Sarah''s contradiction with Trump's rhetoric would be ironic to say the least.
If anything kind of poetic. Release fake news on a purveyor of fake news and watch them melt down over it and miss the point. Acosta's acting like he didn't commandeer the mic to argue with, not really ask questions of, POTUS for minutes.
This is in a room full of reporters waiting to ask questions of their own. Then, and not for the first time in his time in the press corp, standing back up and continuing to yell questions over other reporters. Truth is Acosta has gotten alot more slack than he should have over time.
And the press corp has largely gotten to the point where it's less asking questions overall, more just making statements at him to see his reaction. 65 "questions" and only a handful were regarding the speech he just gave.
It was alot of questions like, "some have said your recent statements labeling yourself as a nationalist, is really white nationalism, what do you have to say about that?"
His response was so simple.
"What a racist question. That's really just a racist question. Why do i have my highest polling right now with African Americans? You have nationalists, people who love their country. I love this country, love it's people. You have globalists, I love the world, i want to help the world. But we have to straighten things out here first, that's whats most important, taking care of here first."
It's like the simplest shit, but encapsulates how absurd the media, and the WH press corp as well, has gotten. "Some people say" no beesh, you say it. At least have the backbone to stand behind what you think instead of hiding behind "some people say".