Gender identity? a joke of a social argument

Author: 949havoc


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949havoc's avatar
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949havoc's avatar
This post has everything to do with the outrageous consequence of attitude expressed by the Loudoun County School Board cover up of a sexual assault in order to advance a transgender bathroom policy.  They buried a rape case, pure and simple. So, a male kid wearing a dress must, according to the Board, must be expressing as a girl, so all is good? NO!!!!!!!!! Girls can still rape girls, and boys, boys. Happens, boys and girls. And lets not fuck up the conversation with the nonsense of gender identity just because Psychologs today have declared that such identity is a free choice. Gee, I thought no one had free choice according to some here who think their brain chemistry is beholden to electrons in the universe messing with their brain chemistry. THEIR brain, maybe, but mine is clear enough to recognize that in the hubbub of gender identity, the new recognized gender alphabet6 soup just happens to ignore the 95% plus of us who are M or F. But, no, I don't have choice. Then neithert do you Progs have choice to abort, either, so can the pro-choice bit.  Make up your fucking minds. At least mine is consistent. I accept choice except choosing to bury a rape, repeated in another school by the same perp, just to support gender choice.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Are you arguing against the identity of the gender of all transgenders?

It's not clear if your argument is about rape, toilet gender split or the very freedom to be trans or alternatively if it's something about progressives and what you see as an issue with their overall outlook.
oromagi's avatar
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Officials in Loudoun County, Virginia, are rejecting suggestions of a cover-up surrounding an alleged sexual assault at a school by a student who reportedly went on to attack another victim months later.

The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office said they want to address the "misinformation" regarding an alleged attack at Stone Bridge High School in Ashburn on May 28 following recent media reports.

Scott Smith, whose daughter was the alleged victim in the May 28 attack, claimed in an interview with The Daily Caller that she was attacked in the girl's bathroom by a student he described as a boy who wears a skirt.

Smith was previously arrested at a Loudoun County School Board meeting on June 22 which was to discuss draft policy on transgender and nonbinary students' rights.

During the meeting superintendent Scott Ziegler said that the school has had no reports of any assaults occurring in their public bathrooms and that "predator transgender student or person simply does not exist."

Smith said he became irate at the comments knowing that his daughter had allegedly been assaulted just weeks beforehand.

He accused the school of attempting to hide the attack so they could continue to push the school's Policy 8040, which was passed in August to allow students to use their name and gender pronouns, as well as locker rooms and bathrooms that correspond to their "consistently asserted gender identity."

In their statement, Loudoun County Sheriff's Office said they were immediately made aware by officials at Stone Bridge High School of the alleged attack on May 28. Following an investigation, a 14-year-old male was arrested on July 8 on suspicion of two counts of forcible sodomy.

The sheriff's office said they did not publicly reveal details about the arrest as "the suspect and victim were familiar with each other, the investigation was complex, and a public announcement had the potential to identify a juvenile victim."

The suspect was later released from a juvenile detention facility and transferred to another school. The student is then alleged to have attacked another victim at Broad Run High School on October 6.

The Loudoun County Sheriff's Office did issue a press release detailing the arrest of the suspect the following day, stating the now 15-year-old is accused of forcing the victim into an empty classroom, holding her against her will, and inappropriately touching her.

The teen was charged with sexual battery and abduction and taken to the Loudoun County Juvenile Detention Center.

The sheriff's office said that they issued a news release for that alleged attack at Broad Run High School as the investigation "did not involve complex circumstances, the arrest was immediate, and the arrest was reported to the community as information released was unlikely to disclose the identity of the victim."

During a heated Loudoun County school board meeting on Tuesday, a number of parents demanded that superintendent Scott Ziegler resign over the attacks and questioned why the student accused of the assault at Stone Bridge High School was sent to Broad Run High School.

In a statement to Newsweek, Loudoun County Public Schools said that under the requirements of Virginia's State Code, division administrators can't investigate sexual assaults until involved law enforcement agencies have concluded their own investigations.

The statement did confirm that the principle at Stone Bridge High School reported the allegation of sexual assault immediately to police on May 28, but their school board members were not aware of it until the recent media reports as details of it were not made public.

"LCPS is prohibited from disciplining any student without following the Title IX grievance process, which includes investigating complaints of sexual harassment and sexual assault," the statement said. "LCPS does impose interim measures to protect the safety of students involved in the original incident, deter retaliation, and preserve the integrity of the investigation and resolution process.

"School Board members are typically not given details of disciplinary matters," the statement added. "The board may be obligated to consider long-term suspensions or expulsions and must ensure that students have not been deprived of due process. Consequently, members of the Loudoun County School Board were not aware of the specific details of this incident until it was reported in media outlets earlier this week."

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
Your OP is a lot of angry emotional outcry but none of that crying is grounded in fact or reason.

