Biden won the election with 81 million votes and Bernie objectively had less support than Biden so I don't know where that number comes from.
A lot of people that would sit out elections would have voted for Bernie because they think democrats are too right wing. Not all Bernie Sanders supporters are of voting age. About 1/3 of the country supports Bernie.
No US politician has suggested that the US adopt or even help all the world's orphans.
I'm making a point claiming that if there are children suffering in other countries (or even in my own country), then it's none of my business. Free market includes not being forced to help out the poor.
You can't honestly claim to be a Christian without acknowledging a responsibility to care for orphans and homeless people.
America is not a theocracy. We don't make laws based on the bible. Forcing people to help out the poor because of the bible is making laws based on the bible. This is also why I don't use the bible to justify banning abortion or opening the borders.
But if you care about the homeless, your free to adopt a homeless person.
They want everybody, including themselves to do something about it as in they want governments to do something about it because that's cheapest and most effective solution
If the government, with it's $3 trillion annual budget was effective in ending homelessness, there would be no homelessness. The easiest solution to homelessness (if we even want to give people free homes) is to put them all in Bernie Sander's homes and in AOC's district. If she turns them down, she is being mean to the poor. How sad! Lol
The actual choice is between paying less money up front or much more money later, when the indigent become social problems that can't be ignored.
The problem can be ignored. We just do nothing and if they starve, less welfare bums. I'm sick of subsidizing Trump (or Biden) supporting homeless people. No more welfare state.
Republicans (Reagan was the poster child in this respect) in the 70's and 80's stupidly cleared out the orphanages and asylums as a short-term cost-saving measure only to realize too late that they ended up paying ten-fold in increased crime, emergency services, damage to the commercial appeals of city centers, etc.
Private police deal with any crime that the homeless do, and then the homeless would be working off the debt they racked up. Once their labor is done, they get a job to where they don't have to starve anymore so they don't have to steal anymore. This is a quicker more effective form of punishment and rehabilitation for the homeless than 20 years of jail/living off the government for theft. #LibetarianCapitalist.
The average cost of a homeless person to US taxpayers is currently about $100,000/year when we could easily house, feed, and provide medical care for a quarter or a fifth of that cost
How do you come to that conclusion?