But when these people are the faces pushing the vaccination campaign...well, you can think that instructively distrusting repeated bold face liars is foolish or childish but I don't see it that way at all
Can you just provide one example of a medical health expert turned media darling engaging in repeated bold faced lying?
I have every right to point out the extreme levels of psychopathy and sadism among American elites without being accused of being a psychopath or a sadist myself.
I mean no disrespect, but the literal point of this thread is to discuss why folks on the political right view sadism as the most reasonable explanation for supporting measures that the medical industry almost unanimously agrees would save lives. Nine pages in and I still have not found one viable argument.
Your point earlier was essentially that politicians crave power, which I agree with but that's a non-sequiter here. Being driven by a desire to hold onto political office does not translate into a perceived personal benefit in making people do things they don't want to do.
The truth is that we all project far more than we realize. It is human nature to fill the gaps in our understanding of others by running it through our own filters. It is in fact the only filter we have. So when others are able to make sense of of why someone would do something without actual evidence that the person in question holds these inclinations, projection is often the most reasonable explanation. I'm asking you for another.
I literally explained my reasoning, about how the continual loss of liberty is a threat to my person greater than that of the virus, right before the portion you quoted, and you cut it out. You aren't having an honest conversation here
If I'm being perfectly honest, I don't take the personal liberty argument seriously. First off all, it's an incredibly perverse idea of liberty, as in the liberty to endanger the health and safety of others. That's not the kind of liberty I think the Constitution was talking about.
Second, it's meaningless. It carries no intellectual value, which is why it's been used for nearly every disgusting position under the sun. Remember all those who died fighting to *keep* slavery? No, they we're fighting for "states rights". Remember those who were *for* segregation? No, they were for the "freedom" of businesses to decide.
Third, it's pure paranoia. The entire argument is one big slippery slope. If we allow "them" to take our freedoms now then "they'll" keep doing it. Who's "them" and "they"? The shadowy government people of course. Nevermind that we're in the middle of a pandemic, never mind the loss of 600k Americans, nevermind the threat of a new variant that can bypass the vaccines... This couldn't possibly be about protecting society, no this is a personal attack on me.
Forth, it's amazingly hypocritical. Let's set aside that this all comes from the same side of society that doesn't believe woman have a right to their own body or that gay people should be allowed to marry...
If you fear losing your personal liberties then the best way to ensure it's protected is to fight for the preservation of our democracy. In just the past week we've learned even more about how the former president tried to fraudulently use the Justice department to push states to overthrow the results of the election, caring absolutely nothing about who the people actually voted for. Do you have any criticisms on that which I missed? You talk about erosion of our protections, where does the justice department fit into that since we can now for the first time in our history say that we had a president who believed it could be explicitly used as an arm of his reelection campaign?
Personal liberty advocates seem awfully selective on what they are willing to place under the personal liberty banner.