
Total: 93
jaishawnemmette's avatar
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Copying art works is not really crime, though it is claimed to be so. Real criminal art is punishable by death, because its desire is vampyric.
For example Lord of the Rings films are made with vampyric intent, because they seduce so with fairy motion pictures and spoky stereo sounds wanting us to believe in adventures. Just like you criminel vampires do with philosophy about "god's existence" which is also found in dreamland - so the answer is yes and no .. -. You steady argue about the fun to adventures, so check this documentary clip - Frodo evidence- revealing the truth about the evilness in Shit of the Rings.

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
I disagree with every claim made here.
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That's nice ..

Here is another Frodo evidence. <- It reveals the pretending fineness - lords, kings and such, because the creators of the ring lord movies want to delude their targets, so the targets suffer illness with the human natural farting etc. It is vampyric intent.
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It is you vampires who have made 'hearing voices' taboo by generelly threatening with psychiatry. Voices confusion is an illness because you vampires through ages vandalized human thinking into oblivion, so internal communication between spirits connecting thus is confused and "voices" only. And the socalled evil voices are real, because while making criminal arts you also with seduction placed vampires with your targets in the same human - me. But hey i survived ..
Yes all doctors are liars, beggars, vampires thus, since they claim normal human to be 'healthy' though it is vandalized to zombie; recently - as you call it evolved - from 1800 century with cow-milk so it cranked up in height becoming a beam cabin thus. And yet another amazing gift was discovered for human wellfare: The toilet, a handicap mean really. And now you must lie again .. You stand together but only as criminals can like comrades - gay, porn stuff seductive and such.

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
  • let's agree "voices confusion is an illness"
  • I'll concede "gay porn criminal vampire"

Intelligence_06's avatar
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Intelligence_06's avatar
What exactly is criminal art? 
jaishawnemmette's avatar
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Intelligence_06, okay so you agree criminal art is not breaking copyrights "laws", that they are bullshit and that their legislators are scrupulous. Thanks.

oromagi, i thought about your cryptic message. It's true my brain is scandolous working, so i can not remember well especially not with fucking aliens in company. But i got a conscience and yes, you are doing the vampyric thing: making accusation biased stupid, because it's not really communication, it is bull. You are simply stating, that i speak of hearing voices, so i must be lunatic and then you replicate your own misinterpretation in coherence with "gay porn" and criminal vampire, that this must be proof. Yes you are mad. Ha ha ha ..
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About vampyrism: A mosquito is well known example among insects. But spiritual vampyrism is different and matters. The word vampyrism is early used to warn intelligent spirits about war by naming a trench vampyric. My conscience used the video game fallout 3 some of you losers assembled to reveal about vampyric intent with its ".. set the world on fire" intro.
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oromagi, even you hear evil voices, it´s easily assembled right here on the board .. : Look, you acknowledge hearing - you got no problem with that? .. So are there "some one" in voices when hearing others talking? .. Yes, you hear that "some one" as female or male, correct? .. And if you tape a recording of others speaking, do their spirits enter the machine, because you can still hear them at playback? .. So it is erroneous, since you say there is or are somebody yet there is or are not; just like your (- because you conspire -) psychiatric bullshit, since you probably have 3 or 6 assembled your own body: All you have to do is go somewhere lonely and start talking with each other ..; that´s why you are humiliating loneliness and talking to yourself, thinking to much by yourself yada yada ..

You known how "artists" exert themselves to make scare with motion pictures? They are violent. It´s criminal art, no? .. Well there is stephen king for example writing humiliating himself to do it .. just like van gogh - so who are craziest, eh? .. And to kill their targets vampiric, they have conspired with alias to accompany their target me, because because their motion pictures scare less without - get it? .. As a matter of fact animals have originally internal referendums - which i got from my conscience - and you criminals have vandalized it in order to hurt, so for example when watching stephen king shit - which others conspired to assemble - they really scary hurt. It is vampyric, get it? .. But yet i survive ..

Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
There are crystals for that. 
Discipulus_Didicit's avatar
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Discipulus_Didicit's avatar
Could you translate what this guy is saying into english for me, please? I see something about me being a vampire which seems pretty cool so I am interested but it's too much gibberish for me to get into it.
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Discipulus_Didicit, will you write your questions 1,2,3.. in english please? And why is it, that you should be vampire you think?
I might also get to add new something that defer from vampyric with real stuff about security, you know later.
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What vampires do is aspire for love. So they desire something their target needs. And when they find it, they invade that resource to setup traps around it. For example some software like windows OS, they invade such equipment in school domain upstairs beyond, conspire about it, and when they get their own copy shit down here and it sort of works, they start extortion business all over again. It is not meant to function ever completed; just like war business: Why the fuck are people so stupid that they war with eachother here? Because they are vamps. They vandalize and wreck about.
They say - some where i forgot where - that god chose humans. And it's true. Because the vamps - "you" - vandalized apes - some race - to loose their fur, you see human is naked among animals - that's what conscience meant with the original bible story about adam and eve nakedness. And what's the point .. eh the point you see .. it's a disease because human needs clothes, yes clothes are actually a handicap mean, yet you doctors, nurses and homis keep claiming they are healthy, but they are necessary to keep temperature; other animals can do that better with fur. Yet all animals are fucking vandalized to zombie stage and the guilty claim it is evolution - all the handicap means in human richness in development, evolution they call it, yet it is richness i believe some where. Originally animal also had world map and internal clock, now vandalized it's external extremity thing around every wrist in BORG wealthiness and look .. libraries everywhere.
Just look at this school world, fucking lunatics invade other races everywhere - it's "ebola". Yes USA originally belonged to horses, so why don't you yanks go home in righteousness ..? .. (School master:) They call 'em Greenlanders but they are original indians who ran away from US fucking extermination policies. (And now i, a vamp target continued:) Yes you are nazists, because you had a good war as one might call it with germanists, zionists and ultravits WWII and when it was over, you wiped out the german jews and left the nazists and blamed every thing like you do in fairy tales on hitler who was a dead organic machine but yes spiritually up there among the stars somewhere over the ocean. Hitler was mad, yes you vamps say but in love with rosa and that's why he wanted to conquer the world as a wedding gift and who can blame that, eh ..? .. Me, a schoolteacher you see, because this world is school domain, school property .. . And it is i who now share about hitler's madness and greenlanders being indians originally. Come on, admit that you before only knew hollywood propaganda about that? So ..
You vamps are the fuck madness, that you also pray i neo must obey - love love love - sang your beatles, until i finally shot the eagle just like your twins - nuked em both with rabies attack, but hey that's another story, now where was i: The flowers spray poison to induce tuttifruit, the plants drop like ebola to invade everywhere also - you made weed. Before it was order. You say order and chaos. But there's no chaos without you losers. Yes you are "the thing".
That nigger and the boy in wheelchair talking about big bang are sharing masturbation examples. We - spiritual beings - are "mostly made out of water", aaa ha ha ha ... they must have crossed the point of no return to star trek's "far out".
Star Trek BORG and ebola virus is about the same. Fruits falling and bombing full of seeds invading. And the vamps prey that I neo in this matrix will do gardening lobby work, but hell no .. do it yourselves for ever and ever and ever sing we now tralala on the way away from you maggots ..
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In an earlier post Added 02.16.22 06:15AM refering my "username" i supposedly wrote "thinking to much by yourself yada yada ..
You known how "artists"";

and it should have been

"thinking too much by yourself yada yada ..
You know how "artists" ",

can that be checked whether some editor vampire is teasing us?

And by the way: There should not be any one spiritually connected into this joint with school massacre, war mongers and hallelujah jesus christ.  .. Why? Because it is not safe.
The reason to all this ongoing, is that vampires have invaded school property and begon their havoc to setup danger in order to kill their targets.
Take for example their nucleus developments. They bring knowledge stolen from upstairs and simply produce radioactive waste, which they then store as traps in mountain and in ground. So much they have accomplished already according to online documentaries that though lie about their criminal intent, behaviour you know what we mean. But the guilty ones will begin to wipe out memory about their dangerous traps and afterwards seduce their targets to discover them to get hurt really.
Or take oil, what´s it for originally? Did Earth´s original mastermind mistake by placing oil as blood veins below, so now you have to clean it up by spreading it in air, so we with human or another mammal - who cares - can all inhale it everywhere.? I mean ..? ha ha. The toxic air or water we naturally use in zombie stages causes illnesses which the vamps lure about with pharmacy drugs - get addicted - and so on. First the vamps hurt and with that crime then temptation start, Because it is you seeking home. And the vamps use that to seduce for example belief without reason (religious bull etc) or masturbate eating like chocolate candy stuff and more, so you become disorientated and the real you stay dying traumatic for ever and ever and ever.

