I understand the need for taxes. I just don’t want an INCOME tax, a PROPERTY tax, and I don’t want taxes going to programs that subsidize the unproductive adults.
This has been empirically proven to be false. I live in the UK, and we have essentially the same unemployment rate as America. Denmark, Germany, etc. all have very similar unemployment rates compared to America, and these are nations which "subsidize" unproductive adults. Even if it were true, I think it would be worth the sacrifice just for the children of single parents who made bad decisions. What if you were a child of these single parents and couldn't go to the dentist? It's just not fair and it's not their fault. You want an actual hell scare of massive economic disparity and massive differences in average sociological outcomes based on upbringing. Key word: AVERAGE
America is meant to be a place of freedom and equality, yet this is evidently not true through sociological statistical analysis. It's evident the average outcome of how people's lives will be is very predictable based on their fuckin zip code. This is not the place of the free. There is no equal opportunity in America. This is empirically and undeniably the case.
Once more, it has been proven to be false over and over again that a welfare system makes a significant difference to a nations productivity.
This is why people shouldn’t have sex until they can afford a kid. I don’t even think people should date unless the goal is marraige with such a person. I know I don’t date and if a hot girl asked me out, I’d turn her down. I don’t think it should be banned because that’s too authoritarian. But I don’t think it’s smart to date and have sex until one is married and fiscally able to have a kid.
I agree that we should not have children while we are still young. Yet what conservatives fail to realise is that a thing called "sociology" exists. Through statistical analysis, we can be certain of differences in average outcomes based on upbringing and economic policy. You may escape the cycle. Yet others may not be as smart or wise as you, and these people would be in your situation if born in a better place.
They just need a bit more of a push. Once more, we can do both systemic changes and personal responsibility at the same time. You essentially throw single mothers under the bus over one bad decision. You make them faceless. You throw their children under the bus too, for something that is not their fault, simply because you want an extra pair of shoes. The greatness of a society is shown by how it treats its weakest members. A good society helps out their brothers and sisters and doesn't leave them to drown through a lack of empathy and entitlement. We should treat others as we would want to be treated if we were them.
Even if you don't want to help single mothers because the mistake was theirs. Through doing that, you also punish a child whose fault it isn't theirs. When you're willing to pay thousands to kill people on death row or spend billions on space shit. I don't see why this is "too much for me" to make sure a kid gets a free school meal.
It doesn’t get forced on others. If you want to be lazy, that’s your right. Just don’t force a company or anybody else to pay for your laziness.
It does, though. If you get your way with the economic policies you want to implement, people who want a humble, simple life are forced into the capitalistic rat race simply to survive. As you said, only 1% of Americans work a minimum wage job. This is 7% where I live, and this is because our minimum wage is generally more livable. This allows less competitive, peaceful people to have a humble life. What's wrong with that?
The living wage necessary in America is usually around $14 an hour. This is double your minimum wage. In the UK, where I live, the necessary wage to have a living wage is £9.75 for those who live in London, the most expensive part of the UK. Our minimum wage for those over 21 only falls short of this by 30 pence. You can live on a minimum wage here, but not in America.
Are you aware this sentence is a contradiction? You can’t be great if your a shithole.
It is not a contradiction if we think of it in terms of relativity. I recognise America is great compared to other nations, just like I realise my shit is a shit, but some of my shits are nicer than others.
Why should America make the switch to public transport?
You're forced in America to have a car. If you don't have a car, you're fucked. Cars are very expensive too. I can just get the tram for free where I live.
I don’t do that. My Chipotle job sucks, but I do it for the money. I’m willing to work harder than most Europeans and this makes Americans grittier.
We just realized we could achieve the same results as you with less effort. It's about smart work, not hard work.
You are lazy if you don’t want to work.
Everyone wants to work if it's a job they enjoy. When it's a job they don't enjoy, it's nothing to do with laziness but passion. I personally am not attached to money; I find it vain. If I don't enjoy money, there's no reason for me to break my back. It has nothing to do with willpower and everything to do with values.
Democracy is forcing me to adopt a homeless person? That is unconstitutional. Goes against the fourth amendment I think.
People could change the constitution if there was a big enough push for it.
A pure democracy is 2 wolves and a sheep voting on who’s for lunch. A Republic is a well armed sheep contesting the vote. Republics are better than democracies.
America is literally a plutocracy. Your politicians get their pockets filled by rich men to do their bidding. I cannot believe lobbying is even legal. I don't know why you think democracies are so bad. If we account for minimum wage workers, your wages should be around the same as most of northern and western Europe. Even then, places like Denmark still earn more than America with all the privileges I spouted.
People who move to America from Europe (i suspect i cant prove it) move to America for its people and cultural dominance not its economic superiority over Europe ( statistically it barely exists if at all). Just like you would probably agree, Japan isn't better than America, but many young Americans have been so in contact with Japanese culture through anime that they view it as a better place to live, not for the economy but for the people and culture.