this has interested me but seeing as the universe is infinite wouldn't dumping our junk into space help stop climate change?
could trash from earth be dumped into space?
Overcoming the energy debt we owe gravity makes this plan inefficient... also there is already too much human trash orbiting the earth. It threatens our telecommunications infrastructure and could prove to be disastrous
ahh i see
Well, I believe he's referring to throwing it into outer space and not just the atmosphere. If it were to orbit our planet along with all the satellites, then it'd be an incredibly poor idea.
Nonetheless, yeah. It'd be energy inefficient as hell, but it's an option if tech progresses and we have no other choice.
In my opinion, the biggest reason to never do this is that the 'waste' even if it isn't directly recyclable yet (some plastics and synthetics aren't directly recyclable yet but will be in the future), it will always probably useful for something. Carbon monoxide (one of the harmful things that car fumes emit) is actually quite useful in metal ore purification and other things like that (which then has different pollutants as a result that themselves could be used for other things).
Simple putting it into outerspace is literally wasting the 'waste' in a true sense.
Recycling is an illusion perpetuated by crude oil companies that make plastics so that they may blame the consumer for their wasteful and environmentally irresponsible products.
Riiight okay, so you do understand that eventually the entire 'waste' would mean that huge portions of our resources were out there in space right?
You're absolutely correct and I think you raise an important point, RMM. Take India, for example, which uses plastic to make roads. It sure as hell lasts longer than normal roads, haha.
Merlin does bring up an equally important point, though. Even if we can and should recycle everything that we can, we can't recycle anything in a world where oil giants use recycling to deflect the blame when they'll do what's cheaper anyways no matter what: make new plastic.
9 days later
Animals ergo humans are genetically closer to fungi than plants and fungus has many applications from creating non-petreolum diesel fuel to every day items all humans need and use daily.
Bucky Fuller in his 1979 book " Critical Path " suggests sending radio-active waste back to its source, the sun.
Alternatively, we have a new wave of thorium salt breeder reactor enthuasists --includes former whole Earth afficianadoes--- that, want larger and smaller { backyard } reactors that can burn all or much of existing radio-active wastes on Earth. Sounds like a great idea, right/YES?
Sure humanity can go totally nuclear and where will that lead us in long or short run? I'm not convinced with a planet that still has so many alternatives.
A better plan is for humanity to unite and actually have united/global plan. Duhh! Ex reducing over-population for the operational systems we currently have in place and avoiding the potential disaster associated with nuclear fuel cycple operations, that seemingly see no end to the amount of people on earth and how much energy each can have for the personal use.
Does going more nuclear solve issue of the over-abudance of hydrogen bombs already in existence? Ive seen utube of man studying this issue for 30 years and he states, that, if even if just Pakistan and India, were to set off all of there stockpiles of nukes, that aone would create enought dust to block out sun for two years and would lead to end of humanities existence on Earth.
There is an old saying ' get real '. ...
" get real
...To realize or accept the truth; to be realistic or practical. Often used as an imperative. I hope the government gets real about the homelessness problem and starts taking it seriously. We need to get real about this project and stop coming up with silly pipedreams. Oh, get real—there's no way you got the job over the CEO's son, no matter how qualified you are."....
Yes. All it takes are rockets. The question is if it is desirable or will it do anything to the economy. Current information suggests that it is not a net positive for the society, or we are not ready yet.
So, when is the GND going to stop using petroleum to lubricate electric engines for cars?
What makes you think there's no junk out there, now?
"could trash from earth be dumped into space?" Sure it could be done, but the going rate to put stuff into space is about $10,000 a pound.