I personally have nothing against contraception although I don't think it is God intended best because He gave the mandate to go out and multiply. A family is a blessing. What I have an objection to is funding Planned Parenthood, for they are the biggest killer of the unborn in the USA (last numbers I heard was about 300,000 per year through that organization). Anyone who condones funding Planned Parenthood is complicit in their evil killing practices (that pretty well tells you what I think of PP, so yes I think they should be defunded or that part of their operation should be shut down, except when the life of the mother is threatened with a tubal pregnancy or breast cancer because the radiation would kill the unborn in many cases, especially at an early stage, to my knowledge).Whether you believe abortion is right, or wrong or you are neutral on the subject I think we can agree that unwanted pregnancy is the underlying issue and the numbers show that incidents of unwanted pregnancy go sharply down when people have access the reproductive health care and education about reproductive health. That being the case I would think that you agree that the best thing would be to have well funded and easily accessible family planning centers and yet I find that much of the vocal opponents of abortion also tend to be for the refunding and or shutting down of family planning centers. Is that the case with you? Do you feel that family planning centers like planned parenthood should be refunded and or shut down?
I think unwanted pregnancy is a BIG, big issue in why women have abortions but the main issue is what the unborn is. If it is a human being I don't see how you can justify abortion unless it will end the life of the mother. On the other side of the womb, where do you see people lawfully and justifiably killing innocent human beings because they have the choice to and because they don't want them? Which brings into the equation the intrinsic value of human beings. Do you believe human beings have intrinsic worth? If you don't there is no reason to declassify and devalue other groups of humans because you don't want them (a slippery slope).