You point out righteousness about property and you lie:
1) "Police" are not real safety or security keepers, for fuck sake they document virginity with "white", if your/their paper is white -> it's clean.
- Real security is something that precures BEFORE things can happen. Police promise (with nice uniforms) to sort it all out AFTER an accident can happen. That's you .. no?
- A lion animal does criminal behavior, it murders. But you moron lie and call it natural .. no?
2) You ashole call it property before or after you invaded the country, which were horses', and those you sold to slavery worldwide.
3) You are fucking dum about property shithead, because you lie about it being place or an object, when the truth is, that property is only what your spiritual being has with it -> for instance education.
Because this world was originally made for education, that spirits could come in connection with an animal -> but not nowadays zombies with bestial asholes like sadolites; vampires have vandalized this world with dangers to lure target spirits here for hurt with sickness to kill them like we are food. And you also lie about children with undelevoped brain functions, that it is okay to incarnate spirit before animal is adult.
So about property mister shithead about security, it is your karma, because your lies and crimes make it and make your character -> it is a school remember. And you spirits connected mostly shit shall atone that. More later.
Goodbye fiancée.