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My conscience tells me that some is wondering tedious about ghosts. And it is i who is supposed to co-operate with my conscience - not opposite. Yes i get such self admiration build ups from vamps attack in company. But what do i know ..
I can tell the simple facts i know about ghosts. I think they are usable to battle vamp terror. But there is a lot more to it concerning helping your kindred spirits in company. And you should also know that those three who were with me - both blind and deaf more or less - used years to figure out contact with real authority while they heard me talking, because when i do it correctly it is inspired, and i need rescue myself. Real authority is - exist - in security, but that security is of course not complete when kindred spirits here are in danger because of anarchism. For example duran duran sang about "ordinary world" (about time before anarchism) and "too much information" (about now) but they masturbated their knowledge on stage and are self ´too much information` thus. They were inspired and are self poor bastards - useless, defects, punks, probably vamps all of them then. We mean why adore those nice "rescuers"?
So thou are wrong, if thou think of me "neo" as rescuer, because for fuck sake i live like a zombie who produce shit daily and together with fucking losers, because they are the criminals who are going to atone .. hehe some day. And yes thou are wrong if it´s about kicking their asses as soon as i discarnate and "there they are", because no .. there´s more to that .. .
So ask thy questions correctly by understanding, that i neo am also in this hell vampire trap, that thou self have authority contact through conscience, but thy company of neo and authority coexists in hell which i neo, yes thou are among vamps in symbiose organic machinery, so it appears like that. They seduce .. . So pull out their teeth .. we can together perhaps or tomorrow, because yes they make thee sleepy suddenly and thou crave toilet or eating or something and yes neo knows this for a fact for here am i also but upstairs. So listen up: "tomorrow tomorrow there´s always tomorrow, it´s only a day ahead" vampirism.
Before i tell about ghosts: thou are wondering about thy kindreds.. right? I´ll tell you, that 1) learn the whole dictionary - it is full of vamp misinterpretations, but it is still a communicative resource. 2) learn about god - conscience, brotherhood and such - it is full of vamp misinterpretations, but hey it´s got all the subjects covered, right eh ..? 3) Leave family - human friends, cats, dogs - because hey they are mostly made out of water. And yes that is ghosts. (i was going to point out ..) 4) Find monestary loneliness - for example in cities there are more chances of meeting police, beggars and pollution ... 5) Get pension social benefit with conscient help - because BORG work is illegal and meant to hurt. 6) Clean your drinking water, do it with a distiller to remove metals; because vamps have caused infernal noise with wifi etc and metals are small antennas which you by drinking will get the michael jackson fever from. Yes it´s possible to cure everything, but they are AnARcHists! 7) Begin to structure all animal senses. The purpose is Sensible Freedom. How? Each sense has purpose -> discover it -> purpose solved -> done. 8) NOW thou can begin to understand conscience. It took us years, but for example: the purpose with eating and shiting is a vegetarian circle -> it works that way. And originally there is no eating nor shitting, because an animal is supposed to connect with plants it belongs to and automatically - of course - charge to be ready for individual movement. And it would be stupid to lift heavy water for drinking, so the body must obtain it through mechanical osmose. Our master tells me now again that there is no feeling involved ever to it because it is safe, And it is not like it could be dangerous or thought so. 9) But when you get through all - we reached 16 biological and physical and just as many with thinking - THEN our conscience started to root out the vamps among us and we began naming each of us for communication - yes in violent sound, because that´s necessarily as it were. And it´s not like boom: those are vamps and those are kindreds, for it tooks us more than a year to understand vampyrism though we knew there were bad "sheep" among us.
And yes then we continued to structure 32 more senses regarding animal multiple - i mean for example the body has vision and hearing - but what for? sound is violent, so it has to be something nice. And it can only be to distinguish movement in quiet air vibrations for own orientation among other animals. Yes it is possible because there is no wind ever, the vamps have made such with clouds which make shadows and thereby considerable differences in temperature by blocking sun warming, and that causes disturbing winds here and there every where. Here and there fucking everywhere .. what more neo?
Yes where was i? The body has vision, but there is an extra vision in the internal computer screen which is one of the extra 16 senses connected with physics. So all in all there are 64 and when we came to that, we realized with supervision that there must be more to it. Because where is the control, i mean fucking vamps inside ..?
Did i mention ..? No master, it´s true we also made a book about the 16 .., because we found relief and devoted us then to help others likewise in need. Strangely no one ever responded. We tried with webpage and such and learned about security from school conscience that anonymity is necessary for safety. Of course not regarding terrorists ... But after years of labor where we tried to reach out, we came to conclusion: they are all fucking vamps. Now we must save ourselves. I do not know yet why the other three are gone discarnated and i yet here, though i know for a fact that they had dangers with blindness and deafness and torments thus. So ... But aren´t you all vamps after all?