  • The Principal called the police immediately.  The Principal is not allowed to notify parents until a conviction has been rendered.  The Sherriff's Office decided not publicize the incident because:
    • The boy and girl in question were well known to one another
    • The issues were complex (and not yet explained) and
    • Publicity was likely to identify a minor
    • That is, the school board had nothing to do with it and knew no more than some sexual assault had happened at that school until Oct 6th.  All public schools in the district are constrained from even investigating a sexual assault much less relating details until after all police investigations are completed.  The investigation finished Oct 25th.
      • So, when Scott Zeigler said on June 22nd that he had no reports of any assaults in public bathrooms that was true.  He had been notified of some sexual assault a month before but had no information about bathrooms, much less whether the assailant was wearing a dress.
        • The only person who has stated that the assailant wore a dress or was "gender fluid" is the father of the girl who was raped- not exactly a reliable source.  We only know that the assailant was well known to Smith so this information may well be true but there is absolutely ZERO confirmation.  It is totally irrational to believe that the school board had possession of this information, much less covered it up.  If there was a cover-up that was the Sherriff's call.
        • Your presumption out of years of FOX News brainwash is that if a boy raped a girl in a bathroom and the boy was known to sometimes wear a skirt, then this is the long-looked for case of a transgender woman using her female identity to gain access to vulnerable girls in school bathrooms.
          • But this is false.  The Sherriff has confirmed that there was many flirtatious texts between the two before the rape and that the girl's bathroom was a hookup- a voluntary assignation
        • So whether any gender identity issues exist in the case remains unconfirmed.  It is irrational to demand accountability on Jun 22nd from an board member who was not even officially allowed to know the details of the case until Oct 25th.
        • Why blame the School Board when the County Sherriff made the call?
          • Because the County Sherriff is a popular Republican while the School Board Superintendent is an unpopular Democrat,
            • and next week is the election.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
A male kid is a male kid and a dress is a dress.

I see loads of female kids wearing trousers.

Clothes is just about conditioned expectation.

Just a thought.

And rape is rape, and the allegations thereof, is whole different ball game to gender identity.

So what was the actual message in your post?....As I couldn't really work it out.
949havoc's avatar
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949havoc's avatar
That it is a warped person who plays at gender identity through clothing to take advantage of a school boards policy to allow gender choice in bathroom use to commit rape. Besides the social injustice of rape, always, the whole idea of using a bathroom to engage sex belittles the act to a scatological joke. Worse, rape is not a sexual act at all, but one of power-grabbing at another's expense. But, since the government does it all the time, what's a warped kid to think?
zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
I think that we probably have a certain amount of agreement with regard to gender issues.

Though your initial sentence still leaves me somewhat baffled.

As for rape....I would certainly disagree....And suggest that rape is primarily motivated by sexual desire.

Power, achievement and satisfaction are the inevitable secondary benefits that the rapist acquires from the act.

Basically, animal instinct, gratification and empowerment.

As conceptual thinkers, we have a tendency to overlook reality in favour of intellectual concepts.

Such has become our preferred approach to rape, gender and a wide variety of other issues.

Social evolution, if you like.

949havoc's avatar
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949havoc's avatar
This post has everything to do with the outrageous consequence of attitude expressed by the Loudoun County School Board cover up of a sexual assault in order to advance a transgender bathroom policy.  
That was my first sentence. Does it really need a translation? T%he Loudoun County, VA School Board is more interested in protecting a policy of gender neutrality of bathrooms than admitting to having had a sexual assault occur on their ground. Their fault is not the rape, itself, but the cover-up of it.

rape is primarily motivated by sexual desire.
No, all sexual assault [separate legal issue from sexual harassment] is a matter of oppression wherein sex is used as a weapon against a non-consenting adult, or a minor, who cannot give consent at all due to age.
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
That was my first sentence. Does it really need a translation?
More of a grammar check, really.  But first we need a fact check.

T%he Loudoun County, VA School Board is more interested in protecting a policy of gender neutrality of bathrooms than admitting to having had a sexual assault occur on their ground.
  • This is the second time you've told this lie without bothering to refute my attempts to correct your falsehoods.
    • There is no reliable evidence that there any gender identify issues in this case.  The source of this information is the victim's father who has been politicizing and publicizing his daughter's assault all summer. 
    • Trump administration changes to Title IX reporting prevent principals and school boards from investigating until after criminal investigations are concluded- officially, nobody on the School Board had any information until this week.
      • unofficially, the principal sent the school board a one sentence notification this summer  that some sort of sexual assault had happened on campus and that he would advise when permitted
      • The Title IX changes also require the school to continue educating the suspect until the County determines guilt or innocence.  If you really need to blame somebody it should be President Pussy-grabber
      • Normally, such a criminal investigation would have been processed before the new school year but COVID delays to DNA testing prevented a hearing on the case until late Oct.
    • The Loudon County Sherriff asked the Principal not to contact parents or discuss the case, so you have no grounds for dissatisfaction with the School Board (except those are the only Democrats in this story).
That is, the school principal and the school board took all the action required by law.  New federal protections for suspects requited by the Trump administration prevented the principal from notifying the school board or the parents of the event or prohibiting the suspect from attending school.  Moving the kid to a different school was the best they were allowed to do by law.

  • Zero cover up.  When you say "cover up" you are repeating a lie for political gain without any evidence
  • Zero gender identity.  When you say "gender identity" in this case you are repeating an unsubstantiated rumor spread by an enraged and politically motivated family member.
  • Please stick to established facts and please tell the truth about those facts, even when it makes Republicans look pro-rape.

zedvictor4's avatar
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zedvictor4's avatar
OK.........I see what you're getting at now

So see #7, third statement.

And the rapist to be successful must oppress.

But that doesn't negate primary motivation.....Chemical messaging as it were.

Similarly and no doubt controversially.

I would suggest that the primary response of the oppressed is submission.

Observing other non-conceptually driven species, might put this statement into perspective.

As a species we are motivated by a not necessarily cohesive mixture of instinct and concept.

Which is easily misunderstood and misrepresented.