The Bible contains a big FUCK YOU to anti-LGBT Christians

Author: Benjamin


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Benjamin's avatar
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Benjamin's avatar
Some christians love to use the Bible to condemn the LGBT community. There are people who think that gay people are worse than everyone else - despite mainstream theology stating that all humans are born sinners by default. Apart from the logical fallacies at play, the behavior born from these views are outright unethical. The result of Christian demonization is often unjustifiable social sanctions, hate and stigma leading to depression and suicide among gays and others. 

Allow me to present one of the most ignored messages in the entire Bible.

Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger; for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God
What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, 16 and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead. If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.

Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world. If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well. But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.

Whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it.

No human being can tame the tongue. It is a restless evil, full of deadly poison. With it we bless our Lord and Father, and with it we curse people who are made in the likeness of God. From the same mouth come blessing and cursing. My brothers, these things ought not to be so. Do not speak evil against one another, brothers. There is only one lawgiver and judge, he who is able to save and to destroy. But who are you to judge your neighbor?

The wisdom from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, OPEN TO REASON, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere.
 Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.  The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

Allow me to summarize:
  • Everyone is sinfull. The type of sin is irrelevant to God, nobody is better than anyone else.
    • Your prayers will heal people consistently if you are actually righteous.
  • God demands the avoidance of anger and verbal attacks -- he demands one is always gentle, peacefull and open to reason.
  • If you do not actively help the weakest in society it shows that your faith is worthless and that you won't go to heaven.

This is confirmed by the savior himself. Jesus is written to have called for his diciples to take the gospel around the world, to heal the sick, sell their possesions, give to the poor. He said the one not willing to leave family behind and die for his cause was not worthy to be his diciple. Meanwhile, the average christian critic of LGBT+ is a selfish westerner who barely believes in --- far less follows --- the teachings of Messiah. The prayers of these people are not answered and any critique of others they make based on the Bible is both logically fallacious and utterly hypocritical. Their own salavation is highly dubious at best, and they certainly cannot claim any moral highground. 

If you reject the scientific literature about genetic basis for LGBT+, the biblical narrative itsell will still affirms that all people are born sinfull and incapable of following God's standard. Even if the omnibenevolent entitiy called God abhors the genetic traits of a person he himself designed perfectly, it still makes no difference. Jesus tells us that the one without sin can cast the first stone -- which means nobody is entitled to downtroding others even if they are hopeless sinners. The fact that ignorant christians are murdering large percentages of LGBT+ people through their unethical words and actions, is astonishing.

What is the difference between throwing literal stones or verbal stones when the end result is the same: extreme pain and eventual death. Answer: ignorance. Christians are ignorant of their own footprint, of science, justice, ethics and even the values and expectations of their own savior. Just like in the middle ages.
Wylted's avatar
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So basically your entire argument is a strawman of Christians. Nobody hates fags. They just want fags to stop doing degenerate things to each other, like gay pride parades where 13 year olds are dancing next to adult naked males. Go to a gay pride parade if you think that's an exaggeration. 

We also want fags to stop spreading faggotry. When murderers kill somebody, they don't try to promote murders in society, they realize they are wrong. Liars don't promote lying, but queers promote gaming things up. Wtf?

Christians love gays, we just want them to stop pounding and taking ass, promoting homosexuality and pedophilia, and we need them to stop being so proud of their sinning
Benjamin's avatar
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Benjamin's avatar
You want them to stop being themselves and to be ashamed of who they really are. Thats excactly the problem. You cannot change their sexual orientation like you can their behaviour -- all you can do is oppress it by threatening them with eternal fire and social pressure. Only a miracle could truly achieve the transformation they would need and apparently God isn't too keen on doing them these days. Your arrogance blinds you from realizing that you are no better than the gays.

We need them to stop being so proud of their sinning
Thats a straw man if I ever saw one. What makes you think that having sex makes someone proud? As far as I know they are not proud of being LGBT+, but because they are fighting oppression and nonsensical hatred. Their pride will evaporate when being LGBT+ is no longer proof of courage, that is to say, when you ceice being dicks. 

We also want fags to stop spreading faggotry.
You misunderstand the issue at hand. Faggotry cannot be spread, it is limited by the number of fags that are born. The question is will you treat them as "ultra-sinners"?