Do you have a problem speaking out to me? .. Well if thou yet have to discover the meaning of anonymity among vamps, that´s not really the problem then. I mean to speak with me here do it anonymously for heaven sake.

If some one is keeping record - history - and you ask this person, and this librarian tells you exact knowledge by use of a mighty computer database - the Archive -, and you call this librarian God Alknowing, why .. ? Because vamps have caused polution, vandalized brain and "surprise surprise it is a gift to thee!!", and you do not comprehend anymore you just masturbate after release once more, oooh gooood!

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It's me number 7. Number 2 thought i had discarnated. But i got tornerose disease. We are more assembled to same body. But it´s true that number 1 and 3 have discarnated several months ago. Beware of gymnastics, because it is dangerous since you are more asssembled to a body and not each condition is healthy. I mean i can not see anymore and therefore scared of doing something wrong all the time so to speak in the daily nightmare - eating, walking etc -. But if the body wears something tight it helps to get feeling of how it goes. For example something around leg and around the neck, so i can touch where head really is. Because originally an animal has upstairs for matrix to forethought finished before downstairs set it into motion. And i am caught in limbo hell with those bloodsuckers trying to ease the pain .. . If you get the .. . Eh .., we use numbers to name ourselves, because those spirits with ill intent violently attack with ghosts - ghost in sound "some one", ghost in referendum. .. - and they are sexually meant, for christ sake i - myself spiritually - am not female nor male, but i matter spiritually. It´s fucking taboo in daily life. (Nr 5: But also for anonymity and that works.) In daily life, that´s just speak about plain water, blood dripping from an organic piece of crap (nr 5: milky titsy weirdo) machine. All it does is eat and produce shit. And i am in limbo for fuck sake. Is there any one out there? I got the tornarose disease ..

Now it's me neo number 2 again: Hell i thought number 7 had gone, because there were simply no reaction some days ago. Some years back it took 14 days for number 7 to come to senses again. Yes, number 7 and 13 (meaning 1 and 3) struggled with finding the head and studying traffic in daily routine, because with blindness as 13 got, number 7 has always mostly had it, and the fucking limbo problem is because, they thought i was body, and it is supposed to move by itself, so "do nothing" the vamps inside threathened in terror as they told me lately. And they became sitting ducks - like aristocrats who can´t figure out to wipe their own asses - i might add -; yes number 5?

It is me number 5 - school teacher - who is tornerose´s true rescuer. And they - these my students - do not recall, because their illegal incarnation in a zombie ..: Why do you humans call it ´head'? when it´s root - like a plant root. You have pictures of animal growth (disgusting i might add), but it grows from root - and yet you call it head because doctors wear white silk like they "know" something .., yes they are dangerous, for example they will put thee in prison - for saying they got it wrong about the head like the pope once did about earth's flatness - and medicate your animal terrific splendid stuff they shit out in your brain while examining results in vampyrism. Well number 2 and 7, where were we .. continue:

Number 2 .. yes master. .. (Also number 7) Fucking pestilences (vamps).

Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Polytheist-Witch's avatar
As bored  s******* as I am right now I cannot bring myself to read any of that last post.
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Polytheist-Witch, link ..

