why do feminists defend islam and not christianity

Author: Lunar108


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Num 22:6 -     The Midianites joined forces with the Moabites in order to smite Israel and drive Israel out of the land.
Israel was at     W A R    with the nations surrounding them -     FOR  40  LONG  AND  BLOODY  YEARS
Israel had already been fighting wars and battles with nearly every major superpower around them.   AND ISRAEL WAS ATTACKED FIRST - Israel was fighting a defensive war against the Midianites.
In - Numbers 31: it explains that - the Midianites had allied themselves and joined with the Moabites AGAINST ISRAEL - to destroy and eliminate the Hebrew people.
Num 22:6 - The Midianites joined forces with the Moabites in order to smite Israel and drive Israel out of the land.
One can pretend, fantasize or imagine that after the Jews achieved victory - that the captured Midianite virgins were passed around and sold and used as sex slaves -
but this is simply fantasy and imagination.
- Why should we believe your wishes over what the text states?

Every single event in the Bible where VIRGINS were spared and saved - was the consequences of generational war
- You missed "and raped".

Israel was defending itself and killing all of the males of the enemy who had been at war with you for many, many years was necessary to win this war.
- And the women & children & even cattle?

In  todays  modern  times,       in order to win wars,  the victor   MUST   bomb  entire cities   -  men,  women and children must be all killed  -  in  WWll  millions  upon  millions  of  women and children were killed in massive bombings throughout  Japan  and  Germany.
- Coming from a Christian, this is not shocking at all. I appreciate you owning up to your heinous violence.

The  Jews were  greatly outnumbered  -   fighting a generational war  for   40   long  and bloody  years  against multiple civilizations  -    the  Jews did not have bombs and chemicals -   the Jews  simply  killed  the entire  city and spared anything that would not harm them in the future.
this would be all  disease -  free,   woman and sometimes the livestock.
- Indeed. Hence, the Crusades & Colonialism, massacres galore.

The  reason feminists'   defend  Islam  is  because       they  need  Islam  to  represent  the  Bible.     they do not even take time to look at the original manuscripts and accept that the   Trinitarians  have  greatly  perverted the  entire bible.
- What does the Bible have to do with Islam??? Islam doesn't teach any of that insane violence found in the Bible.

eventuality001's avatar
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neither  feminists  nor  the  Islamic  system   fight wars in  a  meaningful effort to defend the innocent or righteous  nor  the  oppressed   nor  the  freedom of  others.

In fact Islam does not fight for anyone  or  anything  but  it's  own  political  and  religious interests  and  gain.

feminism    and  Islam    are  a   tight   union  that  work  together  to  honk  and  squawk  about the fact that  they  do  not  like  the  God  of  Abraham,  do not like the marriage system of the God of Abraham   and do not like marriage law of  the  God  of  the  Bible.

in fact,  they  both are offended by the entire Bible,       Islam,   originating  from  a   pagan   Canaanite  culture,    Islam  only  seeks  to   destroy  and  pervert  the  origins  of  the  Bible  and  everything  that  it  is   -  to  reinvent  and  fantasize  a  religious  system  that  is  molded  to  their  own  image.

Every Muslim  born  becomes  himself    -   a  new prophet    -   with  new  revelations that  do not  exist  in the  Quran.

todays Muslims, have received new revelation and prophesy that Allah does not want the Jews living in Israel.

Today, every Muslim is a prophet and revelator who prophecy and reveal that Allah has forbidden Israel to the Jews.

Yet, the Quran says directly and clearly -

that Allah had given Israel to the Jews and that Allah even had sternly commanded the Jews to exterminate all the original inhabitants of Israel and take the land for themselves !

The Quran itself says and - prophecies and reveals prophecy - that Israel belongs to the Jews      -   -         IN  FACT   THE  QURAN  DEMANDS  THAT  ALLAH   HIMSELF   COMMANDED  THE  JEWS  TO   TAKE  THE  LAND  BY  FORCE   AND  TO   EXTERMINATE  THE  ORIGINAL  INHABITANTS  OF  ISRAEL. 

