Author: oromagi


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FROM:  Real Time with Bill Maher: OCT 8th

"Don't make me be an  I told you so again.

You know  I was a young man of fifty nine when I started using the term "slow moving coup," and it pains me to have to report it's still moving.

A document  came to light a few weeks ago, called the Eastman Memo, which was basically a blueprint prepared for Trump on how he could steal the election after he lost it in November 2020.  It outlined a plan for overturning the election by claiming that seven states actually had competing slates of electors which, while not even remotely true, would have given Mike Pence the excuse to throw out those states and thus hand the election to Trump. But of course, the plan required election officials in those states to go along.  Trump thought the ones who were Republican would,  most did not, and that's what he's been working on fixing ever since.

Some Presidents spend their post-presidency building homes for the poor or raising money for charity or painting their toes. Trump has spent his figuring out how to pull off the coup he couldn't pull off last time. Here's the easiest three predictions in the world:

  • Trump will run in 2024,
  • He will get the Republican nomination, and
  • Whatever happens on election night, the next day he will announce that he won.
I've been saying that ever since he lost,  he's like a shark. That's not gone- just gone out to sea.  But actually, he's quietly eating people  this whole time.

And by "eating people," I mean he's been methodically purging the Republican Party of anyone who voted for his impeachment or doesn't agree that he's the rightful leader of the Seven Kingdoms.  Yes, we're going to need a bigger boat.

There was grand total of ten Republican congressmen who voted to impeach Trump and by 2024 even those will all be gone. 

One of them was Liz Cheney"  arch-Conservative,  daughter of Darth Vader, and yet now politically dead in Wyoming,

Another of the ten was Anthony Gonzalez.  He's already bowed out for running for re election, because he can see opposing Trump means  you have no chance.

The other eight will either, like him not run or they'll get primaried by a Trumper or the'll have a sudden epiphany about how come to think of it, Trump did win that election.

The purge is also at work in Republican legislatures, as several states are already in the process of changing election laws so that they, (not non-partisan election officials), are in charge of certifying the results. 

Two weeks after the 2020 election, Trump famously called the Republican in charge of elections in Georgia, Secretary of State Brad Rathsenberger and told him he just needed to "find" an additional eleven thousand Trump votes. Rathsenberger refused but he's not going to be there next time.

Of the fifteen Republicans running for Secretary of State in the key battleground states only two concede that Biden won that election.  These are the people Trump is going to call in 2024 when he's a few votes short and these people are going to give it to him.

So here's what's going to happen,

  • 2022- the Midterms.
    • Republicans win big because the out-of-power party always does in a country where the electorate can't think past throw the bums out.
    • So the Republicans take back the House ,where disputed elections are decided, and the speaker is  Kevin McCarthy, a man with all the backbone of one of  those inflatable tube men outside a car dealership. 
    • Republicans will also have more key governors.
      • Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan all had Democratic governors who protected the vote in 2020 but they're all up for re-election in 2022.
        • At least two will lose.
  • 2023- Trump announces his candidacy and starts having large rallies across the country which become increasingly angry and threatening as Trump indulges his love for inciting violence.
    • I know the Hitler analogy is over the top in many ways.   
      • I don't think Trump hates Jews- there are too many rich ones.
      • I don't think committing genocide is in his future, but 
      • The mentality of how to take over a country is exactly the same; play on this feeling of 'we have been cheated, robbed, betrayed and now we're gonna take it back.'
        • 2/3rds of Republicans believe the election was stolen.
        • 21 million believe force is justified to restore Trump to office.
        • A majority want to secede( whatever the hell that would entail), and yet-
  • 2024 comes and Democrats treat it as a normal election year.
    • They are living in a dream world where their choice of candidate matters, their policies matter,  the number of votes they get matters.
      • None of it does.
    • I won't even predict who the Democratic nominee will because itdoesn't matter. It could be Biden, it could be Harris ,it could be Amy Klobuchar, it could be Timothee Chalamet, as long as they have a "D" by their name, they will be portrayed as the leader of the Army of Satan.
      • Even if they win, Trump won't accept it.
    • But this time his claims of illegal voting by immigrants or mail-in ballots coming in after the deadline, or the system was hacked by Venezuela or whatever Giuliani comes up with on the fly, they will be fully embraced by the stooges he's installing right now.
  • December 16, 2024.  This is the day electors gather to vote for President.
    • Arizona and Wisconsin both send a slate of bogus Trump electors, setting up a showdown  on January 6th and daring Kamala Harris to do what Trumpers wanted Mike Pence to do:  throw out election results.
    • The difference being this time, those results really are phony and this time it's not just 600 diabetic FOX NEWS  junkies and a nut in a Viking helmut: Ten million Trump voters have signed a pledge to come to Washington  Of course,  Nine and a half million flake- but half a million still show up and they're heavily armed and incensed when Harris does what Mike Pence wouldn't.
      • Demonstrations grow in the streets, the kind of Antifa vs Proud Boy violence we've seen in Portland erupts across the country.
      • People are afraid to go out anywhere where their political tribe is not  in the majority.
        • Which hurts commerce
        • The stock market is  spooked by the unrest and tumbles as Inauguration Day approaches.
        • President Biden is under extraordinary pressure to do something to stop the coup before his authority over the Military and the Justice Department evaporates at noon on January 20th.
    • What happens when two Presidential candidates both show up on Inauguration Day both expecting to be sworn in like a bad sitcom pilot?