They just want fags to stop doing degenerate things to each other
First of, pedophiles do not have sexual prefenses like LGBT, they have degenerate age prefences, your accusation fails. Pedophilia is not prohibited by the Bible anyways.

So basically your entire argument is a strawman of Christians.
Negative. I did not mention any Christian arguments. I only stated the facts about Christian behaviour being incompatible with ethics, science and even the Bible.
Benjamin's avatar
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Benjamin's avatar
Any comments on the horrendous mistreatment of gay people that leads to suicide? What about Christians that themselves refuse to follow the commandments of God?
zedvictor4's avatar
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Trouble is.

Pounding and taking ass is real.

And a GOD isn't.

And Christianity is make believe.


Makes Gays realists,

And Christians fantasists.

Just saying.

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
Allow me to summarize:
  • Everyone is sinfull. The type of sin is irrelevant to God, nobody is better than anyone else.
Yes, everyone is sinful but some people are most certainly better than others. And, the type of sin does matter. I'm willing to bargain that lying about eating cookies is better than murder.

    • Your prayers will heal people consistently if you are actually righteous
  • God demands the avoidance of anger and verbal attacks -- he demands one is always gentle, peacefull and open to reason.
All valid. But he demands people are open to God's reason. Not human reason.

  • If you do not actively help the weakest in society it shows that your faith is worthless and that you won't go to heaven.
Define weakness. It is important for society to take care of the meek and elderly but twisting the definition of the weak to include sodomites would be incorrect.

This is confirmed by the savior himself. Jesus is written to have called for his diciples to take the gospel around the world, to heal the sick, sell their possesions, give to the poor. He said the one not willing to leave family behind and die for his cause was not worthy to be his diciple. Meanwhile, the average christian critic of LGBT+ is a selfish westerner who barely believes in --- far less follows --- the teachings of Messiah. The prayers of these people are not answered and any critique of others they make based on the Bible is both logically fallacious and utterly hypocritical. Their own salavation is highly dubious at best, and they certainly cannot claim any moral highground. 
Jesus was a righteous figure who preached for the sick and the poor. But if you think that this teaching nulled the moral codes of God you are surely mistaken. Jesus is disgusted by sin and it is still clearly condemned. 1 John 1:9, Romans 6:23, Acts 2:38. As for the "selfish westerner" claim, I'm willing to bargain that the average anti-lgbt Christian is a better Christian than a pro-lgbt one. The anti-lgbt probably goes to church more, probably prays more and relates Christ to everyday life.

If you reject the scientific literature about genetic basis for LGBT+,

Where is the gay gene? Nobody can find it. 

the biblical narrative itsell will still affirms that all people are born sinfull and incapable of following God's standard. Even if the omnibenevolent entitiy called God abhors the genetic traits of a person he himself designed perfectly, it still makes no difference. Jesus tells us that the one without sin can cast the first stone -- which means nobody is entitled to downtroding others even if they are hopeless sinners. The fact that ignorant christians are murdering large percentages of LGBT+ people through their unethical words and actions, is astonishing.
Nobody is perfect and everyone is born with original sin and vice. This is correct but unforgiving and extreme sinners have been downtroded by society since...well forever and many people are entitled to downtrode on criminals and other sinners. It's why laws exist and judges exist. It's why churches and the clergy exists, it's why parental laws exist to ensure children don't become extreme sinners. This is what Christian society is set up to do. To uphold institutions that ensure good communal living for all members while punishing those who harm the community. 

What is the difference between throwing literal stones or verbal stones when the end result is the same: extreme pain and eventual death. Answer: ignorance. Christians are ignorant of their own footprint, of science, justice, ethics and even the values and expectations of their own savior. Just like in the middle ages.

No, Christians are not ignorant. Science has been rapidly progressed by Christianity for a while. A priest made the Big Bang Theory. Western civilization literally created the idea of justice. Christian ethics are what built western civilization. The values and expectations of Christ are met when homosexuality is discouraged.
Polytheist-Witch's avatar
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Unless a homosexual is a Christian, Christians don't have f*** all to say about but any homosexual person's doing. Quit acting like Christians get to decide how everybody else is going to do their thing. And if you're a man tapping your wife's ass you are no better than any gay man as far as sex acts goes.
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I love picturing God creating planets , stars , animals and getting truly in ore, and then at the pinical of my oreness ness. 
I go oh .
Oh And also this ummmm " thing " does not want boys kissing boys. 
It brings me back down like that. 
So Now i picture god with opinions. 
And thats boring. 

