I think it would be fun if the nutter predictions were ones made on this website. It's been up for long enough that there should be plenty to work with.
I should clarify my thoughts and how presented, since there is
1} predicitons made by nuttesr and non-nuters ---and all degreees in between-- that may become true or not, and,
2} nutter predictons made by nutters if not sometimes non-nutters ---and all degrees in beetween.
Hope that adds more definitive clarity tho the whole concept of thread topic of nutter predictions. How any topic is worded is of significance of what we would be actually trying to establish. Sorry, if Im still not clear, as, now that you have put me to task/or whatever, it makes realize all of the above. So thank you for doing that.
Clarity of communication is a difficult thing to do, for most individuals with a topic, and any of the posts in a thread via the written word, that most of us type out quickly and probably with not much forethought ---of be definitively clear--- each time we post.