The Democrats goal is not big government. Democrats believe government is how we come together to solve our problems, and in many cases it’s the only institution that has that ability. If say everyone stops spending on the heels of an economic collapse, government is the only institution with the means and motivation to spend so we can mitigate the damage. When this is your view of government, naturally your policies will amount to a big government. But that is the effect, not the point.
So, democrats are willing to have big government in order to as you put it "mitigate the damage". What is your definition of damage? If your definition of damage is lost of life, then wouldn't the democrats be pro life as well?
Immigration is a complex issue, but most democrats don’t want less restrictions, we want humane ones.
Pretty much all the humane restrictions are already in existence. Democrats tend to want less restrictions on immigration.
Owning a firearm puts the safety of everyone around you subject to your ability to carry it responsibly
So your saying the democrats are pro safety? If so, then with few exceptions, being pro choice and pro safety are contradictions. Pro choice means you have the freedom to do something. Being pro safety means that you don't want people to be allowed to do something because it's too dangerous. One could argue that abortions puts the unborn in danger, so if the democrats are pro safety, they would be against abortion. (Assuming people were 100% consistent), being pro life would by synonymous with being pro safety, and being pro choice would be synonymous with being pro freedom. Instead, we have the right being pro life/pro safety on abortion, and pro freedom/pro choice on guns, and we see the left being pro choice/pro freedom on abortions and pro safety/pro life on guns. Can't people either be consistent or justify their inconsistency?
But beyond that, cancel culture is about holding people accountable for the pain that they’ve caused others. I personally think it’s gone way to far, but there is no inconsistency here.
I'm glad you think cancel culture has gone way too far. However, cancel culture has caused more pain that it has reduces overall. It has destroyed careers and made people sacrifice their pride to go on welfare (pretty painful) in the name of trying to reduce the pain that others have felt for a few seconds when they were offended. If your an anti pain democrat, you ought to be against cancel culture because it produces more pain than it eliminates.