to understand, so as to deflect from the logic of my argument, can rightly be regarded as strawman.
Who is pretending? I reject that God is omni- everything. There is no evidence to suggest anywhere in the bible that the God portrayed there is omni-everything. You assert - I refute. Refutation does not mean I have disproved it. Merely that I reject it. And ask you to produce evidence to support your assertion. I have no need to deflect. My position is to get to the point.
Nonetheless, if a GOD is fallible and does not take responsibility for the outcomes of it's decisions and actions, then why should a human have any faith in it?
Hmm. But God is infallible. He cannot fall if we wish to use this definition. The reality is that God has taken responsibility for humanity's stuffup. He himself paid the penalty for Humanity's stuff up. Jesus died on the cross suffering the indignity of humiliation and shame and bearing it for whosoever would accept his help. He did not need to do this. God does not owe humanity anything. Man chose to stuff up. Yet God still despite humanity's pride and arrogance - was prepared to help anyway.
The other thing you just don't seem to grasp - is God is God. I know you don't believe. But you don't help yourself by ignoring the basis of who and what God claims to be. Christians say - God is the ultimate power and authority. He is accountable only to himself. Now I know that in this 21st century of flat earthers - where we think everything should be egalitarian - or socialist - FLAT with no hierarchy, that God or anyone as the pinnacle and ACTUALLY above the law is silly and does not compute. Yet until the Atheist or whatever starts to grasp this concept - which honestly, you don't, then these type of questions you raise - miss the point.
God is the ultimate authority. He is not accountable to anyone but himself. He does not owe anyone anything. He is above the law. He wrote the law. He is the law. That is how the Bible describes God. Now you may not agree with this position - but surely you must concede that this is how the Bible describes God.
Hence - for you to suggest otherwise - or that he must accept responsibility is an absurdity. Of course if God is fallible - as you put it - it creates a dilemma that I can't fix and you can't either. Although I would like to know how you would resolve it. If God is fallible - against what measure has he fallen? Is there some kind of measure that is out there - in the ether somewhere. Some kind of moral ABSOLUTE and OBJECTIVE law that is not God? If there is - can you prove it?