Check out the game Mafia City (phone-only, geared towards Android)

Author: RationalMadman


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Unlike the ads, Mafia City isn't a 3d game where you make tough decisions, it's at first a run of the mill pay-to-win clan war game.

If you ever were too inactive or lazy, just tap 'redo city' because you'll never catch up in that particular server, they almost always start you off fairly though but if you're unlucky enough to start bang in the middle of a period where a server isn't 'overfull' and there aren't enough to justify opening another you'll be a straggler so if you notice you're waaaay waaaay behind anyone, just ride it out and get a feel for the game then start a new server when the option comes (if you just start anew there and then, you're probably ending up in an even worse city where you're even more behind the curve).

The reason I recommend this game is that unlike the other clan war games I've played, this has legitimate, fully viable ways for an 'addicted' free-to-play gamer to catch up with and snowball a freely bought VIP upgrade as well as then using the privileges like a second building queue to their advantage enough to genuinely out-compete or equally compete with the average pay to win player. You will never truly be top of a server if you aren't a pay to win hardcore type but you can genuinely maintain a high rank in a server for a long, long time (servers don't last forever but they last many months making the grind worth it, I think it's like up to 8 idk).

I have played one or two other clan war games and they not only throw you in the deep end but their 'flexibility' is actually very deceptive. Mafia City's simplicity is in fact its strength (there's only one direct means by which to pillage others and you can't hijack the pillaging army during, you can only defensively defend your own clanmember or alternatively sacrifice them and attack the attacker preemptively but that's usually the worse option as you first want to make their attack itself fail and their forces significantly deplete). You have constant daily missions guiding you on what to do and when. You don't need to follow it to play 'correctly' if you're pay to win or hardcore grinding but it helps to abide by the quests that come daily because the rewards are absolutely generous and add up to equal having paid a full 5 dollars for upgrades over just 3 days of properly abiding by it vs that. 

I have never ever come across a clan war game where if you are dedicated and observant enough you can genuinely be on equal footing with hardcore pay-to-win scrubs. When I say pay to win, I respect that they fund the game's production, of course, but when someone literally pays 100 US dollars' worth to stampede past 2-2.5 weeks of hard work in-game, in a server that's fresh and where their lead then lets them snowball their clan hard there comes to be a level of 'hmph'. 

Interestingly, though, the game's design is very clever, there's become a culture of 'don't unnecessarily pick on the noob clans' among the higher clans and it's enforced within the clans by either kicking the member full out or letting the member be attacked by the other clan first and then warning them (but the latter won't usually work if they messed with a noob clan).

It's a very fair culture in the game, I don't feel the same as in other clan war games at all, the culture seems to be that the big dogs pick on each other and any little league clan is kind of ignored and left to compete on their own level in the outskirts of the map as they please. This is largely due also to the fact that the game doesn't 'kill' newer players' armies as much it just wounds them and also it pays out only 50% what you'd naturally earn from a player if it feels their level is too low compared to yours.

There's many nerfs and structures in the game that make it a very healthy balance between an individual adventure and social gaming.

No, I wasn't paid to write this, I just truly feel this game is on another level in terms of clan war games.

RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
There is one way that free-to-players play dirty though if they've paid or have a good emulator for Android on PC, they have multiple instances of the game across 4 accounts (one is their main) and abusively farm crates, cash and ammunition (the latter isn't as easy to do though as you have to get to mansion level 9 to make it worth the grind and that involves crates and cash to build for the farm accounts)

Farming is seriously lame and wastes more of your life anyway than the game already is, so unless you badly badly want to dominate a server, don't bother.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
the ads are funny though
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
Do you play it then?
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
no i do not play it, i just remember the ads
RationalMadman's avatar
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If you do, BlueStacks is the best emulator of Android on PC that I can find, brilliant for grinding the game while not wasting phone battery.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
yeah i know about bluestacks, its real good and theres lots of games like mafia city
RationalMadman's avatar
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Sure but I genuinely believe this is above and beyond the competition in terms of what it lets the player themselves do to compensate for not spending on massive-cost bundles.

You can, by spending only $1 the first time and later on $5 on a well-timed purchase completely and utterly be on equal footing with many tryhards who spent less efficiently used time on the game and spent $100s

This even includes cosmetic aspects of the game.

If you're totally free to play you'll never truly be on equal footing with the absolute tryhards of the server because a purchase or two is needed for the bursts that let you snowball hard (in my opinion, unless you really really 24/7 the game) but if you tryhard some days and pay to compensate the rest you're totally able to dominate a server with literally having spent $0.99 (or, if deep into it and wanting to really dominate spending 4.99 on top).

There is absolutely no other clan game that's built around pay-for-package mechanics that lets you do this so cheaply and easily.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
Sure but I genuinely believe this is above and beyond the competition in terms of what it lets the player themselves do to compensate for not spending on massive-cost bundles.

You can, by spending only $1 the first time and later on $5 on a well-timed purchase completely and utterly be on equal footing with many tryhards who spent less efficiently used time on the game and spent $100s

This even includes cosmetic aspects of the game.

