The British empire: Genocides tens of millions of Africans to expand their empire. Based off the British ethnicity. Authoritarian.
The French empire: Genocides tens of millions of Africans to expand their empire. Based off the French ethnicity. Authoritarian.
The Spanish empire: Genocides tens of millions of Native Americans to expand their empire. Based off the Spanish ethnicity. Authoritarian.
The Portuguese empire: Genocides tens of millions of Native Americans to expand their empire. Based off the Portuguese ethnicity. Authoritarian.
The Belgian Empire: Genocides 15 million Congolese for rubber. Based off Belgian ethnicity. Authoritarian.
The Chinese empire: Kills millions to expand their empire and to implement communism. Based on authoritarian communism.
The American empire: Genocides less people to build a democracy. Based on enlightenment values. Based on the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You are in charge of your own destiny. The epitome of capitalism and freedom. Attracts more immigrants than any other country(More Than 750 Million Worldwide Would Migrate If They Could ( Motto: E Plurbus Unum. Out of many one. Out of many ethnicities, one nationality. Out of many states, one nation. Invents the 1st amendment and writes a 2nd amendment to protect it. Implements the 8th amendment and many others. Is the only superpower country to have a constitution that expands victimless rights and restricts government instead of restricting rights and expanding government. A country that initially had not lived up to it's promise of freedom but gradually (and working on it) implementing more victimless freedoms. Not perfect, but getting closer to perfection every day on average. Double the per capita income of countries in the EU. Only superpower to have an actual libetarian party (the UK's yellow party is on the left(What do the Liberal Democrats believe? ( Creates peace in other countries, like the ones in NATO and the Korean peninsula.
This is why people want to move to America instead of ethnostates like Britain, France, or Germany.