The racial make up of the U.S is roughly;
15% German.
12% African American
11% Mexican
11% Irish
8% English
7% American
5.5% Italian
3% Polish
3% French
2% Scottish
2% Native American
1.5% Puerto Rican
1.5% Norwegian
1.2% Swedish
1.2% Chinese
1% Asian Indian
1% Russian
1% Filipino
1% Scotch-Irish
1% West Indian.
And then there's another 10% of odds and sods.
All data from 2021world (Some percentages rounded up or down for ease of calculation)
So who should stay where Doc?
It looks like only about 2% have any real heritage.
And then some might say that relative to proximity Mexicans are more entitled than the Irish.
Depends upon how one chooses to cherry pick history and appropriate stereotypes I suppose.
Just saying Doc....The U.S. is already very much a mongrel nation.....So a bit of Afghan DNA ain't going to make a whole lot of difference.
Other than in your head perhaps.
And just out of interest....How does one differentiate between Irish, Scottish and Scotch-Irish.