Just wanted you to know. I have come to accept that debating and this community simehow may be a part of me until I die. Even when I quit, the debater in me remains. I know most of you don't like me but that's not really a factor in me liking this website. I love myself, I don't need you to like me, I just need a place to be myself without too much of a filter and this really is that. It's actually therapeutic and fun if you use this website correctly or any kindnof debating forum really (but there's very few that have as widespread a range of topics and high effort posts as this other than perhaps certain Reddit threads but that lacks the community vibe this has).
I posted this as a joke to a Supadudz April fool's quitting thread hut it has a lot of truth about me and DART (well and the website before it, at least until I really did quit it for good):
If you're worried it's a rickroll or troll vid, ask yourself if I'd do that. That's why I wouldn't do it here, you'd expect it.
Don't like the mods but Ragnar's sometimes funny. MisterChris idk he's sometimes cool, though he's just a voting mod.