Does God have opinions? 

Tradesecret's avatar
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Not sure what the point of this topic is. 

Christians as a general rule agree that all people are sinners.   All sin separates God from humanity.  One of those sins is homosexuality.  Another is adultery. Another is telling lies. Another - judging one another falsely.   

I actually don't know any Christians who I would consider homophobic. I am sure there are many out there. I just don't come across them in my circles. 

I'm not sure there are ANY scientific studies that support the genetic background for homosexuality.   And in particular peer reviewed material. Mostly studies have steered away from doing so - just in case - some right winged nut job gets into power and decides to genetically switch all of the gay genes off. 

There was some earlier material attempting to prove the gay gene - but it turned out that all the people who were studied with a particular gene had actually died from AIDS - and it was the AIDS itself which was giving a unique gene - and this was confirmed after druggies who died from AIDS but were heterosexual were found to have the same unique gene. 

The Bible indicates all have sinned and - it is therefore unsurprising to find people who are homosexual in our world.  Are they a worse type of sinner? Some might say yes. Others would say no. Yet whether it is worse or not - it is still sinful. 

The question about sinful is interesting.  What does that mean? Does that mean we isolate them from the world like the unvaccinated? Or the leper? Does that mean we treat them like 2nd hand citizens like the unvaccinated or the uneducated?  Does that mean that they have no hope for the future? Or indeed for heaven? 

Good questions - but hardly likely to be answered let alone resolved on this website. 

eventuality001's avatar
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We see also that in the entire Old Testament and New - never do we find anyone ever physically recorded as having been stoned to death for adultery.

It just was never recorded in the Bible.

It may or possibly or probably did happen - however, there is not a single recorded instance or incident that tells that anyone was ever stoned to death for adultery.

The point to the law was orbiting around disease prevention, I believe that stoning to death simply did not occur in the way that people imagine or envision.

The Law was given at the time of Moses, there were diseases, plagues and viruses that were killing thousands of people in just a single day and at this time - yes - there were people recorded as having been killed for committing immoral sex acts and literally infecting others and bringing diseases and plagues into the encampment of the Israelites.

But after this catastrophic event in Moses's lifetime and by him the law was given - however, after Moses we can not point to a single incident where anyone was killed for sexual immorality.

Also, after Moses was gone, the following prophets after him, did not repeat this law.

The prophets after Moses did not declare that the death penalty was important for breaking sexually related blood crimes. Even the homosexuals were never killed. the kings simply told them to leave the area and they were put out of the land.

This law was given during a time period in which diseases and sicknesses were prevalent and spreading to thousands of innocent people and the law was given specifically to prevent people infecting others with sexually transmitted diseases.

If a woman was dishonest and lying about her BLOOD related activities and had had blood transitions with other males and was lying to another man about this - then the law was there to protect a man who would otherwise be a victim of a possible disease or sickness .

A woman who had sexual relations with other men would then lie about this and proceed to marry a man who has 4 or 6 other wives - and this potential sickness or disease would be spread to him and all of his other multiple wives and all of their future children would also become sick and diseased before they knew that the new wife was lying about her BLOOD CRIME....

blood crimes are real -

Benjamin's avatar
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Benjamin's avatar
May I challenge your view of the issue. Jesus condemned the religious hypocrities all the time, but almost never the "sinners". Those who arrogantly think themselves superior to otherss because they keep the law of God, they were the one Jesus critized the most. The Christians who are not actively witnessing their faith and dedicating their entire lives to Jesus are not acting upon their faith, their faith is indeed dead. James confirms this. Furthermore, if you really believe that you deserve hell and is only saved by grace, it would be nearly impossible to critizise others and not be a hypocrite. 

I'm willing to bargain that the average anti-lgbt Christian is a better Christian than a pro-lgbt one
Why? Because theology deems lgbt technically sin? Do you believe that merely going to church or adding jesus on top of your everyday life makes you a better christian?