  And   Allah  even  punished  the  Jews  because  they  did  not  want  to  do  this.

The  Bible  never  commands  the  Jews  to  move in  and  kill  people  in order to seize their lands.  it is the total opposite of the Quran,

But  -  we  see  today Muslims,    all  have  a  new revelation and   a   new prophecy -

the Quran's message is not complete and Mohammud is not the last and final prophet.

There are thousands of additional revelations and prophecies that are needed and that have have been added and compiled, more and more revealing's and prophesying's on top of everything Mohammad provided.

Muslims provide themselves their own revelations in hundreds of thousands of additional hadith with extra added prophecies, additional revelations, they make in thousands of additional Hadith books hundreds of years after Mohammad had died.

thousands of additional Hadith books filled with new revelations and new prophecies - after the Quran has already been given

The Quran is not THE FINAL MESSAGE - and Mohammud is not the final prophet - each Muslim is also a prophet unto themselves.

feminism    and   Islam  are  in  fact  both  working  together  to  re - write  history-   this is very noticeable in the style in which your post is written.   Your  goal  is  to  appeal  to  the  ideology  of   femimisticism   instead of the  facts  and  scriptures,

Because  Muslims   and  feminists  have  no   scriptures  for  their  faith  or  claims 
eventuality001's avatar
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Quran 5 : 21

21. “O my people,    enter the Holy Land which God has  assigned  for you, and do not turn back,   lest you return as losers.”

22. They said, “O Moses, there are tyrannical people in it; we will not enter it until they leave it. If they leave it, we will be entering.”

24. They said, “O Moses, we will not enter it, ever, as long as they are in it. So go ahead, you and your Lord, and fight.    We are staying right here.”
26. Allah said: 'This land will now be forbidden to them for forty years and they will remain wandering about on the earth.  Do not grieve over the condition of these transgressing people.

Yassine's avatar
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Quran 5 : 21

21. “O my people,    enter the Holy Land which God has  assigned  for you, and do not turn back,   lest you return as losers.”

22. They said, “O Moses, there are tyrannical people in it; we will not enter it until they leave it. If they leave it, we will be entering.”

24. They said, “O Moses, we will not enter it, ever, as long as they are in it. So go ahead, you and your Lord, and fight.    We are staying right here.”
26. Allah said: 'This land will now be forbidden to them for forty years and they will remain wandering about on the earth.  Do not grieve over the condition of these transgressing people.
- What is the point of all this?

198 days later

Shila's avatar
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why do feminists defend islam and not christianity
In Islam the Prophet Mohammad had several wives. In Christianity Jesus neither married or had children. 
Women just feel more secure in a Muslim home than living with a cross carrying Christian eunuch.
Stephen's avatar
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Jesus neither married or had children. 

How do you know that?
Shila's avatar
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Shila's avatar
Jesus neither married or had children. 
How do you know that?
Nowhere in the Bible does it say Jesus was married or had children.

Stephen's avatar
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Jesus neither married or had children. 

How do you know that?

Nowhere in the Bible does it say Jesus was married or had children.
I know. So you are appealing to absence then?

Shila's avatar
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Jesus neither married or had children. 

How do you know that?
Nowhere in the Bible does it say Jesus was married or had children.

I know. So you are appealing to absence then?
Just staying with Biblical facts

289 days later

eventuality001's avatar
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Many  "  Feminism   leaders  "   have taught that women have been suppressed, treated unfairly and denied basic human rights,   also they have claimed that women have been denied equality under the   law   -     today  Feminism  sees  itself  as   -     fighting  for their voices to be heard.

But what is the truth about history  ?

Women for the last 6000 yrs,,  have not been  INVENTING  or mass producing weapons !     RIGHT ?

