Yep, studies telling you that you are wrong, must be wrong. Thank you for proving my point. Again
If you're going to dodge the questions Hosea, it's smarter to not respond.
...we already agree that the studies were bogus.
And why were those studies bogus genius? Could it be that because they ALL confirmed the tobacco industry's position?
Or, you could just pay attention and make a honest attempt to understand what the person you are conversing with is saying.
I quoted what you said Pedro.
You can quote my words all day long, that doesn’t mean you are actually responding to them.
So you say I should "make an honest attempt to understand what the person you are conversing with is saying." So I point out that quoting a person is an excellent way of showing you are making a honest attempt to understand what the person is saying.
You come back with the non-sequitur that I'm not "responding" to your words. So is it "understanding" or "responses" you want? Everytime I point out some illogic in your posts, you ooze to yet another claim.
First you claim I'm not trying to understand what you're saying, when I show you that I am, you ooze to a different claim of me not responding. You argue dishonestly, but I will beat anyway.
We’re not talking about human nature.
Sure we are. Politics is human nature.
There is no such thing as “right” when we’re talking about human nature...
There is such a thing as "right" when we're talking about studies.
This conversation began by you talking about studies that confirm leftists positions and how they can’t always be right.
Your "they" above correctly refers to the studies, not the human nature. Dishonesty is a piss-poor logical tool.
...and your example was tobacco studies, which has nothing to do with human nature
But smoking does.
Sounds like someone is trying to wiggle out of the fact that they are just wrong and won’t admit it.
Sounds like you.
Those studies are flawed because they are guided by politics, not science.
It is your leftism that causes you to believe this silliness.
This is just plain stupid and really makes me wonder why I bother with you.
You bother enough to lie.
Tobacco studies were not guided by politics, they were guided by capitalism.
It can be both. But at least we agree on 2 things here.
1. It was NOT science, and
2. They were wrong because they all confirmed a single position all the time.
Tobaccocompanies funded the studies to convince people their products were safe so they would buy them. How do you not know this?
The exact same motivation underlies every bogus "study" currently confirming every liberal talking point.
What the hell is “leftism”?
The insanely stupid idea that reality is determined by how a person feels.
So a man can become a woman if he feels he's a woman.
A baby can be morally murdered if the mother feels she doesn't want it.
A person can ignore the immigration laws of a country if he feels like moving.
White people are the evil privileged if you feel they are.
Homosexuality is moral because homosexuals feel it is.
You’ve made your belief in this position evident the entire thread.