Welcome to the world of Pokémon. Time for DP2
Day Phase One Lynch - drlebronski
Drlebronski - Professor Oak: You help Ash along his journey learn Pokémon and give well needed advice. Therefore you are the ENABLER for Ash. If you die then Ash will also lose his role. You win with the Town.
Night Kill - Lunatic
Lunatic - Officer Jenny: You help solve crime in every city of the Pokémon world but not completely useful since Ash and his friends usually save the day. Therefore you are 3X COP. You can investigate a person any night and discover their affiliation. You win with the Town.
1. ILikePie
2. whiteflame
3. Wylted
4. Evilgenius
5. Discipulus_Didicit
6. SupaDudz
7. Earth
8. Oromagi
With 8 players it takes 5 votes to Lynch
DP ends in 72 Hours