 This is correct but unforgiving and extreme sinners have been downtroded by society since...well forever
IS does not equal SHOULD BE. What justification can you bring to the table for causing depression and suicide?

This is what Christian society is set up to do. To uphold institutions that ensure good communal living for all members while punishing those who harm the community. 
That is not what defines Christian society, but just the general idea of society. Christians would actually make diciples of all people, not establish punnitivie systems.

Western civilization literally created the idea of justice.
Bullshit. I don't blame you for believing this, but you have been misled. The oldest law is Babylonian and was created two millenia before Christ. 

The values and expectations of Christ are met when homosexuality is discouraged.
Jesus never said anything about homosexuality, not a single quote supports your statement. Jesus said that merely being angry at your brother og looking at a woman with lust earns you hell, and that the one without sin can throw the first stone. Jesus literally pardoned a prostitute in front of the religious leaders that wanted to punish her for breaking the law of God. How do Christians still justify relentlessly attacking "sinners" when the apostles clearly demand that Christians be peacefull and overbearing, showing the love of Christ not their own bigotry and hypocrisy. 

No, Christians are not ignorant.
So Christians KNOW that they are killing gay people indirectly? Do they KNOW that the bible is always wrong in its cosmology? Do they KNOW that there is a world out there that is destined to hell if they don't act? Do they really KNOW that Jesus says a rich man can only enter heaven with great difficulty? To me it seems the average Christian hardly  knows anything even remotely important about science or Jesus's commands --- or if they do they are unwilling to accept or act on it.

Benjamin's avatar
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Benjamin's avatar
Are they a worse type of sinner? Some might say yes. Others would say no. Yet whether it is worse or not - it is still sinful. 
Jesus condemned religious leaders his entire ministry but never spoke a single word against homosexuality. He even spent a lot of time with sinners and didn't ever attack them -- his mere prescence changed them for the better. Today Christians are destroying the lives of lgbt people for no other reason than "sin", yet Jesus never took the condemnation approach - he stated clearly that the one without sin can throw the first stone. 

I actually don't know any Christians who I would consider homophobic.
Thats a good thing. To simply assume that someone is a worse human just because they belong to a certain group is nonsensical and harmfull.

I'm not sure there are ANY scientific studies that support the genetic background for homosexuality.

Even if you don't buy that being gay specifically is caused by your genes, the Christian doctrine of heredetary sin serves the same purpose: its impossible to avoid sin. Only a miracle can heal a sinner, meaning God decides when he wants gay people to stop "sinning" --- Christians have no right to try doing God's job.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
May I challenge your view of the issue. Jesus condemned the religious hypocrities all the time, but almost never the "sinners". Those who arrogantly think themselves superior to otherss because they keep the law of God, they were the one Jesus critized the most. The Christians who are not actively witnessing their faith and dedicating their entire lives to Jesus are not acting upon their faith, their faith is indeed dead. James confirms this. Furthermore, if you really believe that you deserve hell and is only saved by grace, it would be nearly impossible to critizise others and not be a hypocrite. 
Jesus forgave sinners. He didn't condone them either. The problem with LGBT is that there is no repenting for your sins. It is pride for a sin. Jesus loves sinners but he makes it clear that he wants repentance. It is not my place to say whether people deserve hell or heaven, that's up to God.

Why? Because theology deems lgbt technically sin? Do you believe that merely going to church or adding jesus on top of your everyday life makes you a better christian?
Literally Yes. Going to church and adding Jesus to your life DOES make you a better Christian. How is that even a question?

IS does not equal SHOULD BE. What justification can you bring to the table for causing depression and suicide?
There's absolutely zero justification for causing depression and suicide, especially on unsuspecting teens that LGBT feeds on. BUT, There's a reason why LGBT was looked down upon for 10,000 years. IT is a harm to society and every healthy society has kept it in check.

That is not what defines Christian society, but just the general idea of society. Christians would actually make diciples of all people, not establish punnitivie systems.
Christians would establish punitive systems. Not everyone will fit into a Christian society. The Old Testament makes punishments and laws clear.

