One last note on Luna. He hinted in DP2 that his role gave him some indication that Bron’s didn’t make sense. Whoever survives, press him on that.
Bakugan Battle Brawlers Mafia DP3
I disagree.
Vote Count:
Evil (4/4) - Poly, Wylted, Luna, Whiteflame
Evilgenius was lynched. He was…GUILTY.
Send night actions ASAP
I'd like to end this DP, but I'd also like your claim before that happens. Currently, you're the only holdout.
I am not claiming this phase, particularly when we already have a guilty result on someone. I have softed my claim, tbh its probably not the hardest to figure out but in the chance mafia haven't figured it out I am not claiming it. Tomorrow maybe.
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