You seem to be under this mad delusion that Democracy and Authoritarianism are mutually exclusive.
they are. the definition of Authoritarianism is: "the enforcement or advocacy of strict obedience to authority at the expense of personal freedom."
if the majority of people voted for it, then it isn't restricting personal freedom. Because people want that. Whatever the policy is is the personal choice of the people.
People elected Authoritarianism in Venezuela through Democracy easily. So can America.
no. as long as the election is fair and the majority support it, it isn't authoritarianism. It is the will of the people.
For Christ's sake man why do you think there is even an authoritarian metric on the 2-axis political spectrum?
because authoritarianism is not a "left" or "right" wing metric.
You cannot seriously believe you cannot elect an authoritative government through Democracy.
of course you can. But if the policies the government are pursuing is what the people want, then it isn't authoritarianism. If the people vote for a government who then does something other than what the people want, then that would be. But things like universal health care are quite popular. But to you, you would see it as authoritarianism even though it is the will of the people.
At least I cannot believe you are that stupid as you seem to have the capability of stringing along mostly coherent sentences.
coming from someone who has no idea what the terms authoritarianism or Marxism mean but insists on throwing the terms around like he does, your comment on my intelligence means literally nothing.