Bullshit. I don't blame you for believing this, but you have been misled. The oldest law is Babylonian and was created two millenia before Christ. 
law doesn't equate to justice. Laws have been around forever. Ancient Mesopotamia never reached the level of the west when it comes to the court system, jury, trials, cruel and unusual punishment, etc

Jesus never said anything about homosexuality, not a single quote supports your statement. Jesus said that merely being angry at your brother og looking at a woman with lust earns you hell, and that the one without sin can throw the first stone. Jesus literally pardoned a prostitute in front of the religious leaders that wanted to punish her for breaking the law of God. How do Christians still justify relentlessly attacking "sinners" when the apostles clearly demand that Christians be peacefull and overbearing, showing the love of Christ not their own bigotry and hypocrisy. 

Jesus never condones homosexuality either. Nor did he null the moral laws of God which included restricting sodomy. Jesus pardoned a prostitute because she repented. Christianity is all for sinners returning to God. And yes, Christians need to be loving. We love and understand people but pride in a sin is never acceptable.

So Christians KNOW that they are killing gay people indirectly?

Nobody is killing gay people indirectly. It is their own promiscuous lifestyle.

Do they KNOW that the bible is always wrong in its cosmology?
Oh ok, so you are basically attacking Christianity from an atheist standpoint. So, you don't like Christians at all, even if some misguided ones are pro-lgbt.

Do they KNOW that there is a world out there that is destined to hell if they don't act?

Do they really KNOW that Jesus says a rich man can only enter heaven with great difficulty?

Yes I wish more people realized this. Mammon is truly an evil spirit.

To me it seems the average Christian hardly  knows anything even remotely important about science or Jesus's commands --- or if they do they are unwilling to accept or act on it.
Christianity paved the way for unprecedented science. Jesus's commands uphold the moral codes of God and most Christians act on it.

See, it isn't a coincidence that as religion is falling in the US, LGBT has increased. The two are clearly at odds with eachother and no amount of false justification of it by the Bible can change this cultural fact.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Are they a worse type of sinner? Some might say yes. Others would say no. Yet whether it is worse or not - it is still sinful. 
Jesus condemned religious leaders his entire ministry but never spoke a single word against homosexuality. He even spent a lot of time with sinners and didn't ever attack them -- his mere prescence changed them for the better. Today Christians are destroying the lives of lgbt people for no other reason than "sin", yet Jesus never took the condemnation approach - he stated clearly that the one without sin can throw the first stone. 
Why would he need to speak out against homosexuality? The society at the time already condemned it. Not the Romans nor the Greeks - but the Jewish society did.  If homosexuality was not sinful but was being persecuted the better question is why did Jesus not speak in favor of homosexuality and why did he not call out those who were condemning it?   Yet Jesus never once spoke in favor of it - and in fact seemed to actually support marriage as between one man and one woman in his wedding miracle but also later on in his reply to the Pharisees.  

Jesus' statement to the pharisees in respect of "not throwing stones" is not an argument against bringing judgment on sinners.   In fact he said - first take the log out of your own eye before you start judging others.  It was a pre-condition to bringing judgment or evaluation or to call sinners to repentance.  The other interesting thing about that particular incident with Jesus and the adulterous woman was the very real possibility that the leaders at that time were probably part of the problem and he was calling out hypocrisy.  Hypocrites ought not judge.  First remove the log. 

I actually don't know any Christians who I would consider homophobic.
Thats a good thing. To simply assume that someone is a worse human just because they belong to a certain group is nonsensical and harmfull.
I am not sure I agree with your last sentence.  Pedophiles' in my view belong to a group - and I think are among the worst type of people in the world.  But are they worse people? I think they are dangerous. As are socialists. And left wingers. Dangerous people in actions and in ideas.  Yet I would not consider that homosexuals are any worse than any other kind of person.  Yet - what is a worse person at any time?  Even thinking some might be worse than others - is so subjective. 

I'm not sure there are ANY scientific studies that support the genetic background for homosexuality.

Even if you don't buy that being gay specifically is caused by your genes, the Christian doctrine of heredetary sin serves the same purpose: its impossible to avoid sin. Only a miracle can heal a sinner, meaning God decides when he wants gay people to stop "sinning" --- Christians have no right to try doing God's job.
I've read some of those studies - but remain unconvinced.  The flaws are to obvious as are the biases.  