If you're totally free to play you'll never truly be on equal footing with the absolute tryhards of the server because a purchase or two is needed for the bursts that let you snowball hard (in my opinion, unless you really really 24/7 the game) but if you tryhard some days and pay to compensate the rest you're totally able to dominate a server with literally having spent $0.99 (or, if deep into it and wanting to really dominate spending 4.99 on top).

There is absolutely no other clan game that's built around pay-for-package mechanics that lets you do this so cheaply and easily.

apart from clash of clans, yeah your right and im sure its a good game- and you are also right in saying that no other clan game allows you to do it cheaply and easily. the vast majority of mobile games revolve around simple concepts, clickbait ads, and sub-par ptp gameplay
RationalMadman's avatar
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you do kind of have to pay something to get proper enjoyment and progress out of the game but I literally would say it's as much as I said.

If you learn to farm, you don't need the typical 3+main (four) accounts (one farms cargo, another cash and the third ammunition) because instead of making an ammunition farm, you have your main focus on ammunition on the side in a hybrid formation where you're less brilliant at producing soldiers but brilliant at doing the side tasks for bonuses and your farms start off one focusing on cargo and the other on cash and then BOTH become hybrids.

The cash farm can much easier snowball what it is due to how equipment and early bonuses work. The cargo farm will naturally hybridise itself no matter what but that's exactly why I personally have found there to be no benefit in then creation an ammo farm because both of them will be able to balance out whatever your main account isn't specialising in (most likely metal) while your main can cope by investing some stuff into resources at the sake of early aggression. 

If you spend enough time and effort, you can abuse how snowbally the 'daily task' and 'crime op' tree are (think of it like this, you either start off fundamentally aggro, resource focused or task focused, if your main starts off somewhat resource focused, you don't even need farms for a while, then you suddenly need the farms towards level 15 mansion, so start producing them around level 13 mansion on main, because of how your main has to suddenly stop specialising in resource development as much and start focusing on hyper-doing ops for snowbally bonuses. The 'energy regening' thing is so overpowered when combined with other things that because down that branch of stats, training shortage lies you end up able to both create a big as fuck army, have the farms and your own raw basic stats to cover it and the ability to constantly convert time and effort spent on the game into profit due to specialising in the side tasks.

This is so utterly important because most people who use farms and even tryhards who pay 100s are going aggro first not even to fight itself but to simply prepare just in case their clan ever got attacked. The reason this is suboptimal is that servers are generally tame earlier on into their progressionand whicever city/server you are in has truces (truce is a thing you buy and activate) for emergencies as well as teleports in order to handle a severe scenario where your entire mansion is on the line (it never can go to 0 but you do end up in the outskirts of the map which has the worst resource gathering fruition vs time gathered etc).

Basically, what I just said is that it's very rare that you have to worry about actually being powerful enough early on. You can focuse on being farmy with extreme ease. You do have to put in some dollars to properly be totally secure and capable for an early oomph you maintain throughout but funnily enough literally over 90% of the packs are geared to compensating for over-aggro investors who need resources, this is so amusing to me as I can see that they're making themselves need more IRL money spent on the game by far.

I literally am telling you that you can dominate a server as a top tier player if you invest daily time and effort to the game, you need to be very intelligent and cunning about how you evolve your account (start off resource heavy then suddenly use the one free 'pull all points and reset' that comes for your leader points (not investment points, they compliment each other but are different) and go entirely down the support, not the battle, tree. 

Sorry for this rant that nobody cares about, I think I have cracked something in the game though. What I have realised is how to use all the current dominant strategies andmimic what they do well while ignoring what they do wrong. You don't ever invest even a single point into aggression early on, though there's indeed justification to. You just focus on resources and become your own self sufficient cowardly farm. Use a little social suave, join a mediocre (not bad, mediocre there's a huge difference) clan, be active as you can be, help them whenever they ask, eventually bring both farm accounts along and start he readjusting to support-tree.

Never undo the support tree readjustment. Instead, see your soldiers/crew as disposable and pick on the medium-tier players while avoiding the other strong ones. I tested it out and this si honestly optimal. It takes months of dedication to pull off though. I may become a really big player in the game (not gonna use my username here though, but yeah I really love this game.
Dr.Franklin's avatar
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Dr.Franklin's avatar
hmmm, i might get the game, alot of what you are saying is very interesting
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
it is the most interesting mobile game ever in my opinion, potentially.

In terms of clan war games, it is the best I have ever come across, hugely good balancing. If you are free to play and get shat on, they have enough safety precautions in place that you don't start from pure scratch ever.
RationalMadman's avatar
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RationalMadman's avatar
I was wrong btw, to truly get on the 'dominant side of the spectrum' consistently it does take around 15 dollars' worth eventually but precisely that amount nothing more. You are competing with people paying hundreds, or at least $60, there are crucial moments to pay and if you will pay precisely that amount on very wise investments (depends on your playstyle) you will dominate but yeah you can't spend less and thrive, I tried to work out the exact thing/amount.