Can You name a single weapon that a woman has invented.  Women have been ( for the last 6000 yrs )   NOT capable,   or WILLING   or even interested in massing an army consisting of    (ALL females)   Marching,  Sailing,  Soldiers, Riding and Ramming down her enemies,    WHY ?

The bible looks at the Woman’s human nature,  sees  the  reality  and  accepts that  women  are  gifted and  skilled  in  GIVING   advice and skills to go forth as a beautiful mother, [ -   ( THE WAY God made her )-}    She is skilled, smart, wise. Understanding of her surroundings. Master of her own world, beautiful, special, unexplainably wonderful.

Where a man can never be rated good enough, or free enough to have the privilege to OPT OUT of   war   -  taking on the ENEMIES of darkness that have sought to harm humanity.    Where a man can never be rated good enough, capable or free enough to have the privilege to OPT OUT on taking ON THE COLD hours of the day, working    8 - 15   hr days.

A man    "  HE  "   is not rated good enough, capable or free or privileged ( significant ) to be ABLE to ...OPT OUT of the duty of working in the boiling sun, breaking down his body, day after day , BREAKING his back in agony. wrinkling his skin from the sun. Bearing the cold. rain. Some. Working in CHEMICALS and toXins and poisions that eat up his body, mind and soul.

For all of his life. HE IS A SLAVE, an animal. Lonely, longing, ready to eXplode  and bloom to fill the emotional and physical needs of the women around him. HE NEEDS HELP. / He Needs A Woman. !     -  The man is the property / SLAVE of a cruel system wherein he has to get up, normally around 3:30 to 6:00 -   and THINK about WHAT must be done for his Family to survive. He has to give his life.   Every day.   A man    "  HE  "    -  he man is the PROPERTY / slave of the elements of nature and the environment.    he fights, bleeds, takes injury and he is not allowed to NORMALLY run into the house and wait for the local LADY fashion stars and sexies / professional sweetheart crew and the Strip clubs of America, to handle His business.

The man is a slave He is not free. He is on the battle field cutting, crawling, crying, slashing, striping, striking, shooting, damaging, hitting and destroying the enemy.

The men are like a herd of bulls and oXen they pull civilization with the blood, sweat, tears and bone of their bodies,   ENSLAVED for eternity,  until they are unable to continue.   The men live         "     15- 20   "    YEARS   shorter  than  the  average women. ENSLAVED, unworthy, LIKE animals.

Remember that Women  are very  delicate,  much weaker physically   and carry the Ability to Become Fertilized, TO Grow another Living Human Being inside her.    -   Women Have the Ability to Give Birth to this baby and then Women have the Ability to Feed and Nurse it with Nutrition from her own body.

Women have a Monthly, Menstrual Cycle, where their Body will harvest Eggs and Set itself up for Fertilization. Then Shed these Eggs from the body. Women ARE So, So, Much Different from Men.    -   They are a special, Wonderful, thing.

 I think that the Oppression of women has been depending on the level of corruption and Evil and Degeneracy in a society.  in the bible,   Women are supposed to be   HEALTHY    clean,   healthy, clean and prepared for when they   desire   to have  offspring,  the  offspring for future generations  will be free from   "   child  deformities  "        -          "   child  born  with  diseased and sicknesses   "       -          child  born  with genetic  mutation   "        -     free from        "   a child  with diseases  and   uncurbable  medical  conditions that are passed down from generation to generation   "  

Women have never Risen UP as one GROUP, Formed a military force and went and Conquered another nation or another military Power.

before the MODDERN ERA, THERE was no Air CONDITIONING, No Machines and Assembly Lines and MODDERN Tools available for large communities and Groups of WOMEN to go to work.

Women did not want to Be out in the blazing, boiling, Blistering heat, Digging for 8 - 12 hours a Day.     Women did not want to Be out in the boiling, Blistering, Hellish hot Nights and days, Bouncing Up and Down on a Horse all day and night with no rest,   Delivering messages and mail and supplies.

