If you've blocked them, they can't PM you or direct comments at you. How would granting moderators access to your PMs help you with their public comments about you?
I am not going to continuously re-hash with you what has, in many ways, already been beaten to death. If you don't like the explanation for why I made the decision I did previously--that not enough people weighed in in favor of reinstating anonymity--so be it. Continuing on in this fashion will neither further elucidate the issue nor persuade me that my approach was somehow invalid. Moreover, I was fairly clear, from the moment the voting the previous public thread closed consistently up until now, that I am willing to revisit the issue of anonymous reporting if a clear consensus emerges. If you want to encourage change on this issue, than the most constructive course of action, rather than griping and issuing personal attacks, would be to identify other voices who share your views on the subject.
You're question here is disingenuous, as I have already told you that there is a presumption, in my eyes, against implementing the policy. I told you that on post 38. The logical corollary to such a presumption would by that a clear majority of the site would need to be in favor of implementing the policy in order for it to be implemented. The "as it currently stands" qualifier acknowledges that voices which may yet contribute to this thread may be out there, but that qualifier in no way obfuscates the underlying point, which I was fairly clear on from early on: a clear majority of users would need to be in favor of the policy in order to implement it. A clear majority is more than 8-7, and certainly more than the 2-7 the vote count currently reflects.
I agree with a stronger block feature...
Also, I just want to clarify that they aren't asking for permission to go into your own PMs. They are asking for the right to go into anyone's PMs based on a separate third party asking them to. So it's less: "this guy is harassing me, come look" and more: "I think those two people are talking about me privately, go stop it"
1. No. Mods should only be able to access PMs if the specific user agrees to the search. This would involve a feature update where a person could check a box, select a specific conversation chain (or entire history), and then choose "send to mods".1. Should moderators be able to access a user's PM if (1) all three admin officials unanimously agree that (2) the three part test outlines above is met?2. Should moderators never--in any circumstance--have the ability to access a user's PM3. Is there another solution to this problem or a suggestion for how to improve the proposed checks?
I told Castin, argent_tongue and others that others watch PMs and they laughed at me.