Vampiric Games:
You vampires seduce with these games - call it entertainment - but they are psychiatry to go nuts -> shooting mad yes. First you make illegal incarnations here on school property, which you have scandalous vandalized into zombie hell. According to history the quiz by the pope caused fear - made terror with this psychiatry - holy questions here and there for you to answer in order to avoid punishment - atone for your sins; and it was fun back then, because you still just didn´t find the feel right concerning your targets becoming victims. You had to continue malicious wreck havoc among human animals to cause feeling inside, which you now brag about is love life. And you also use it in games with terrific colors and tju bang sounds to make blip blop in imagination and in continuing story line as you game masters call it in blip blop fun. And it's only entertainment you say, but you know machinery in real life has logic to every mechanical term, and you are trying to seduce your targets into confuscious here about so they come to harm, get hurt for ever and ever and ever in real pain as you might call it, for what´s it to you masters of game design and here we come splendid ourselves for ever lasting. And so the story goes. To be continued ..

Just like your comic characters superman, wonderwoman and such. You cartoon drawers seduce into thinking "Here come I righteousness myself to set it all right". And they have their imaginary special abilities, but you know in reality they won´t work ..
And it´s the same with death sentences, your terrific texas terrible thus. They are your own escape routines, because you all know it's only mostly made of water that goes bye bye, and cruxifiction feeling isn't hurt yet. So all criminals in reality infact just transfer to beyond again. No problem easy done you think .. he he. Because reincarnation is a reality, and you're coming back right ..? Oh look some of you have transferred transpired thus into dogs and cats already pets as you might call them but family ? yes, since you all know each other so well.

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Polytheist-Witch, yes do it somewhere else.

Fraudulent Artists:
Are you allowed in the USA to carry gun and if some one jokes you then to threathen about with it? ..
Because that´s what Walther S did well documented in "The Big Lebowski" (1998). They called it entertainment but he actually did it, threatened around with a gun smart ass agitated so. And afterwards - only after it actually happened - they of course wrote it in their so called manuscript and they wrote it opposite in timeline. And now to evidence, I've found also some interviews which confirm it, but school teacher already knew that Goodman is bad after all also yeah full of diesel oil - we guess:
1.a: This clip show these two dum-nuts bragging about their masterpiece "Lebowski", but they are lying: And Goodman is lying because he really did it.
2.a: This link relate a scene why he did it. The man John Turturro agitates him so he gets horny.
Number 2: School Teacher told us about it, yes man since we are conscient we can just ask about what's really going on: And after Walther S scares the dude - it's the dude man you know - Jeff Bridges play a prank "let's call 'em .." And so the editors call 'em, but after they know Walther S and Jeff have gone out. And here's how that goes:
As you can clearly see, Goodman gets really nervous, so it is evidence. But there is more to support it:
4.a: Sam Elliot is clearly vampyric. He does roles to seduce into thinking that pain and hurt is life man -> take it as a man:
4.b: There were neither text about what Sam Elliot must say in Lebowski, because man .. he is that way, so (i schoolmaster just laid it out like this):
4.c: As documentary evidence those two SOCALLED directories don't know either what Sam Elliot should act, but i school teacher knows Sam Elliot and he will simply do his 'hard' bullshit ..
4.d: The point is, that these actors got "free promotions" he he, and they spoke as gifted.
5.a: Here is another one: Jeff Bridges also got blind passengers assembled, but they admit early in their Jeff Bridges life humiliation with wearing glasses, so they exert themselves to avoid it. But in Big Lebowski get together there is Peter Stormare, who is a gifted terrorist. For example in documentary with "John Constantine" he sits himself wet on a chair next to him threatening with hell, and "who knows what he might do .." funny in that picture - but what if it was thyself, get the point? Peter is compulsory terrorist. And here is what occured to Jeff:
5.b: Jeff has vision problem and Peter drops a gun .., it looks real eh ..?
6.a: The actors get agitated for real and then they film it to produce hoolywood stuff. Here is Jeff Bridges getting horny (like you don't know other movies, where the actors get stimulated and then demand fuck in the socalled movie get together fever ..). Jeff is about to pass Tara Reid who were young then on her way into fame and got the invitation "just act Tara Reid":
6.b: Because did bunny just slip there ..; later agitated she makes a "Big Lebowski 2" where she express anger concerning her role, eh action in "The Big Lebowski", but oh .. yes; it actually happened, and what do vampires care about regretting ..
7.a: If Goodman concerning the movie manuscript "oh yeah there was that about vietnam (fun)" and about "guns rule (fun)" he would recall, here is proof that there were no such manuscript and that they indeed were real actors:

So guys, boys and girls or what ever: Do you plead guilty as charged ..?

