Source for this? Even during biblical times, men had wives and columbines. There is not a single bible verse condemning premarital sex that I'm aware of(and I've checked). It's good to do, but unless the Bible mandates it, people weren't going to do it back in the day when abortion was even less stigmatized than it is now (since it was more common per 1000 people).
The sexual revolution of the 60s brought contraception that made people more willing to have sex. Sex outside of marriage has always been a thing and Bible hasn’t condemned it to the best of my knowledge. I would prefer it if people waited until marriage, but that will not happen.
I have only one and it is the only one that will matter in 10 years. The national debt. If this isn't addressed in some way all the other issues wont matter because aint no one gonna give a fuck about all the whining.
I meant the link. History of abortion - Wikipedia states that abortion has been common throughout history. This doesn't justify the practice, but in order for someone to get an abortion, they had to have had recreational sex (with few exceptions).
Common throughout history in general. Abortion rights historically were just a given because of the frequency of them. Birth control is the only reason why pro lifers exist; because without it, abortion rates were so high anyone wanting to ban them would have a hard time getting elected.
nope, abortion rates are not lower because of contraception.
Different periods have the same characteristics of us. Before the collapse the babylon, greek visitors commented on the sexual immorality present there, in the pacific, the most successful people- the Fijians were found to be have the strictest sexual laws.