1. You have failed to address the questionYour question has no argumentative bearing in the debate; Your question: "So you agree that harm has objective effects on people?" My stance has always been that we shouldn't have to care about mental harm effects as it is a slippery slope and there is no legal way to punish mental harm or quantify it in a way to judge it.
I've given you a measure to quantify the effects of mental health, just as you can't exactly quantify how much pain someone undergoes when they break that arm, does that mean you shouldn't have to care about it because you don't have a precise way to "measure it" its the same thing both ways bud.
2. You are conflating empirical data with "subjective views" you have failed to answer the question - the text you are responding to shows the empirical physical effects of psychological trauma - stop running away, please.Data about psychological trauma isn't an argument demonstrating how it should be quantified legally. Stop running away please.
Parroting isn't an argument, its childish (I can do it cause I'm a child, x'D), the data shows that there is empirical ways to quantify the harm that mental trauma does - so - yes- yes it does demonstrate how it can be quantified legally - just as assaulting people on average- physically damages people, the same thing applies - yet there is the same lack of precise measurement, only the results -it is literally the same thing for physical damage as it is for mental
3. You have failed to address the question, instead, you have repeated yourself - substantiate what relevance it has to the conversation at handPeople having the freedom to not participate in something that triggers them is extremely relevant. Why does this point scare you so much that you keep avoiding it
I have addressed it so many times - by the time they have the 'freedom" to not participate, they would have already been triggered. Its quite simple.
4. You have failed to address the question5. You have failed to address the questionYour getting really lazy here. It's dis-appointing.
You had failed to address the question, at least you finally do now -hey that's progress bud.
"So you agree that harm has objective effects on people?"I can only conclude that you, therefore, concede the point. You agree that MENTAL HARM is as bad if not worse than PHYSICAL HARMIt literally doesn't matter if you can't quantify how mental harm should be treated legally. Even if you substantiate that the truama you feel from being called a cunt is so tremendous and torturous that you'd rather die than live through the pain; You can't demosntrate a reasonable way legal ethics should punish and seek justice for such crimes, because mental harm is subjective and varying among the recipients of it.
Why can't I apply the same thing to getting punched in assault? It's based on the same result-based measurement - why is it that you can reasonably justify the punishment for one and not the other - because of your lack of responsibility for your words, and your ignorance regarding mental health - that's why. (It was a rhetorical question btw)
1. This is a false comparison, the harm I am talking about is not "hurt feelings"In regards to wylted, you've consistently used examples of hurt feelings as a basis for saying mental trauma is significantly worse than physical trauma.
"Hurt feelings" does not equate to having someone tell a rape victim that their rape was justified, that is JUSTIFYING RAPE and fundamentally mentally scarring - not just "hurt feelings" the thing I disagree with is your triviality of such a thing, which I have already shown objective LEGAL consequences of, and the affects it has on the victim, you are running away.
2. How are any of these things be resolved by "tougher skin" or "counseling" which is not always, if not most of the time, not effective - furthermore exasperating the problem, does not HELP - it further HARMS the individual - furthermore - you cannot "choose" to have these symptoms - you are not thinking through what you agreed to.Why don't you tell me how it's possible to choose not to be offended. Remember when you said earlier you choose not to engage with Wylted because he is so offensive to you? How did you do it? You don't think others can do as you do and let the water roll off the skin? Why not?
"Choosing to not engage" and choosing to not have a feeling whenever you see text are two different things bud - you don't understand that - Wylted is offensive to me yes, but not to the degree that he is to other people - you are literally rehashing a point I already pointed out -this argument is not about me being offended Lunatic, and you fail to comprehend that. Unlike you - I do give a shit about other people -apparently unlike you if there were no laws I wouldn't start killing peole.
4. We are talking about removing Wylted and his posts, which are already posted, people can and will continue to see them - there is choice in that matter bud.EXACTLY, there is choice in the matter. Choice not to click on something and view something that you know will offend you. Glad your finally giving in on that one lol.
And you decide to ignore me - there is a choice in the matter - IN DELETING WYLTED'S POSTS - even if they "Choose" to click on it out of curiosity that does not excuse Wylted fo his harmful speech - you are ignoring principle and only caring about results, but you fail to see that HUMANs can misrread and click on the thing thinking it said something else - i actually thought it said "Molestion isn't good" when I first saw it, and such a thing is common among people whenever they see shit like that - they did not choose to subject themselves to what they thought they were.