Once again, you are not respecting the difference between the word "god" and "God".
The Ultimate Reality is God.
If you aren't going to have an honest exchange, what is the point of this wearisome back and forth?
We are not talking about a god, so quit using that word. It doesn't mean the same thing. We are not speaking Arabic, which makes the distinction between God and god through the words Allah and illah respectively. We are speaking English, where this capital letter makes a difference.
You think you have understanding, and that is why you are struggling in your conversation with me. You are not open to actually being taught. You think you know better.
See, we spent how many pages sinply establishing a definition that you have been very resistant to accepting, and now you are going to backslide again?
You have likely forgotten my original post.
Why are you wasting my time? Why are you pretending to care about what I believe? If you want to know, you need to become teachable. Your questions are stupid. I never said anything about aupernatural things or the laws of physics. What does that have anything to do with what I'm saying?
You are hopelessly superstitious, and you'd be better off chucking away your preconceptions. You can't understand me with all this baggage you think is knowledge.