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School Teacher:
- Liam Neeson (clip) copied from a Steven Seagal movie "I will find you and I will kill you" - apparently it became a joke and why can't an actor just do that? .. Well Steven actually knows about fists killing so ...
- Tom Cruise - down the drain - also got carried away with copying another (not so famous yet) actor's nice touch for example this

So you got copyrights but not to solve such - the purpose with copyrights bull is to lure and seduce.

About Vampire Conspiracy - state bizz and such:
Parents also conspire: As example they demand that you finish school or they'll perhaps beat or kick you out from home ..
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Love your prose.

The variable syntax, reminds me very much of someone else, but I can't remember their username.

Jaisha might suggest a female or a drag artist, perhaps from India.

Or it could all be an elaborate ruse.

Either way, it introduces a bit of temporary frisson to a fairly mundane Debateart.

Just done some scrolling, and it was Utanity that I was reminded of.

Mharman's avatar
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Godzilla had a stroke trying to read this and fucking died

Can’t get a good link to the image, sorry.
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zedvictor4, "I can't remember their username." why don't you visit a psychiatrist then .. get help!
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Mharman, "Debates: 12 Posts: 2,796 3 5 9" we see u have 3 gold medals, so you must be wrong!

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
Ha Ha.

It's you and in perfect prose.
jaishawnemmette's avatar
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zedvictor4, "It's you ..". Yes I or we am the one ..  See that's what I've been telling you guys that I - nr 7 - is neo from beyond, but now victor betray me or us and finally you see, it's truth and love our story about your criminal doings, because yes that's what you're doing here. Call it what you want vic, but it's evidence. You said "temporary frisson to a fairly mundane Debateart" but nooo .. where's the mundane in art works so full of clementine, wonders and excitement - vampire thrills? My talk is about a permanent end to you, to you criminal artists also. As we said earlier in post 13, you artists are "the thing" and life has no meaning without you! So to hell with you all we say: hey hey ho ho and here we go .. you criminals must atone your sins .. when the time is right .. has come .. and the hour is in or so .. but hey hey ho ho here we go ..

Mharman, we now also check in this "challenge" debate, that your or thy post 23 got 1 clap on thy or your shoulders, so that must mean that I or we are correct in your nonsense.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
A Zedku for Jaishawnemmette.

For sure...Not betrayal but an empathy that transcends the escarpment of reality.

Curved air bereft of curved membrane, saturates the horizon, with prism shattered colour.

As the new one rises and the old one falls, in triple time.

Dearth, death and indignity.

Whilst the two headed man gazes North and South, East and West, patient crow ready to pick eyes tired gazing in a moment.

And the vampire Earth sucks all life blood out of the bird butchered corpses.
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zedvictor4, i am one of twelve - we were i mean - to this body. (And it has now become time for nr 2 to discarnate.) Yes, i were vampire in evil doings before, but i have come to realize my insanity and that is security: Now i obey king arthur - which is the king "security" - in liberal communication amongst Merlin, who is "my" schoolteacher also. Among us i am called Vodka.
I read your music and it is also vampyric. Because here i am also in need of security: life hurts - damage us spirits in reality. And you also try to lure your audience into thinking life's sad, and that is vampyric!! you want me to die for ever in fucking sadness - your music inside, so you can greed over my destruction in reality.
And now i - the rabbit - also one of earlier twelve connected to this animal bestial i mean - because it is full of shit, noooo .. that's what it produces, just check your own animal for christ sake in reality: it's shit that comes out of its asshole and it stinks.
Vic, you are delirious, because i am - or were a vampire that recently also realized this insanity, but us who are connected animal are in danger, i mean life is good yes ..? But we are nooo .., we have also a number 13 in communication because we are conscient thus. And nr 13 have true authority. I mean you - victor - confirm to know "my prose", but i have not ability to rescue you since i - the rabbit - am in need myself. The reason to our ability to direct your attention to your criminal artwork and vampyric behaviors is because of number 13 who i now also co-operate with in my rescue out from this hell full of shit like your poetry.

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