You understand the tax is not for ME personally to use the money, right?
How would its not being subject to your personal use modify, diminish, or discredit Greyparrot's statement?
Calling it the 'jealousy tax' or making it like I am pro 'stealing
someone's money' is a misrepresentation, it implies that you give people
a cut of a person's estate to use at their own discretion, like I'm
using it to allay my envy of their yacht or whatever.
Does one's reasons really matter in the delineation of envy?
In reality, what I'm for is taking some portion of what we can call VAST
wealth (not 1M dollars, that's not vast wealth, 1B dollars is vast
wealth), and having the government use it to do things like fix roads,
build schools, etc.
Note your language: you're for "taking"; not "asking" or "requesting" because this would acknowledge the other party's capacity to deny you.
Building a school has nothing to do with jealousy.
Taking the money of another because you think a school deserves that money more might constitute jealousy.
The concept is that their family has already benefited from the life of
vast wealth AND have been bequeathed vast wealth as a result
The extent to which any individual benefits from his or her wealth is the concern of no one else but that individual. Who are you to inform on the benefits one has gained from his/her property, much less suggest a division in how much that person is allowed to benefit from his/her property?
this is INCOME and should be subject to tax too
the community at large now benefits from the success that the individual
and their family enjoyed, presumably FROM the community.
And they're somehow owed a tax? They somehow have a stake in someone else's wealth? Let me ask: teachers can be said to be instrumental in devices and tools an individual learns to be successful in the corporate aspect of the market. Do you pay every single teacher you've ever had some form of due for everything they've taught you? What about people who've given you advice, do you pay them as well? What about restaurateurs who fed you when mom didn't want to or couldn't cook dinner on many evenings? If the people with whom one interacts even had a marginal role in one's success, where does it stop?
It's not jealousy, it's altruism and it's FOR EVERYONE
Even Robin Hood was jealous.
And again it doesn't have to be schools or hospitals or whatever else
conservatives apparently hate, especially if the person's will endows a
fund for abuse victims, builds cost free homes for disaster victims...
Not so I can buy a playstation.
So you should get to decide the stipulations by which a free individual bequeaths his/her possessions upon his/her death? Sounds pretty jelly to me.