I said above that the fall of humanity tainted or infected the whole of humanity.  This sin infection infects every part of the person - and every person differently.  The miracle of Jesus is the only way to stop sinning.  And every new person in Christ is on the path of sanctification - again a work of the Spirit of God.  I disagree that Christians have no right to call people to repentance.  We are commanded to by God.  His workers are commanded to call every person to repentance and to new life.  True the Spirit of God will convict and change.  Yet Romans is clear. Unless someone preaches - the sinner won't hear. How can they call upon the one ... unless someone preaches.  

Christians all over the world have the duty and responsibility to call everyone else to repentance on a daily basis. Of course this needs to be done in love and a sincere heart. Not out of  hypocrisy nor spite. 

But to deny this truth is to deny the Gospel and the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Benjamin's avatar
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Benjamin's avatar

Christians all over the world have the duty and responsibility to call everyone else to repentance on a daily basis. Of course this needs to be done in love and a sincere heart. Not out of  hypocrisy nor spite. 
Most Christians all over the world refuse to take up their cross, become missionaries, start new churches, preach at work or in public, visit prisoners, heal the sick in the streets or follow literally any of Jesus's radical calls. Furthermore, there is no correlation between christianity's strenght in a state and the moral and societal prosperity in it. American Christians, despite having God on their side, fail to be better people than anybody else. They have't taken out the log and they have no right to claim moral superiority based solely on heterosexuality. To condemn lgbt people requires the very same Bible that calls unjustified anger a sin worthy of hell.

Unless someone preaches - the sinner won't hear. 
What on earth are you taking about? Anti-lgbt rants are not preaching the good News, but purposelesly spreading bigotry that causes the death of countless people and shows the world how evil the church can be. 

Nobody benefits from "the truth" being twister in this way.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Not the Romans nor the Greeks - but the Jewish society did
Don't believe gay lies. Ancient Greece had a small time period where homosexuality was active but was quickly repressed after Augustus conquered Greece.

Also what "Jewish society". Galilee was diverse at the time and had many groups. Jesus wasn't Jewish. He come from the stock of Joseph, not Judah
FLRW's avatar
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It is more reasonable to suppose Jesus never existed. It is easier to account for the facts of early Christian history if Jesus were a fiction than if he once was real.
Tradesecret's avatar
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Not the Romans nor the Greeks - but the Jewish society did
Don't believe gay lies. Ancient Greece had a small time period where homosexuality was active but was quickly repressed after Augustus conquered Greece.

Also what "Jewish society". Galilee was diverse at the time and had many groups. Jesus wasn't Jewish. He come from the stock of Joseph, not Judah
Whatever the true extent of Grecian homosexuality and I still think it was well known within that circle along with pedophilia, the Romans did practice it extensively. And my point was simple.  It was not promoted in the Jewish circles Jesus was preaching in. It would not have come up as a topic to rebuke because it was already culturally frowned upon. 

I have no idea where you are coming from in your final sentence. Jesus was a Jew.  His cousin was a Levite. His mother came from the stock of Judah.  He was adopted into the line of David through Joseph. Joseph was from Judah. 
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Judaism expects a matriarchal reckoning, it is a matriarchal society. Jesus came from a patriarchal reckoning
Tradesecret's avatar
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You are going to have to explain what you mean. 
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar

Where is this in Christianity
Tradesecret's avatar
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It's fascinating. I will look at it further detail. 

Perhaps this is why Jesus came through Mary - and not Joseph.

Still - Jewishness and Christianity are not the same. The OT Jews died out at AD 70. 

Since then those who follow the Jewish religion - have essentially started a new cult. 

Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
Since then those who follow the Jewish religion - have essentially started a new cult. 
Looks like were in Agreement

193 days later

Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
Some christians love to use the Bible to condemn the LGBT community. There are people who think that gay people are worse than everyone else - despite mainstream theology stating that all humans are born sinners by default. Apart from the logical fallacies at play, the behavior born from these views are outright unethical. The result of Christian demonization is often unjustifiable social sanctions, hate and stigma leading to depression and suicide among gays and others.  
Christians should not condemn gay people because the more gays we have the more women will end up as virgins not having enough sex to go around.
With more virgins around will only facilitate the return of Jesus whose preferred method of conception is virgin birth.

But the Bible does discourage men trying to get men pregnant.
Lev 18:22 “’Do not have sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman; that is detestable