Well, my opinion per my statement, is that Trump's words can be rephrased in a manner more polite, appreciable by voters.
I feel doubt myself of his ability then or now, to establish any meaningful change.
I'm doubtful of Trump's sincerity to anyone but himself.
Though it's 'possible, he's more capable than I rate him, 'possible he's more selfless than I think.
The values and manners that Republicans 'ought exhibit, act, achieve is there.
Both in themselves and the population,
But the Republican's haven't been savvy about it in a way I appreciate.
Not that I agree with all their platform.
Certainly I haven't voted for Trump last two elections.
American politics has been annoying since I've been aware of it.
Bill Clinton, I was too young to have an opinion.
George W. Bush, we got into that blasted war, and that blasted Patriot Act, TSA.
Barack Obama, that attempt at mandatory health care, drone strikes may have been a damned if you do damned if don't, 'was an excellent speaker who seemed to try to reach across the aisle.
Trump. . . . Trump. . . If found a disaster, I didn't particularly 'agree with the border wall, though I 'did and 'do agree our borders need be secure. The wall seemed a heavy handed divisive way of promoting it. Both 'in America and out. Border wall 'could have been constructed in a non-divisive, But Trump and the Democrats were both 'all about that division.
The separation policy, ICE, holding centers, were all mishandled. But the issue in my eyes 'Isn't that we don't 'need them. But that we need to secure our borders and law in a humane fashion.
I would have taken much more kindly to Democrats the last terms, if they hadn't been constantly accusing Trump of being a Russian mole,
Disputing the election constantly,
Digging up more dirt, when enough was already there.
Nearly claiming we don't need a border, Bah look at Biden's border failure.
Going with those in favor of defunding the police, only to be backpedaling about it now.
Jumping on the Capital Hill Riot, like it was 911, but 'only cared about law and order when it reached 'their property, 'not when disorder was effecting the common Americans during BLM and such.
Though mind you, I think people have a right to protest, I just think the authorities 'AND the protests could have done better by each other.
Sorry for the rant.