Again, you're the one who decided to drop all my points. You're the one who shut it down by refusing to respond to all my points here: [link to post 89]
Nonsense. Up until post 74 our entire conversation was about policy, you suddenly shifted the conversation to politics so in post 75 I explained to you that politics and policy are not the same thing and tried to steer the conversation back to what we had been talking about all along.
You keep linking to post 89 as if it shows that you did respond to my points. You didn’t, you talked about nothing but politics. Show me one sentence from post 89 that addresses anything from a policy standpoint. I’ll wait.
What you acted as if you were addressing was my point about standards, but you clearly don’t understand what standards are or why they matter. Telling me they’re unrealistic as if that is a criticism demonstrates that.
Once again, standards are not supposed to be realistic. That’s not the point.
So here, for the third time is the point I made which you have been running away from ever since:
So why does this matter? Because we are supposedly having a discussion over whether race realism *should* play a role in government policy. We cannot have that conversation if you cannot coherently explain what you think the parameters of government *should* be in the first place.
Show me where in any of our previous conversations you addressed this. Show me where you explained what you think government is and how it’s supposed to work. If you can’t do that, then explain how on earth we have a conversation about what policies the government should enact if we don’t first discuss what government is supposed to be in the first place.
Or, you can also argue that government should be nothing more than a vessel for ambitious individuals to ascend to power. I suppose that’s another position you can take that squares with everything you have said.