Something you may not know about airmax

Author: Mikal


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RationalMadman's avatar
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I am referring to the ban I received on DART in Sept 2020, genius. If either of us can't handle the stress it's mr 'I play forum games to feign genuine debate activity and compensate'.

Lunatic's avatar
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Lunatic's avatar
I am referring to the ban I received on DART in Sept 2020, genius. If either of us can't handle the stress it's mr 'I play forum games to feign genuine debate activity and compensate'.

You've consistently brought up airmax's ban against you to prove that he isn't "laissex faire" though, so yeah my comment on how unstable and ill equipped you are to handle a debate website stands.

I debate more in the forums than I could ever wish to do in a structural debate, so trying to downplay my ability to debate whilst I am currently arguing with you is pretty hilarious. 
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Show us your debates on the forums please, which page of your posts should we go through?

Do you know which of us likes our safe space? 


You sit in forum games where you're safe to type your vitriol and bully with your 'buddies' and you consistently struggle to cope in said forum games if your friends don't turn up to back you up. You can barely endure the website if your bestie Mikal isn't there as your emotional support. You only ever engage people in arenas where you think you're more popular within it in the first place. Show me one exception. Before you bring it up, 3RU7AL's campaign thread was something you engaged in after you saw it was only Athias defending. I engaged from the start.

Let's be fucking real here, I've been around the block, lasted through a 'permaban' to show my love of debating and withstanding hostility and disagreement, not flinched or given a damn. I debate among the most active on and off the forums on this website overall. You are throwing stones out of a greenhouse, Lunatic.

Let me guess, you think you getting the 'last word' here constitutes a win, that's why you stick to forums. I don't have an issue with forum-only debaters. I just think that you are confusing you continually harassing me as something that somehow is 'debating'. You're not debating me, you're just coming after me trying desperately to hurt my feelings to soothe your precious ego against the 1 on 1 domination happening right here right now. This isn't your Discord, you don't have authority and don't have some bunch of buddies to laugh me out the room like you did on DDO.

I gave you a genuine burn, if you were actually thick-skinned you'd have said 'damn I'll take the L good one RM' but you can't do that because you can't recognise it for what it is.

If you're gonna come to anybody on this entire website and say this:

You were banned because you are unequipped to handle the stress of people not agreeing with you. You don't debate logically, only emotionally, and only gaslight individuals. 
You should have picked on somebody else. I debate anybody, anytime on practically anything (within reason and time constraints). You are the one who sits in your happy zone with your friends to back you up whenever you feel too heated and need approval so you @ them and laugh at me hoping they pile on me. I stick up for myself, my voters never spoke for me once yet clearly stated they'd vote me and why is that? I am not somebody who ever needs to rely on others for any kind of debate or conflict (unless we are talking physical life threatening conflict, but that isn't debating and I'm not about to risk dying to prove what a 'man' I am until it's absolutely necessary).

You are somebody who needs your feeling of power and 'buddies' before you really can debate. Guess what? Nobody cares. 

Go on, have your last word now. You 'win' this forum debate because you get the last word. Well done, pat on the back. 
Lunatic's avatar
Debates: 3
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Lunatic's avatar

Show us your debates on the forums please, which page of your posts should we go through?
I've been debating you for the past 2 weeks what are you talking about lol. 

Do you know which of us likes our safe space? You.

You sit in forum games where you're safe to type your vitriol and bully with your 'buddies' and you consistently struggle to cope in said forum games if your friends don't turn up to back you up. 
Some of the best debate on the website is found in the mafia forum. That's precisely why I love it. 

You can barely endure the website if your bestie Mikal isn't there as your emotional support. 
This is blatantly false lol. Mikal's activity is much less than mine. Also mikal tends to annoy me more in terms of his participation in mafia than anything. More gaslighting.

You only ever engage people in arenas where you think you're more popular within it in the first place. Show me one exception. 
I could care less about popularity, especially here. If I cared about popularity I am going about it the wrong way. I call out the mods, I call out my friends (yes I call out mikal all the fvcking time), I even called out airmax on DDO all the time when I thought he made bad calls. I've stuck up for my enemies (you), etc. This is unsubstantiated gaslighting yet again. Big surprise.

Before you bring it up, 3RU7AL's campaign thread was something you engaged in after you saw it was only Athias defending. I engaged from the start.
I couldn't engage in anything for the first few days of the election, because I had issues logging into the website lol. I was dying to get in my commentary from the start. I finally figured out the issue and began posting immediately. 

Let's be fucking real here, I've been around the block, lasted through a 'permaban' to show my love of debating and withstanding hostility and disagreement, not flinched or given a damn. I debate among the most active on and off the forums on this website overall. You are throwing stones out of a greenhouse, Lunatic.
Nah you are a glasshouse. If you were anything more you wouldn't need to gaslight your opponents so much, or block people who out debate you. You are the poorest debater on the website frankly. 

Let me guess, you think you getting the 'last word' here constitutes a win, that's why you stick to forums.
I stick to forums because you can see real time when people like you drop arguments that they don't have answers to so they can stick to gaslighting. If you had a valid response you wouldn't need to drop anything I said. Writing a big paragraph that gaslights and paints a negative picture of your opponent whilst not responding to anything specific that they said is not debate, it's cowardice. That is how you "debate". You don't have valid responses so you stick to manipulative tactics.

I don't have an issue with forum-only debaters. I just think that you are confusing you continually harassing me as something that somehow is 'debating'. 
It's not harassment if you keep starting it lol. That's the victim mentality in you speaking RCB. 

You're not debating me, you're just coming after me trying desperately to hurt my feelings to soothe your precious ego against the 1 on 1 domination happening right here right now.
If you think our debate has gotten emotional at any point it's because you take it there. You can't respond to logic, so you go after character. You've done this consistently the whole time. I would love to do this logically, but you are incapable of logic.

This isn't your Discord, you don't have authority and don't have some bunch of buddies to laugh me out the room like you did on DDO.
I am not laughing you out of the room. I am still here actively responding to you. I am not appealing to ad populum, good gaslight attempt though.

I gave you a genuine burn, if you were actually thick-skinned you'd have said 'damn I'll take the L good one RM' but you can't do that because you can't recognise it for what it is.
You haven't burned me, you've just burned yourself lol.

You should have picked on somebody else. I debate anybody, anytime on practically anything (within reason and time constraints). You are the one who sits in your happy zone with your friends to back you up whenever you feel too heated and need approval so you @ them and laugh at me hoping they pile on me. I stick up for myself, my voters never spoke for me once yet clearly stated they'd vote me and why is that? I am not somebody who ever needs to rely on others for any kind of debate or conflict (unless we are talking physical life threatening conflict, but that isn't debating and I'm not about to risk dying to prove what a 'man' I am until it's absolutely necessary).

You are somebody who needs your feeling of power and 'buddies' before you really can debate. Guess what? Nobody cares. 

Go on, have your last word now. You 'win' this forum debate because you get the last word. Well done, pat on the back. 
Yeah, all of this is more gaslighting, at risk of repeating myself. And yeah, I will get the last word. I will continue to drain you mentally here. I am just getting started. The more you have to say the more I have to say. This is fun for me. You on the other hand can't handle the pressure. It's why you dropped out of the election.