Women did not want to Be out In all of the Driving    jOBS,   Driving in the dirty Highways with no Air Conditioning,   with the Windows down. Stopping at dirty places, with  no Modern Facilities and air Conditioning and quick, hot water.

Women did not want to be working in the fields, and seas and hills, with no Sanitation,...Women did not want to be out packing Heavy wood, all day and night up and down hills and through Brush and thickets.  Women did not want to be in the Military Line with a Sword and spear, clashing and butchering the enemy fighting against 300 pound men.   Women did not want to spend Weeks and months out in the Cattle Drives, with hardly no opportunity for a BATH. THEIR skin Burning red and blistering and their Brains boiling,   as they spend hours, on the edge of Passing out.

Women did not want to be Roofing on a Hot roof. Women did not want to be Working in the Coal Mines all day and night, with Soot and Dirt and Coal and minerals and chemicals eating their brains, eyes and skin,

Women did not want to WORK like a Man.......   Women worked as Cooks, Servers, Waiting Tables, NURSING. WOMEN have worked hard........ And they Should never, NEVER < NEVER be expected to ...work these other jOBS.... REMEMBER that THERE was little money available, the Men were eXpected to work themselves to death for Little pay.

Women could never even hope to compete and they did not want to try.
MEN, worked like slaves, Like DOGS and animals.... Taking Care of their Families. Women had it hard too - Taking Care of the Home, With NO MODDERN Technology  was a TRUE,  Living and Real  jOB  for women in the WORLD,     It Was Very hard work.

The   Life  eXpecenty  o f an  average  man  was     10- 20    years  SHORTER   than the Average Woman. I jUST think that the Idea that somehow Woman have been mistreated or left out of the workplace, is  a  bunch  of  HYPE  and  Lies.

With the invention of modern Technology and TOOLS that Allow Women to have the ability and desire to work. - Suddenly, we see the women filling the factories.

Suddenly, we see the women Rushing to the City to  get    "   WHAT  THEY  PRETEND  "     -  is   a  mans   jOB.

 With the  Inventions and Modern Tools  and Machines   that  were Built,    to let the business owners not need to hire so many people.

Why would the Average business want to hire a Woman,     when they jUST    fired  or laid off  20 men and Bought a Machine or tool that does the work of the 20 Men.

I think that Woman have WORKED very, Very hard throughout civilization.   WOMEN  have  had  plenty  to  do.    Women have had it hard... REALLY, REALLY Hard.. - Women have Done their Part...     they ARE so wonderful and hard working and dedicated...

But so have men.     Please... Don’t be deceived by these Television shows, and Politicians and Lesbians and HomoseXuals.    Who profit and PRIDE themselves. - GETTING off.. - From. Getting Women Worked up into thinking that there has been this Great Oppression of Woman.

Modern Technology, Modern Machines and TOOLS today, allow women to do the work that they could never do, before the Modern Technology came.

Suddenly, we see the women Rushing to the City to  get    "   WHAT  THEY  PRETEND  "     -  is   a  mans   jOB.

Women should keep bringing their Great Skills and Great ideas to the modern world. But demonizing MEN, based on lies, is not something that makes the situation better.  Yes there are men who discriminate against women or other minorities.    But eXagerating the problem, does not make profit or help anything for very long.

I love women. and think they are so special and Precious... Thank You for being a Woman.

168 days later

Dynasty's avatar
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Women just feel more secure in a Muslim home than living with a cross carrying Christian eunuch
Quran 4:34

371 days later

Dynasty's avatar
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Revelations 14:4 is about spiritual adultery. And, considering Early Christianity was very popular among women ("According to Blainey, women were probably the majority of Christians in the first century after Christ."). This passage wouldn't make sense with this fact.
Shila's avatar
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The main reason feminists defend Islam and not Christianity is a matter of representation.  Ohammadthe prophet made women the centrepiece of his manhood by marrying several and having several concubines and even recommended Muslims men an have upto 4 wives. Unlike Jesus who surrounded himself with 12 men and never married.