Hillary Clinton convicted and hung at Gitmo last April?

Author: 949havoc


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949havoc's avatar
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949havoc's avatar
One of the reasons I highly distrust anything on YouTube - I do use it to listen to music, but I don't use it as a news source - is this story presented by some whacko media outlet. You look for it if you're interested. I'm not going to cite it. It doesn't deserve the notoriety. Just use the topic string as a search string - you'll find it.

My issue is not so much how absurd the original story is; even though I oppose Hillary every way from Sunday. Such nonsense is just that. Give the poor woman a break. She's a loser. Fine. Many are, many aren't.

My issue is how Politifact, for example, responded. No, I'm not going to cite that one, either. You find it. Google is a known entity, isn't it, but is it reliable??

Politifact reached the same conclusion I did: highly improbable. However, it was their justification that has exemplified the dying dinosaur journalism is. According to Politifact, Hillary has been active on Twitter since April. I looked. "She" is. 

Is a tweet from someone really evidence of their existence? Really? God help us, we believe cyberspace more than concrete reality. It isn't journalism, alone, that is in its death throes. The human capacity of rational thought is an endangered species.
Barney's avatar
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Barney's avatar
Well stated.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Hillary Clinton was and is one of the single best secretaries of state ever. Not one single relationship with another nation or security situation was mishandled under Obama. Not even Syria, I'm tired of hearing it. Syria was run by a psychopath that would and will never negotiate with the US.

Almost eery publicly known move she made as Sec of St was optimal. She lost an election to the worst spoilt prat in the history of all US presidents in terms overt attitude and beliefs, let alone decision making skills.

She 'lost' a battle to secure Dems a very long victory for many terms to come. I thank her for everything she did, secretive or not. She was clever and effective.

I have looked up her calls (the ones due to her not over her head calls or some other CIA type thing she had no oversight on), to me she was on point.

The only mishap was ironically Snowden and that even had a net benefit for the world and US citizens at least in terms of awareness.

The email spoken of implies she had a strategy to win candidacy, big deal. It gets confused with a different email she had that container something sensitive which perhaps was sent on a wrong client. I don't know the details but her conscious calls, not slight messup, were things I could agree with. 

Is she involved with the Illuminati/Cabal? You think Trump isn't? That clique is a necessity, not an option. Hillary stands for the right things, even if somehow you can twist it and say she's pretending to.
drlebronski's avatar
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drlebronski's avatar
Hilary even won popular vote by 2.6 million in 2016

though i dislike her
Evilgenius's avatar
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Evilgenius's avatar
Hillary is no loser lol .. that woman won the popular vote by almost 3 million and looking back at her career, she remains one of the most accomplished women in America. It’s a fact that in politics you create a lot of enemies so,I understand the whole machine which is there to drag her name in the mud all the time 
949havoc's avatar
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949havoc's avatar
Thanks. Much appreciated.
949havoc's avatar
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949havoc's avatar
You've entirely missed the point of the post. It's not ab0out Hillary; the story6 could have been ab out anyone.

The point was how Politifact handled it, and how poorly they substantiated their assessment that the story is likely not true - by claiming she is still active tweeting. I could be Hillary tweeting, my friend, since who tweets on someone's account ain't necessarily who they say they are. Identity,  as you have noted yourself, online is nebulous, so let's not be hornswoggle that Hillary's proof of life is a tweet. That's the irony of today's so-called journalism - the subject of my post.

However, continue your praise of Hillary by all means. Someone has to continue flying her flag for her. 
Ramshutu's avatar
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Ramshutu's avatar
Over the last lord knows how long, I have been friends with a relatively large number of Now Trump supporting friends and acquaintances; and before that I’ve been on politicial discussion boards in and off for 20 years.

From 2000-2008 the right wing platform was basically “democrats will tax you and not keep you safe”, 2008-2014 it was “democrats will take your guns, and they’re trying to impose socialism”, 2015 - 2018  it was “democrats are corrupt radicals” 2018-2020 it was “democrats are trying to destroy the country”

In that time, started by fox, and accelerated by Trump - there has been a consistent approach by specific factions in the right to turn the key voting base against sources of information that provide contradictory narratives as the rhetoric became more and more extreme.

News is all fake (unless it says something you like), fact checkers are all shills (unless they fact check As true), any politician who disagree is part of the swamp (until they aren’t), and any member of the government that speeds out is deep state.

The right is being trained to reject - without thought - that which disagrees them.

The left do it to a point too; confirmation bias is a problem for everyone - but not to that extent. (Take lab leak - when new information came about, the left mostly came around. On the right if that had happened the change on news would have been rejected)

In that time; you have these advent calendar YouTube videos and posts and memes.

The last 6 years has been non-stop keep the faith memes about how all the things that the conspiracists haCe said will happen that made you want to vote for them are just about to happen; you just have to wait.

Like mollifying a child about when Christmas is going to arrive, only they keep changing adding doors.

No one really believes the conspiracies, or videos like this; same way no one really believes that there was election fraud - they just need to be told that salvation is right around the corner. Sometime. Soon. Just watch. Sometime. Next week.

So the people sharing and posting this, have already been innoculated against contradictory sources of information; to the point, where if Hilary was singing at the half time in the superbowl, if it was on every channel, and people’s phones - they would find *some* way of justifying why it wasn’t actually Hilary. I mean Hilary body double was a thing after all...

I find the fact checkers actually do a great job; specifically  snopes and pilot fact because they show their working, and linking all the reasons and information for you to check yourself.

But the fact check is for people like us, not the people who watch the videos; given how fucking stupid the claim is - pointing out that Hillary has a weekly podcast, and has entered into a book contract is more than sufficient really in the absence of any evidence affirming the claim.