The ding-dongs who sacked the Capital last year?   That was like when al Qaeda tried to take down the World Trade Center, the first time, with the van- it was a joke.

....but the next time they came back with planes.

I hope I scared the shit out of you.

Ramshutu's avatar
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If the Trump supporters on this site were bank fraudsters - you could write all your bank details in that post and not lose a penny.
BigPimpDaddy's avatar
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BigPimpDaddy's avatar
Where is your evidence that trump is planning this?
FLRW's avatar
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I think Trump will be in hospice in two years. It will have something to do with him trying to write Melania and Barron out of his will.
cristo71's avatar
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Maher also predicted “We need to have a recession in order to get rid of Trump.” Turned out to be true, but he isn’t exactly boasting it from the rooftops, nor am I wondering why not. I sincerely hope this prediction is remembered in 2024 no matter what happens.

I’ll make my own prediction:  the DNC will do everything it can to make sure mail in voting becomes a continued— even permanent fixture in the election process…
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
If the Trump supporters on this site were bank fraudsters - you could write all your bank details in that post and not lose a penny.
In fact, most of my posts to this site contain some crypto-anagram of my Bank of America routing number.
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
Where is your evidence that trump is planning this?
Bill Maher presented two pieces of evidence:

  • that Republicans are purging Republicans who tell the truth about the 2020 Election
  • Several states are already in the process of changing election laws so that they, (not non-partisan election officials), are in charge of certifying the results. 
    • State Rep. Shawnna Bolick, a Republican representing Phoenix, introduced House Bill 2720 in January to allow a majority vote of the Legislature to "revoke the secretary of state’s issuance or certification of a presidential elector’s certificate of the election." The bill didn’t require that the Legislature hold any hearings, be in session, or cite a reason. 
    • Pennsylvania introduced a bill that Republican leadership quashed
    • Wisconsin Republicans tried to sue for the power to overturn the voters' 2020 decision but that attempt was quickly quelled by a Fed. Judge's ruling as " a fundamental and obvious misreading of the Constitution."
    • Georgia, Arkansas, and Kansas have all passed new legislation that deliberately fuzzies up the question of who gets final say but none of these outright claim that legislatures can toss out the vote in favor of GOP legislatures or Secs of State.

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
I think Trump will be in hospice in two years. It will have something to do with him trying to write Melania and Barron out of his will.
Omarosa was saying the same thing this week but he did a rally as recently as last Saturday.  Is there some actual news on this front?

Right now, Trump is sucking huge amounts of GOP 2022 cash into his own accounts and I certainly hope he stays healthy enough to see the inside of a jail so I'm still praying for his good health.

oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
Maher also predicted “We need to have a recession in order to get rid of Trump.” Turned out to be true, but he isn’t exactly boasting it from the rooftops, nor am I wondering why not. I sincerely hope this prediction is remembered in 2024 no matter what happens.
Maher also confidently asserted that Trump was a real threat in 2016 when most Republicans were blowing him off.  Which is not to project that Maher has some particular insight - I think he tends just to be more cynical than Democrats generally.  I just heard three different people mention Maher's prediction this week, so I thought it might make an interesting point towards the question of "why are we still discussing Trump?"

I’ll make my own prediction:  the DNC will do everything it can to make sure mail in voting becomes a continued— even permanent fixture in the election process…
Here in Colorado we've done universal mail-in ballots since 2013 with great improvements in off-year election turnouts.  I have my 2021 ballot sitting in front of me right now.  Love the transparency.  Love the convenience.
949havoc's avatar
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949havoc's avatar
hope I scared the shit out of you. 
Had to read that grade school essay from Maher just to come to that infantile conclusion? Maher is senile; declined to fourth grade. Scared? Laughing my ass off.
Hillaryous Balloon Girl spins better stories than that.
Double_R's avatar
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Double_R's avatar
I’ll make my own prediction:  the DNC will do everything it can to make sure mail in voting becomes a continued— even permanent fixture in the election process…
It’s not a prediction, it’s happening right now and for good reason. Turns out when we make it easier to vote more people become engaged in the political process, which of course the right wing hates so they have to make up voter fraud claims to propagandize against it.
oromagi's avatar
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oromagi's avatar
hope I scared the shit out of you. 
Had to read that grade school essay from Maher just to come to that infantile conclusion? Maher is senile; declined to fourth grade. Scared? Laughing my ass off.
Hillaryous Balloon Girl spins better stories than that.
No refutations there.
949havoc's avatar
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949havoc's avatar
Fair enough, my friend.